The Most Complete List of JLPT N1 Vocabulary (Part 2)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N1 Vocabulary (Part 2) - EDOPEN Japan

Whether you are looking for a job or scholarship in Japan, JLPT N1 is one of the powerful prove that you are worthy for countless golden opportunity in Japan.

JLPT N1 is the highest level, the toughest and the most sought after by foreigners who want to stay, live and have a long career in Japan.

Various companies and institutions will easily accept you and even pay you a higher salary just because you have a JLPT certificate, especially JLPT N1.

This is the list of most complete JLPT N1 vocabulary that you surely need to pass JLPT N1. To make it easier, we have divided this JLPT N1 Vocabulary List into 3 parts. This is the second part of JLPT N1 Vocabulary series. Please click the link below to go to the other parts.

Read also:
The Most Complete List of JLPT N1 Vocabulary (Part 3)
10 Most Famous & Powerful Textbooks to Pass JLPT N1

The explanation of the abbreviations in the type column that we use represent the following descriptions:

Abbreviation Note
“n” for noun, “adj” for adjective, “adv” for adverb, “trans” for transitive verb, “intrans” for intransitive verb, “pro” for pronoun and “suf” for suffix

We also write the JLPT N2 vocabulary words in the list below in hiragana order from あ(a) to ん(n) as

Then, in this article, to help you master the JLPT N1 Vocabulary, here I am introducing you to the 1000 JLPT N1 Vocabulary list. Alright, let’s just get started!

さ ~ そ

さ (266-295)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
266. 作戦 (~さい)military operationn
267. 再 (さい)re-; again; repeatedprefix
268. 差異 (さい)differencen
269. 再会 (さいかい)meeting again; reunionn
270. 災害 (さいがい)disastern
271. 細菌 (さいきん)bacteriumn
272. 細工 (さいく)workmanship; craftsmanshipn; trans
273. 採掘 (さいくつ)miningn; trans
274. 採決 (さいけつ)vote; divisionn; trans
275. 再建 (さいけん)reconstructionn; trans
276. 再現 (さいげん)reappearancen
277. 採算 (さいさん)profitn
278. 採集 (さいしゅう)collecting; gathering​n; trans
279. 再生 (さいせい)restoration to life; regenerationn
280. 最善 (さいぜん)the very best; utmostn
281. 採択 (さいたく)adoptionn; trans
282. 再発 (さいはつ)recurrence​; reissuen; verb
283. 栽培 (さいばい)cultivationn; trans
284. 細胞 (さいぼう)cell (biology)n
285. 採用 (さいよう)acceptance; employmentn; trans
286. 遮る (さえぎる)to interrupt; to obstructtrans
287. 囀る (さえずる)to chirpintrans
288. 冴える (さえる)to be clearintrans
289. 栄える (さかえる)to prosper; to flourishintrans
290. 逆立ち (さかだち)handstand; headstandn; verb
291. 錯誤 (さくご)mistake; errorn
292. 作物 (さかる)literary workn
293. 差額 (さがく)balance; differencen
294. 詐欺 (さぎ)fraud; swindlen
295. 削減 (さくげん)cut; reductionn; trans

し (296-320)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
296. 飼育 (しいく)breedingn; trans
297. 潮 (しお/うしお)tide, salt water, opportunityn
298. 歯科 (しか)dentistryn
299. 視覚 (しかく)visual perceptionn
300. 資格 (しかく)professional certification; qualificationsn
301. 仕掛け (しかけ)devicen
302. 仕掛ける (しかける)to start; to begin; to commencetrans
303. 然しながら (しかしながら)however; nevertheless​adv; conjunction
304. 市街 (しがい)urban areasn
305. 指揮 (しき)command; direction; supervisionn; trans
306. 色彩 (しきさい)color; hue; tintsn
307. 式場 (しきじょう)ceremonial halln
308. 資金 (しきん)funds; capitaln
309. 仕組み (しくみ)structure; construction; arrangementn
310. 死刑 (しけい)capital punishmentn
311. 施行 (しこう)carrying out (a plan, policy, etc.); executionn; trans
312. 思考 (しこう)thoughtn
313. 嗜好 (しこう)taste; liking; preferencen; trans
314. 志向 (しこう)intention; aim; preferencen; trans
315. 視察 (しさつ)inspection; observation​n; trans
316. 資産 (しさん)assets; propertyn
317. 刺繍 (ししゅう)embroideryn
318. 指示 (しじ)indication; denotation; designationn; trans
319. 支持 (しじ)support; backing; endorsement; approvaln; trans
320. 施設 (しせつ)institution; establishment; facilityn; verb

