Are you searching for the most complete and updated information about JLPT exam in Vietnam? Is it really difficult to find reliable information about JLPT in Vietnam? Don’t worry, we are here to help you reveal all the important information about JLPT exam in Vietnam.
Moreover, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the rules for administering the JLPT exam may change. In fact, some countries have canceled the JLPT exam altogether. Will the JLPT still be administered in Vietnam in 2023? Or will it only be held in certain cities? We have found the information for you.
Apart from that, we have also included several important things related to the implementation of the JLPT exam, such as how to register, JLPT exam fees, and even how to properly prepare for the JLPT exam in Vietnam to get a high and even perfect score.
We are here to help you understand this highly prestigious Japanese language proficiency test. Alright, let’s start this discussion!
1. About JLPT

Do you know how many times the JLPT exam is given each year? It turns out that before 2009, the JLPT exam was held only once, only in December. Then, from 2009 until now, the JLPT exam has generally been held 2 times in Japan and various cities abroad: in July and December.[1] Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the JLPT exam was held only once and was even canceled in some cities in 2019.
Moreover, JLPT in Japanese is 日本語能力試験 (Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken) which means, Japanese Language Proficiency Test. This exam is designed to measure and validate the Japanese language proficiency of foreigners.[2] History records that the JLPT exam was first administered in 1984.[1] At the beginning of the year it was held, the JLPT exam was held in 15 cities with about 7,000 participants.[3]
At present, the JLPT exam can be said to be the most popular and largest Japanese language proficiency test. Since its introduction at the beginning of the year, the number of JLPT test takers has continued to rise. In 2011, the number of participants increased significantly to approximately 610,000 people spread across 62 cities.[3]
By 2017, the number of JLPT test takers had surpassed 1 million.[4] This number continued to increase until the Covid-19 pandemic hit (late 2019), reaching 1.36 million participants.[4] The JLPT is indeed the most prestigious exam and the certificate is the most sought after by foreigners because this exam is recognized by various institutions in Japan and abroad. This exam is also said to have specific criteria that are indeed very fair and most accurate in representing the candidate’s Japanese language proficiency.
The Levels of JLPT
Specifically, the JLPT exam has 5 levels: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5.[5] N5 is the easiest level, while N1 is the most difficult. Broadly speaking, levels N4 and N5 measure the candidate’s understanding of basic Japanese, especially the Japanese used in the classroom.
Meanwhile, levels N2 and N1 are levels that measure the level of understanding of Japanese used in various conditions in real everyday life. Later, the N3 level became more intermediate between the two groups.
Next, the following are the language skills tested in this exam:
- Vocabulary and grammar comprehension
- Reading comprehension
- Listening ability
In addition, the above five levels have specific standards or criteria. The higher the level, the wider the range of Japanese usage that can be achieved. For example, someone who passes the JLPT at level N1 is considered to be able to understand Japanese used in a variety of situations, which is the widest range compared to other levels. On the other hand, the N5 level measures a person’s Japanese language ability only at the level of limited classroom use.
Furthermore, to learn more about the specific language skills at each level, please visit the following link:
The Advantages of Taking JLPT for Foreigners
The advantages of taking the JLPT exam and successfully getting a JLPT certificate are very diverse. However, most of these certificates are needed by these two groups: the students and workers who are looking for great jobs in the academic world and the professional world. The followings are as follows:
- The key to getting a Japanese scholarship is that many scholarship providers. Either foundations or companies from Japan. Here, providing JLPT certificate requirements at least with level N2 is a must.
- Entrance to Japanese universities. Although all international programs opened by universities in Japan use English as the medium of instruction. Japanese language proficiency will be plus for enrollment in Japanese universities. The required JLPT certificate levels are usually N1 and N2.
- To attain a job and get a job promotion. Many Japanese companies will give promotions for more strategic positions on the condition that they must be able to speak Japanese. This happens a lot in Japanese companies abroad.
- Getting preferential treatment in immigration. Those who hold JLPT N1 and N1 certificates will get points from Japanese immigration with the category of skilled human resources to get ease in the process of arrival to Japan.
- Requirements as professional equalization. For some professions such as doctors and nurses to be able to work in Japan, they must have Japanese language skills as evidenced by the JLPT certificate, usually at the JLPT N1 certificate level.
In addition, of course, having this certificate will provide many advantages and conveniences in living in Japan. You won’t get lost on the road, you can read various news in local newspapers, interact with Japanese people directly, rent or negotiate with real estate parties smoothly to choose cheap places to live for example, and also various benefits.
2. About JLPT in Vietnam

