Are you currently facing difficulties in finding how to take JLPT in Edmonton, Canada? Do you feel that the information related to the JLPT test in Edmonton is scarce and not updated? Indeed, due to the uneven distribution of information related to this JLPT test, it is very difficult to find relevant and complete information nowadays. Therefore, we are here to help you uncover how to take the JLPT exam in Edmonton, Canada.
In this article, we have compiled useful and highly relevant information for you to take the JLPT in Edmonton, Canada. What you need to prepare, how to register, preparation fees, a description of the JLPT test center in Edmonton, Canada as well as any other important information you should know regarding the JLPT test in Edmonton, Canada.
With this discussion, we hope that your JLPT exam preparation will be perfect and strong. So that you can take the exam with peace of mind. All processes before and after taking the JLPT can be followed properly. And of course, you can pass the JLPT exam with flying colors! All right, let’s start our discussion about JLPT Edmonton now!
1. About JLPT

JLPT or Japanese Language Proficiency Test (in the original Japanese – 日本語能力試験), which stands for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, is an official Japanese language proficiency test. This test is organized by the Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services to evaluate and certify the Japanese language skills of foreigners who are not native speakers.
Further, in 2010, an additional level was added to the test so that it now consists of five levels, N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5. N1 is the most difficult or the highest level and N5 is the easiest or lowest level.
Moreover, the JLPT tests are divided into 3 test sections. They are vocabulary tests, grammar tests (+) reading tests, and listening tests. In 2018, data recorded from 75 countries around the world reached 1.1 million participants who took this JLPT test.
The JLPT test is a must for those seeking scholarships, to continue their education, find a job, as well as getting a promotion in a Japanese company. This JLPT test can be taken by anyone without knowing the age limit.
It should be noted that the JLPT test is not held throughout the year. It is only 2 times a year. You need to prepare as well as possible. You also can take the JLPT test in the nearest city that you can reach, as not all cities in a country hold this JLPT test. If you are planning to take the JLPT Test in Edmonton, then please read our explanation below for further information regarding the test sites of JLPT in Edmonton.
Advantages of Taking the JLPT test
JLPT certificates are very useful for those of you who aspire to live in Japan. Especially, for students who want to continue studying at one of the TOP Japanese universities with Japanese language programs and get a scholarship. The majority of scholarship providers provide minimum requirements usually a JLPT N2 certificate, as well as job seekers in Japan.
Furthermore, many companies have made the mandatory requirement of a JLPT certificate a mandatory component in applying for a job. in addition, the JLPT certificate also has advantages if you can have this certificate such as the following:
- Receiving additional points in the “Point-based Preferential Immigration Treatment System for Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals”. The system is enforced by the Immigration Agency of Japan.
Under this system, foreigners who pass N1 are awarded 15 points and N2 is awarded 10 points. If the foreigner manages to accumulate 70 points, he or she can receive preferential immigration treatment. - To find a job in a certain field. For example, this JLPT certificate is one of the requirements for taking the medical examination in Japan. The level required is N1.
- As an accreditation exam to finish high school in Japan.
- This JLPT certificate is also one of the requirements to apply for a visa with the status of a specified skilled worker.
Are there any points I forgot to mention? In fact, this certificate can be your strength to share your useful knowledge in understanding Japanese culture. You can read newspapers, story books, various Japanese literature, and other readings that can help you grow.
2. Test Sites, Fee & How to Register the JLPT 2023 in Edmonton?