す (321-345)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
321. 水源 (すいげん)source of rivern
322. 推進 (すいしん)propulsion; drive; advancement; pushing forwardn; trans
323. 水洗 (すいせん)rinsing; flushingn; trans
324. 吹奏 (すいそう)playing (a wind instrument); blowingn; trans
325. 推測 (すいそく)guess; conjecturen; trans
326. 水田 (すいでん)(water-filled) paddy fieldn
327. 推理 (すいり)reasoning; inference; deductionn; trans
328. 数詞 (すうし)numeral​n
329. 崇拝 (すうはい)worship; adoration; admiration; cultn; trans
330. 据える (すえる)to place (in position); to fix; to apply; to installtrans
331. 清々しい (すがすがしい)refreshing; brisk; bracing; fresh; refreshed​i-adj
332. 掬い (すくい)scoopingn
333. 掬う (すくう)to scoop; to ladle out​trans
334. 少なくとも (すくなくとも)at leastadv
335. 健やか (すこやか)vigorous; healthy; sound​na-adj
336. 濯ぐ (すすぐ)to rinse; to wash out​trans
337. 進み (すすみ)progressn
338. 裾 (すそ)hem; bottom part; bottom edgen
339. 廃れる (すたれる)to go out of use; to declineintrans
340. 素早い (すばやい)quick; swifti-adj
341. 澄ます (すます)to cleartrans
342. 済ます (すます)to finish; to get it over with; to concludetrans
343. 済まない (すまない)inexcusable; unjustifiable; unpardonablei-adj
344. 擦れる (すれる)to be rubbedintrans
345. 図々しい (ずうずうしい)impudent; shameless; brazen; forward; audacious; cheekyi-adj

せ (346-370)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Type
346. 生育 (せいいく)birth and growth; giving birth and raising; development; breedingn; verb
347. 成果 (せいか)(good) result; outcome; fruits (of one’s labors); product; accomplishmentn
348. 正解 (せいかい)correct; right; correct interpretationn
349. 正規 (せいき)regular; normal; formal; legal; established; legitimaten; na-adj
350. 正義 (せいぎ)justicen
351. 生計 (せいけい)livelihood; livingn
352. 政権 (せいけん)administration; political power; regimen
353. 精巧 (せいこう)elaborate; delicate; exquisitena-adj; n
354. 制裁 (せいさい)sanctions; punishmentn; trans
355. 政策 (せいさく)political measures; policyn
356. 精算 (せいさん)exact calculation; squaring of accounts; adjustmentn; trans
357. 星座 (せいざ)constellationn
358. 静止 (せいし)stillness; repose; standing still​n; intrans
359. 生死 (せいし)life and death; life or deathn
360. 青春 (せいしゅん)youth; adolescentn
361. 聖書 (せいしょ)Biblen
362. 誠実 (せいじつ)sincere; honest; faithfulna-adj; n
363. 成熟 (せいじゅく)maturity; ripenessn; intrans
364. 清純 (せいじゅん)purity; innocencena-adj; n
365. 正常 (せいじょう)normality; normal​na-adj; n
366. 整然 (せいぜん)orderly; regular; systematic; well-organizedadv
367. 盛装 (せいそう)splendid clothes; one’s best clothesn; intrans
368. 盛大 (せいだい)grand; magnificent; lavishna-adj; n
369. 清濁 (せいだく)good and evil; purity and impurityn
370. 制定 (せいてい)establishment; creationn; trans