The JLPT exam was held in 4 cities in Vietnam: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, and Hue. Each city has a local institution that administers the JLPT exam on behalf of the Japan Foundation.
In 2023, the JLPT exam will be held 2 times: July and December for all cities in Vietnam. It is very special. Because compared to other countries, the JLPT exam has been held 2 times, because in other countries it was only held 2 times and even canceled completely.
Then, if you want to take the JLPT exam in Vietnam, the first thing you have to do is to decide in which city you will take the JLPT exam. Because, you shouldn’t choose the wrong local institution that organizes the JLPT exam. Every rule that applies is also different in each of these places.
Then, also please note that if you have any questions or would like to find out the latest information about the JLPT, you can visit the websites of each of these local institutions. In the next section, we will share a list of institutions that administer the JLPT exam in 4 cities in Vietnam. Please take note if you need it!
List of Host Institutions of JLPT in Vietnam
Below is information on the local institutions that administer the JLPT exam in 4 cities in Vietnam. All of them administer the JLPT exam on behalf of the Japan Foundation and have specific policies that may differ from each other regarding the handling of Covid-19.
City | Details of Institution |
1. Hanoi 1 – for N1 and N2 | Hanoi University |
2. Hanoi 2 – for N3, N4 and N5 | Vietnam National University, Hanoi |
3. Ho Chi Minh | Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Science and Humanities Center for Foreign Language |
4. Da Nang | University of Da Nang The College of Foreign Language |
5. Hue | Hue University University of Foreign Languages |
Based on the information above, you should note that specifically in the city of Hanoi, the JLPT exam is held in 2 different locations. We hope you don’t take the wrong place for the exam!
3. General Info about JLPT in Vietnam

The standard for administering the JLPT in Vietnam is actually the same as the standard for administering the JLPT in other countries. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, each local institution organizing the JLPT has specific standards to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
According to Japan Foundation Hanoi, they are preparing to conduct the JLPT exam for the upcoming July 2, 2023 exam. It all depends on the Covid-19 situation to prioritize the health and safety of the examinees and also all the committees involved.
For the latest updates, you should contact each local institution organizing the JLPT exam in each of the cities we have listed above. For reference, please also read the information about the JLPT exam published by the Japan Foundation Hanoi below:
Test Guide and Fee
If you need a test guide for the JLPT exam, you can contact the local institution that administers the JLPT exam and also visit the Japan Foundation Hanoi website. The Test Guide is usually released immediately after the announcement of the JLPT exam.
Furthermore, please be sure to carefully read the test guide released by the Japan Foundation or local institutions before registering for the JLPT exam in Vietnam. In addition, below is the cost of the JLPT exam in Vietnam that you need to prepare for:
JLPT Level | Test Fee |
1. JLPT N1 | 620,000 VND |
2. JLPT N2 | 620,000 VND |
3. JLPT N3 | 620,000 VND |
4. JLPT N4 | 620,000 VND |
5. JLPT N5 | 620,000 VND |
Then, for the costs and payment methods, you can contact the local institution that organizes the JLPT exam, which we have published in the previous section.
However, please also continue to follow the latest updates regarding the administration of the JLPT exam on the website of the university or local institution hosting the JLPT exam, as the test date and administration of the JLPT exam that has been set now may change as everything still depends on the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
4. How to Register for the JLPT in Vietnam?

For information on how to register for the JLPT exam in Vietnam, please refer to the information published by the Japan Foundation Hanoi and the local institutions that administer the JLPT exam in each city. When registering at your local institution, you can use the following points as a reference:
- You must be aware of the deadline for purchasing and submitting JLPT exam registration materials. Each institution has a different deadline. Please check the website of your local institution.
- You must pay attention to the available test levels. For example, in Hanoi, the N1-N2 and N3-N5 levels are offered by different institutions.
- There is a limited number of quotas for JLPT test takers. Therefore, you need to take your time and prepare to apply in advance.
- You need to prepare 1 copy of your identity and 2 photos of 3×4 size (must be taken with a maximum of 6 months) to be attached during the application.
- Also prepare 2 envelopes with your own addresses that will be used by the committee to send notifications regarding the JLPT exam.
- Each institution has determined where to purchase and obtain JLPT application materials. Please refer to the guidelines provided by your local institution.
In addition, you must complete the application form clearly and completely and submit it by the specified deadline. In particular, you must write your name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number correctly, as the committee will use them to notify you about the JLPT exam.
In addition, please refer to your local institution’s payment policy regarding payment for the JLPT exam. If you have any questions regarding the administration of the JLPT exam, please contact your local institution for more information.
5. How to Prepare for the JLPT in Vietnam?

How are your current JLPT preparations going? Are they complete? Or are you still confused about how to strengthen your preparation? Don’t worry, we are here to give you some important tips to strengthen your current JLPT exam preparation.
Some of these tips may work for one person but not for another. Therefore, please pick and choose the tips that you think will benefit you.
First, to properly prepare for the JLPT exam, you need to do it with a professional. JLPT test preparation guidance together with experienced teachers will be very effective. You can also practice dedication and discipline because you have a partner who can evaluate how far you have come in preparing for the JLPT.
Second, you need to do a lot of practice questions to really get used to the rhythm of the JLPT exam. The more questions you can beat, the better your understanding of the pattern of questions and the pattern of answers you want to see on the JLPT exam.
Third, consistency is key. You don’t have to study the JLPT exam all day, but you can do it by consistently choosing a specific time and duration each day. This is more effective for you to absorb different information than doing it only 1 full day but inconsistently.
Anything else? Please feel free to share your own tips for success on the JLPT!
This is the last part of the discussion about the JLPT exam in Vietnam. We really hope that you can get enlightenment and a useful guide to conquer the JLPT by reading this treat from us.
And also, we are very, very proud to be a part of your journey to conquer the JLPT exam. Please share your experiences in preparing for and taking the JLPT exam in the comments section below. Don’t forget to stay tuned for more information on learning Japanese, the JLPT, and all things Japanese right here. See you in the next article! Thanks!
1 “Introduction“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
2 “Objectives“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
3 “Message from Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
4 “Statistics“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
5 “N1-N5: Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 10 April 2023.