Are you currently preparing for the JLPT exam in Ireland? Are you having difficulty finding the most up-to-date and comprehensive information about the JLPT exam in Ireland? Don’t worry, we are here to help you. Even if you can find the information on several websites, it is difficult and rare to find the most complete, isn’t it?
Especially with the current Covid-19 pandemic. Is the JLPT exam still given 2 times in Ireland? In which cities will the JLPT be held? What is the registration process and what should you prepare? You want to get the most complete and reliable answers to these questions.
Then, how far along are your current preparations? You want your JLPT exam to be a success. At the end, we will also give you tips on how to learn Japanese and prepare for the JLPT exam correctly to get a high score. Please get your notebook ready. All right, let’s start the discussion this time!
1. About JLPT

The JLPT or Japanese Language Proficiency Test or in Japanese 日本語能力試験 (Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken) is a Japanese language proficiency test that has been in existence since 1984.[1] When it was first introduced, there were approximately 7,000 participants from 15 countries.[1] The number of JLPT test takers continues to grow.
Furthermore, history records that the number of JLPT examinees in 2011 increased significantly to approximately 610,000 people from 62 countries.[2] This achievement makes the JLPT the largest test in the world.
Did you know that there are 2 major institutions that administer the JLPT? They are The Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES).[3] The Japan Foundation specifically handles JLPT exams held overseas together with local institutions. Meanwhile, JEES organizes the JLPT exam in Japan.
At present, the use of JLPT exam result certificates is becoming increasingly diverse. The JLPT exam format continues to experience development and innovation to answer the relevance of questions in representing the abilities or skills of each participant.
In addition, since 2010 until now, the JLPT exam you are taking is a revised exam that truly utilizes the most advanced research in educational theory and uses very rich data. Not surprisingly, the JLPT is highly regarded and recognized around the world.
The Benefits of Taking JLPT for Foreigners
The JLPT certificate is indeed very valuable. It offers various advantages in different walks of life of its owner. As in the academic world, work on the recognition of qualifications in society. Below are some examples that can serve as a reference for you to find out how strong and how far-reaching the JLPT exam certificate is.
The JLPT certificate is a prerequisite for taking the Japanese National Medical Examination and several other professional examinations. For more information, please visit the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Therefore, it is a must for medical professionals who plan to pursue a career in Japan to take and obtain the JLPT N1 certificate.
For foreign children who are required to take an accreditation examination when they graduate from junior secondary school, the N2 and N1 certificates offer more advantages. They will be exempt from the accreditation exam if they have a JLPT N1 or N2 certificate.
In addition, for foreigners who want to continue their education in Japan’s best universities, and workers who want to get promotions or salary increases in Japanese companies, having a JLPT certificate will be very helpful. Then, for job seekers in Japanese companies, having a JLPT certificate will also increase the added value of being accepted into the company.
The Levels of JLPT
The JLPT exam has five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5.[4] The easiest level is N5 and the most difficult level is N1. Each level of the JLPT exam has its own assessment component and is specifically designed to truly represent the skills of its candidates.
Specifically, the N1 and N2 levels measure comprehension of Japanese language used in various real-life scenes and conditions. Meanwhile, levels N4 and N5 measure understanding of the basic Japanese language learned in class. And the N3 level is the intermediate level between the two.
The JLPT exam component consists of measuring the ability to understand vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening skills. The JLPT does not test speaking and writing skills.
2. About JLPT in Ireland