そ (371-395)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
371. 相応 (そうおう)suitable; appropriatena-adj; n
372. 総会 (そうかい)general meetingn
373. 創刊 (そうかん)launching; first publicationn; trans
374. 早急 (そうきゅう)immediate; prompt; quickna-adj; n
375. 送金 (そうきん)remittance; sending moneyn; verb
376. 走行 (そうこう)running (of a car, bus, etc.); travelingintrans
377. 総合 (そうごう)synthesis; combinationn; trans
378. 捜査 (そうさ)search; investigation; inquiryn; trans
379. 捜索 (そうさく)searchn; trans
380. 装飾 (そうしょく)ornament; decorationn
381. 操縦 (そうじゅう)steering; handlingn; trans
382. 創造 (そうぞう)creationn; trans
383. 壮大 (そうだい)magnificent; grand; majestic; splendidna-adj; n
384. 騒動 (そうどう)strife; riot; rebellion; turmoiln; intrans
385. 遭難 (そうなん)disaster; accident; shipwreck; distressn; intrans
386. 相場 (そうば)market price; estimation; esteemn
387. 装備 (そうび)equipmentn; trans
388. 創立 (そうりつ)establishment; founding; organizationn; trans
389. 促進 (そくしん)promotion; accelerationn; trans
390. 束縛 (そくばく)restraint; restriction; bindingn
391. 側面 (そくめん)side; flank; profile; sidelightn
392. 素材 (そざい)ingredient; (raw) material; resourcen
393. 阻止 (そし)obstruction; check; hindrance; preventionn
394. 訴訟 (そしょう)litigation; lawsuitn
395. 措置 (そち)measure; step; actionn; trans

た ~ と

た (396-425)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
396. 他意 (たい)other intention; hidden purposen
397. 対応 (たいおう)correspondence (to); equivalencen; intrans
398. 退化 (たいか)degenerationn; intrans
399. 体格 (たいかく)physique; constitutionn
400. 大概 (たいがい)generally; mainly; usually; normally; mostly; for the most partadv
401. 退学 (たいがく)dropping out of schooln; intrans
402. 大金 (たいきん)large amount of money; great costn
403. 待遇 (たいぐう)treatment; reception; servicen; suf
404. 対決 (たいけつ)confrontation; showdownn; intrans
405. 体験 (たいけん)(practical) experience; personal experiencen; trans
406. 対抗 (たいこう)opposition; rivalry; competitionn; intrans
407. 大衆 (たいしゅう)general public; the massesn
408. 対処 (たいしょ)dealing with; coping withn; intrans
409. 退職 (たいしょく)retirement; resignationn; intrans
410. 退治 (たいじ)extermination; curing illnessn
411. 態勢 (たいせい)attitude; posture; readinessn
412. 対談 (たいだん)talk; dialogue; conversationn; intrans
413. 対等 (たいとう)equalityn; na-adj
414. 滞納 (たいのう)falling behind; non-payment; default; delinquencyn; trans
415. 対比 (たいひ)contrast; comparisonn
416. 待望 (たいぼう)waiting expectantly; long-awaited; looking forward ton
417. 怠慢 (たいまん)negligence; procrastinationn; na-adj
418. 対面 (たいめん)meeting face-to-face; seeing in personn; intrans
419. 対話 (たいわ)dialogue; conversation; talk; discussion; communicationn
420. 逞しい (たくましい)burly; strong; sturdy​i-adj
421. 多数決 (たすうけつ)majority rulen
422. 携わる (たずさわる)to engage in; to participate in; to take part in; to be involved inintrans
423. 漂う (ただよう)to drift; to floatintrans
424. 辿る (たどる)to follow (road); to pursue (course)trans
425. 溜まり (たまり)pile; collectionn