In the city of Edmonton, the JLPT is organized by the Prince Takamado Japan Center at the University of Alberta. Everything related to the JLPT can be found on the JLPT information website published by the University of Alberta.
In 2023, regarding the registration of the JLPT test, you can do it online only. The registration will be opened at 10:00 am MDT on Monday 3, April 2023, and will close at 4:00 pm MDT on Friday 14 April 2023.
Please note that the JLPT online registration system link will be removed at the end of the registration period. You will not be able to register after this date.
The registration fee of CAD $70 can only be paid online by credit card after you have completed the online application.
Once your payment has been received and confirmed, you will receive a confirmation of registration by email. Please double-check that your details are correct and you will also receive your test voucher by email by 28 April. If you have not received the test voucher before the date, please contact the institutions.
Rules of COVID-19 Preventions
The JLPT will be held at the University of Alberta (North Campus), Building (TBA). After you register, it’s also very important to know and understand the Covid-19 protocol, as follows:
1. There will be no refund if you do not attend the test for any reason.
2. You are not allowed to come to the testing center if you have symptoms of covid-19 or are currently exposed to covid-19 and are self-isolating.
3. The use of a mask is mandatory wherever you are at the venue.
As many candidates forget and end up not being able to take the JLPT on the day of the exam, it is very important to make sure you bring the voucher along with your photo ID and detailed personal information. Then, as a final check, if you have not received your voucher by 28 April 2023, you can contact the test organizer to confirm your registration.
The Contact Details of JLPT at the University of Alberta
Please contact the address below if you have any technical queries before and after the JLPT test is carried out. Please be courteous and give some time, so that the organizer is better prepared to respond to your wishes.
Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research
201 TELUS Centre, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R1
3. Study Materials for JLPT Available in Edmonton

Contrary to the many local institutions organizing JLPT tests in other parts of the country, in the city of Edmonton there are various materials that will accompany and support the JLPT test preparation in 2023, which you can access free of charge. They are as follows:
- The Prince Takamado Japan Centre (PTJC) has books and many study materials. Students can borrow by visiting the PTJC.
- Public libraries, sample JLPT tests from previous years, and study guides are available at the University of Alberta Rutherford Library, 5th floor.
Furthermore, the ultimate suggestion is that you can check the top Japanese language schools that are available in the city of Edmonton.
Since self-study should be avoided, If you are still constrained by self-study in preparing for the JLPT 2023 test by joining a Japanese language school in Edmonton by taking a special program on special preparation for the JLPT test at the school, learning with the assistance of professional native teachers is the best solution for JLPT candidates.
4. Brief Reminder During the JLPT Test

Here are some reminders that we would like to share with you about the things you need to avoid while taking the JLPT test. The following actions are strictly prohibited from conducting the JLPT test, so you must be careful not to invalidate your test. Your action or attempted action will be considered misconduct as follows:
1. Please make sure you turn off your mobile phone, if it sounds or you appear to see it, you will be considered cheating.
2. The use of dictionaries, Japanese language guides, and electronic devices is strictly forbidden. Please do not use them during the test.
3. Revealing your answers to other candidates is an offense.
4. If you talk or look at each other during the test, this can be fatal.
5. If you deliberately disobey any test protocols and will fail the test.
6. Then, If you forcefully record other candidates’ answers, deliberately or by taking photographs from a distance.
7. If you disrupt other candidates during the JLPT test in any way – this is a serious offense
As well as when you disseminate test content and JLPT test answers via the Internet after the exam, you will be disqualified. The organizer has the right to invalidate your exam and stop your exam during the exam time, hence please make sure that you take the JLPT exam honestly based on your abilities.
5. JLPT Exam Result

Since many people usually miss this point, we are discussing this as a special note for you so that you don’t miss out on important information regarding the JLPT exam results.
This is surely the most eagerly awaited moment for JLPT candidates, this is the moment that determines whether candidates pass or fail. JLPT candidates will receive their results in a timely manner. We will talk
Generally, the July JLPT exam results will be sent out in early September and the December JLPT exam results will be sent out in early February.
Your certificate will be physically sent to you by the JLPT test host in each city around the world, or the JLPT certificate can be picked up directly from the local JLPT organizing committee. Then, both scores and certificates must be picked up in person, as the organizer cannot issue them by email or telephone.
You can also access your score and pass information by checking the online account you have created at the following website link:
From the various points of explanation that we’ve described above, we hope that you can draw up the map of the tactical steps in preparing for all the bad possibilities that will occur both before, during, and after the JLPT test.
We really hope that this discussion can be a strong and useful resource for you in preparing for the JLPT exam at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Please share your tips and tricks as well as your JLPT exam experience below. We are excited and proud to be a part of your JLPT journey and your understanding of the Japanese language. Don’t forget to keep updating all the information we share here. Good luck and we wish you get a perfect score on the JLPT exam!