The JLPT in Ireland is only held in 1 city, Dublin. In 2023, the JLPT exam will be held in December instead of July. The organizer of the JLPT exam in the city of Dublin on behalf of The Japan Foundation is University College Dublin, UCD Center for Japanese Studies (UCD Japan).
Then, if you would like to find out more information about the JLPT exam in Ireland, please refer to the following information published by the University College Dublin:
By visiting the UCD website, you can get the latest updates regarding the JLPT, such as exam registration procedures, Covid-19 pandemic exam announcements, how to access past JLPT exam results, and various other support. If you have any problems or questions regarding the JLPT exam in Dublin, Ireland, you can contact UCD.
About University College Dublin, UCD Centre for Japanese Studies
In Ireland, the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is administered by UCD Centre for Japanese Studies or UCD Japan on behalf of the Japan Foundation. The UCD Japan, under the auspices of University College Dublin (UCD), conducts a wide range of academic and research activities.
They are focusing on research in the areas of re-examining Japan in a global context, science, technology, and implementation in Irish and Japanese society, approaches to teaching and learning, business, and diplomacy. The center also supports a wide range of Japan-related activities (both academic and cultural) at UCD. They work closely with partners in Japan, Ireland, and around the world, and provide information to students and scholars interested in studying and researching in Japan.
In addition, UCD Japan is currently made up of members from each of the campuses who have very deep expertise in areas such as science, technology, engineering, and culture, and who have strong links with Japan through research, study, or community activities.
Further, this center also collaborates with several partners in Japan and abroad as well. These include academic institutions, research centers, NGOs, charitable organizations, and corporations.
3. General Info about JLPT in Ireland

Please note that the JLPT exam in Ireland is held only 1 time in the city of Dublin: December only. Announcements for the administration of the JLPT exam are usually made about 3 months before the exam, which is around the beginning of September. You will need to check the UCD website regularly for updated information about the JLPT exam.
In general, after the announcement of the final date for the JLPT exam to be held, the online exam ordering system will be opened shortly thereafter. You will need to keep the information on the UCD website updated.
However, you also need to pay attention because of the Covid-19 pandemic, all applicable regulations will apply Covid-19 restrictions. For example, if there is an emergency situation with the spread of Covid-19, the exam may be canceled. If cancelled, a full refund will be given.
Test Guide and Fee
The Test Guide will be provided on the UCD website during registration. You are expected to follow all instructions in the Test Guide before registering online. This is very important to avoid mistakes that could make it difficult for you to take the JLPT exam.
In addition, the JLPT exam fee in Dublin, Ireland is €94 for all levels. Please follow the instructions provided when you want to make a payment. Exam fees are also non-refundable under any circumstances.
4. How to Register for the JLPT in Ireland?

To register for the JLPT exam in Dublin, Ireland, please visit the UCD website and follow the instructions provided. The following is an outline of the registration process:
- The registration period is usually only available for 2 weeks. You must register as soon as possible to secure your seat, because once the quota is full, registration will be closed.
- Check the announcement for the test date, location and time. Don’t be late on the day of the exam.
- The online application will open and you will receive a special link to register.
- If you need special arrangements on the day of the exam, contact UCD as soon as possible.
- Fill in all the information correctly and thoroughly. You cannot change or cancel the exam level, location, or late arrival.
In addition, you can only register online. No other application methods are available. You must also comply with UCD’s Covid-19 restriction policy. Please contact UCD if you have any problems registering for the JLPT or other inquiries.
5. How to Prepare for the JLPT in Ireland?

How did your JLPT exam preparation go? Are you having trouble finding good and effective study formulas to master the exam material? Don’t worry, we have specific recommendations for you on how to study and prepare for the JLPT exam properly and effectively.
In addition, you really need guidance from professional teachers who are experienced and certified in teaching Japanese and passing the JLPT. Please read below for our specific recommendations on the best places to find professional teachers who can help you prepare for the Japanese exam:
Not only will you be able to study easily and effectively, but you will also get guides who will continue to motivate your enthusiasm for learning to remain consistent. With this, getting high and even perfect JLPT exam scores is not impossible! We wish you good luck!
This is the end of the discussion about the JLPT exam in Ireland. We really hope that this information will be useful and strengthen your JLPT exam preparation. Don’t forget to share your JLPT exam experience in the comments section below!
We are very proud to be a part of your JLPT exam journey. Thank you for reading to the end. See you in the next article!
1 “Message from Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 12 April 2023.
2 “Introduction“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 12 April 2023.
3 “Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 12 April 2023.
4 “N1-N5: Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 12 April 2023.