ち (426-450)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Type
426. 治安 (ちあん)public safetyn
427. 契る (ちぎる)to pledge; to vow; to promise; to swearverb
428. 畜産 (ちくさん)animal husbandry; livestock industryn
429. 蓄積 (ちくせき)accumulation; accumulate; storen
430. 地形 (ちけい)landform​; geographical features; topographyn
431. 知性 (ちせい)intelligencen
432. 縮まる (ちぢまる)to shorten; to narrow; to close; to shrinkintrans
433. 窒息 (ちっそく)suffocation; choking; asphyxian; intrans
434. 秩序 (ちつじょ)order; discipline; regularity; system; methodn
435. 知的 (ちてき)intellectualna-adj
436. 着手 (ちゃくしゅ)to start work (on); to undertakeverb
437. 着色 (ちゃくしょく)coloring; colorantn; verb
438. 着席 (ちゃくせき)taking a seat; sitting downn; intrans
439. 着目 (ちゃくもく)attention; giving one’s attention; focusingn; intrans
440. 着陸 (ちゃくりく)landingn; intrans
441. 着工 (ちゃっこう)starting (construction) workn; intrans
442. 宙返り (ちゅうがえり)somersault; looping-the-loopn; intrans
443. 中継 (ちゅうけい)relay broadcasting​; hook-upn; trans
444. 忠告 (ちゅうこく)advice; warningn; trans
445. 中傷 (ちゅうしょう)slander; libel; defamation; calumny; smearn; trans
446. 忠実 (ちゅうじつ)faithful; devoted; loyal; honest; truena-adj
447. 中枢 (ちゅうすう)centre; center; pivotn
448. 抽選 (ちゅうせん)lotteryn; intrans
449. 中断 (ちゅうだん)interruption; suspension; break​n; verb
450. 中毒 (ちゅうどく)poisoning; addictionn; suf

つ (451-475)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
451. 追及 (ついきゅう)questioning; pressingn; verb
452. 追跡 (ついせき)following up; tracingn; trans
453. 追放 (ついほう)exile; banishmentn
454. 費やす (ついやす)to spend; to expend; to consumen; trans
455. 墜落 (ついらく)fall; crash (e.g. aircraft)n; intrans
456. 痛感 (つうかん)feeling keenly; fully realizingn; trans
457. 通常 (つうじょう)usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; commonn; adv
458. 痛切 (つうせつ)keen; acute; heartfeltna-adj
459. 仕える (つかえる)to serve; to work for; to attendintrans
460. 司る (つかさどる)to rule; to govern; to administertrans
461. 月並み (つきなみ)every month; triten
462. 尽きる (つきる)to be used up; to be run out; to be exhaustedintrans
463. 継ぎ目 (つぎめ)joint; seam; joining pointn
464. 繕う (つくろう)to mend; to patch up; to repair; to fix; to darntrans
465. 継ぐ (つぐ)to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.); to inherittrans
466. 辻褄 (つじつま)coherence; consistencyn
467. 突っ張る (つっぱる)to cramp up; to tighten; to stiffenintrans
468. 慎む (つつしむ)to be careful; to be discreettrans
469. 津波 (つなみ)tsunami; tidal waven
470. 募る (つのる)to become strongerintrans
471. 蕾 (つぼみ)(flower) budn
472. 摘む (つまむ)to pinch; to hold; to pick up and eat; to snack ontrans
473. 露 (つゆ)dew; tearsn
474. 貫く (つらぬく)to go through; to piercetrans
475. 連ねる (つらねる)to line up; to put in a rowtrans

て (476-500)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Type
476. 提供 (ていきょう)offer; tender; providing; sponsoringtrans
477. 定義 (ていぎ)definitionn; trans
478. 提携 (ていけい)cooperation; tie-up; joint businessn
479. 体裁 (ていさい)(outward) appearance; format; formn
480. 定食 (ていしょく)set mealn
481. 提示 (ていじ)presentation; exhibit; suggest; citationn; trans
482. 訂正 (ていせい)correction; revision; amendmentn; trans
483. 停滞 (ていたい)stagnation; tie-up; standstilln; intrans
484. 邸宅 (ていたく)(large) house; residence; mansionn
485. 定年 (ていねん)retirement agen
486. 堤防 (ていぼう)bank; weir; embankment; leveen
487. 手遅れ (ておくれ)being too laten
488. 手軽 (てがる)easy; simple; informal; offhand; cheapna-adj; n
489. 適応 (てきおう)adaptation; accommodation; conformityn; intrans
490. 適宜 (てきぎ)suitable; appropriate; fitting; properna-adj
491. 適性 (てきせい)aptitude; aptness; suitabilityn
492. 手際 (てぎわ)performance; execution; skilln
493. 手順 (てじゅん)process; proceduren
494. 手錠 (てじょう)handcuffsn
495. 手数 (てすう)trouble; bother; number ofn
496. 鉄鋼 (てっこう)iron and steeln
497. 鉄片 (てっぺん)iron scrapsn
498. 手配 (てはい)arrangement; preparationsn; trans
499. 手本 (てほん)copybook; model; patternn
500. 手元 (てもと)at hand; on handadv

と (501-525)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
501. 陶器 (とうき)porcelain n
502. 等級 (とうきゅう)grade; class; rankn
503. 討議 (とうぎ)debate; discussion; discoursen; trans
504. 登校 (とうこう)attendance (at school); going to schoolintrans
505. 統合 (とうごう)integration; unification; unityn; trans
506. 倒産 (とうさん)(corporate) bankruptcyn; intrans
507. 投資 (とうし)investmentn
508. 統制 (とうせい)regulation; controln; trans
509. 当選 (とうせん)being electedn; intrans
510. 統率 (とうそつ)command; lead; generalship; leadershipn; trans
511. 到達 (とうたつ)reaching; attaining; arrivaln; intrans
512. 統治 (とうち)rule; reign; government; governingn; trans
513. 到底 (とうてい)(cannot) possibly; (not) by any meansadv
514. 投入 (とうにゅう)throwing in; inserting; depositingn; trans
515. 当人 (とうにん)the person concernedn
516. 逃亡 (とうぼう)escape; flight; running awayn; intrans
517. 冬眠 (とうみん)hibernationn; intrans
518. 登録 (とうろく)registration; accessionn; trans
519. 討論 (とうろん)debate; discussionn; trans
520. 兎角 (とかく)(doing) various things; (doing) this and thatadv
521. 特技 (とくぎ)special skilln
522. 特産 (とくさん)being produced in a particular region; local specialtyn
523. 特集 (とくしゅう)feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition; reportn
524. 得点 (とくてん)scoring; scoren; intrans
525. 特有 (とくゆう)characteristic (of); peculiar (to)n; na-adj

な ~ の

な (526-550)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
526. 内閣 (ないかく)cabinet (of a government); ministryn
527. 乃至 (ないし)from … to; between … and; orconjunction
528. 内臓 (ないぞう)internal organsn
529. 内部 (ないぶ) interior; inside; internaln
530. 内乱 (ないらん)civil war; insurrectionn
531. 内陸 (ないりく)inlandn
532. 苗 (なえ)seedling; young plantn
533. 尚 (なお)still; yet​; more; furtheradv
534. 尚更 (なおさら)still more; even more; all the more; still less; even lesssadv
535. 中指 (なかゆび)middle fingern
536. 流し (ながし)sink (e.g. in a kitchen)n
537. 長々 (ながなが)for a long time; at (great) length; lengthilyadv
538. 殴る (なぐる)to strike; to hit; to beat; to punchtrans
539. 嘆く (なげく)to lament; to grieve; to regretn; verb
540. 投げ出す (なげだす)to throw down; to throw out; to stretch outtrans
541. 仲人 (なこうど)matchmaker​n
542. 和やか (なごやか)mild; calm; gentle; quiet; congenialna-adj
543. 名残 (なごり)remains; traces; vestiges; relics; end; partingn
544. 情け (なさけ)pity; sympathy; compassion; mercyn
545. 情け深い (なさけぶかい)tender-hearted; compassionate; charitable; good-heartedi-adj
546. 名高い (なだかい)famous; noted; renownedi-adj
547. 雪崩 (なだれ)avalanche; snow sliden
548. 名札 (なふだ)name plate; name tag; labeln
549. 生臭い (なまぐさい)smelling of fish; fishy; smelling of bloodi-adj
550. 悩ましい (なやましい)seductive; carnal; enchanting; anxious; uneasyi-adj

に (551-573)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Type
551. 面皰 (にきび)pimple; acnen
552. 似通う (にかよう)to resemble closelyintrans
553. 賑わう (にぎわう)to be crowded with people; to be bustlingintrans
554. 憎い (にくい)hateful; abominable; poor-lookingi-adj
555. 憎しみ (にくしみ)hatredn
556. 肉親 (にくしん)blood relationship; blood relativen
557. 肉体 (にくたい)the body; the flesh; the outer man; one’s physiquen
558. 滲む (にじむ)to run (of liquid); to spread; to bleed; to blurintrans
559. 偽物 (にせもの)spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; shamn
560. 日夜 (にちや)day and night; around the clock; always; constantlyadv
561. 荷造り (にづくり)packing; baling; cratingintrans
562. 担う (になう)to carry on one’s shoulder; to shoulder; to beartrans
563. 鈍る (にぶる)to become blunt; to grow dullintrans
564. 入手 (にゅうしゅ)acquisition; obtaining; procurement; getting (hold of)trans
565. 入賞 (にゅうしょう)winning a prize; placing (high; in a contest)intrans
566. 入浴 (にゅうよく)bathing; going in the bathintrans
567. 尿 (にょう)urine​n
568. 俄 (にわか)sudden; abrupt; unexpected; improvised; hasty; offhand​na-adj
569. 認識 (にんしき)recognition; awareness; perceptionn; trans
570. 妊娠 (にんしん)pregnancyn; intrans
571. 人情 (にんじょう)humanity; empathy; kindness; sympathyn
572. 任務 (にんむ)duty; function; office; mission; taskn
573. 任命 (にんめい)appointment; nomination; ordination; commission; designationn; trans

ぬ (574-577)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
574. 抜かす (ぬかす)to omit; to leave out; to skiptrans
575. 抜け出す (ぬけだす)to slip out; to sneak away; to break free; to get through (a difficult situation)intrans
576. 盗み (ぬすみ)stealingn
577. 沼 (ぬま)marsh; swamp; wetland; bog; pondn

ね (578-600)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
578. 音色 (ねいろ)tone color; timbren
579. 値打ち (ねうち)value; worth; meritn
580. 寝かせる (ねかせる)to put to bedtrans
581. 螺子 (ねじ)screw​n
582. ねじ回し (ねじまわし)screwdrivern
583. 捩れる (ねじれる)to get twisted; to get crooked; to get warpedintrans
584. 妬む (ねたむ)to be jealous of; to envy; to begrudgetrans
585. 強請る (ねだる)to beg; to pestertrans
586. 熱湯 (ねっとう)boiling watern
587. 熱意 (ねつい)zeal; enthusiasm; ardor; ardourn
588. 熱量 (ねつりょう)quantity of heatn
589. 粘り (ねばり)stickiness; viscosityn
590. 粘る (ねばる)to be sticky; to be adhesiveintrans
591. 値引き (ねびき)price reduction; discount​trans
592. 根回し (ねまわし)laying the groundworkintrans
593. 練る (ねる)to knead; to polishtrans
594. 年鑑 (ねんかん)annual reportn
595. 年号 (ねんごう)name of an imperial eran
596. 燃焼 (ねんしょう)burning; combustionintrans
597. 年生 (ねんせい)nth-year studentsuf
598. 年長 (ねんちょう)senior; oldern; na-adj
599. 燃料 (ねんりょう)fueln
600. 年輪 (ねんりん)annual tree ring; growth ringn

の (601-615)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)Meaning (意味/いみ)Type
601. 脳 (のう)brainn
602. 農耕 (のうこう)farming; agriculture; cultivationn
603. 農場 (のうじょう)farm (agriculture)n
604. 農地 (のうち)agricultural land; farmlandn
605. 納入 (のうにゅう)payment (of taxes, fees, etc.)trans
606. 逃す (のがす)to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get awaytrans
607. 逃れる (のがれる)to escapeintrans
608. 軒並み (のきなみ)row of houses; every house; all; totallyn; adv
609. 鋸 (のこぎり)saw​n
610. 望ましい (のぞましい)desirable; hoped for; preferable; advisablei-adj
611. 臨む (のぞむ)to look out on; to overlook; to front ontointrans
612. 長閑 (のどか)tranquil; calm; quiet; peaceful​na-adj
613. 罵る (ののしる)to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill oftrans
614. 乗り換え (のりかえ)transfer (trains, buses, etc.); change; connectionintrans
615. 乗り込む (のりこむ)to board; to embark on; to get into (a car); to man (a ship)intrans


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Representative Director of Reboot Japan Co., Ltd., which operates EDOPEN JAPAN. Founded the company in 2018, which provides Japanese language education and assistance for studying in Japan. Started the company after living with international students at a Japanese language school. He enjoys learning about new people and cultures and has lived in Australia and Malaysia. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Sophia University.