The Most Complete List of JLPT N1 Vocabulary (Part 1)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N1 Vocabulary (Part 1) - EDOPEN Japan

Whether you are looking for a job or scholarship in Japan, JLPT N1 is one of the powerful prove that you are worthy for countless golden opportunity in Japan.

JLPT N1 is the highest level, the toughest and the most sought after by foreigners who want to stay, live and have a long career in Japan.

Various companies and institutions will easily accept you and even pay you a higher salary just because you have a JLPT certificate, especially JLPT N1.

This is the list of most complete JLPT N1 vocabulary that you surely need to pass JLPT N1. To make it easier, we have divided this JLPT N1 Vocabulary List into 3 parts. This is the first part of JLPT N1 Vocabulary series. Please click the link below to go to the other parts.

Read also:
The Most Complete List of JLPT N1 Vocabulary (Part 3)
10 Most Famous & Powerful Textbooks to Pass JLPT N1

The explanation of the abbreviations in the type column that we use represent the following descriptions:

Abbreviation Note
“n” for noun, “adj” for adjective, “adv” for adverb, “trans” for transitive verb, “intrans” for intransitive verb, “pro” for pronoun and “suf” for suffix

We also write the JLPT N2 vocabulary words in the list below in hiragana order from あ(a) to ん(n) as

Then, in this article, to help you master the JLPT N1 Vocabulary, here I am introducing you to the 1000 JLPT N1 Vocabulary list. Alright, let’s just get started!

あ ~ お

あ (1-40)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
1. 愛想 (あいそ)sociabilityn
2. 愛憎 (あいぞう)love and haten
3. 相対 (あいたい)relativityadj; adv
4. 間柄 (あいだがら)good relationsn
5. 合間 (あいま)intervaln
6. 敢えて (あえて)purposely; not necessarilyadv
7. 仰ぐ (あおぐ)to look up to; to respecttrans
8. 垢 (あか)dirt; filth; grimen
9. 証 (あかし, しょう)proof; evidencen
10. 赤字 (あかじ)red letter; red writingn
11. 明かす (あかす)to pass (the night); to revealtrans
12. 赤らむ (あからむ)to redden; to blushintrans
13. 上がり (あがり)rise; increase; ascent​n
14. 悪 (あく)evil; wickedness​n
15. 憧れ (あこがれ)adoration; admirationn
16. 顎 (あご)jaw; chin; barb n
17. 朝寝坊 (あさねぼう)oversleepingn; intrans
18. 浅ましい (あさましい)miserablei-adj
19. 字 (あざ)section of villagen
20. 欺く (あざむく)to deceivetrans
21. あざ笑う (あざわらう)to make fun oftrans
22. 味わい (あじわい)flavor; tasten
23. 焦る (あせる)to be in a hurry; to panicintrans
24. 値する (あたいする)to be worthy of; to deserveintrans
25. 当たり (あたり)hit; success; guess; predictionn
26. 悪化 (あっか)worsening; aggravationintrans
27. 呆気ない (あっけない)unsatisfying; disappointingi-adj
28. 圧迫 (あっぱく)pressuren
29. 扱い (あつかい)dealing (with); handlingn
30. 圧力 (あつりょく)pressure; stress​n
31. 当て (あて)aim; expectationsn
32. 当て字 (あてじ)kanji used as a phonetic symboln
33. 跡継ぎ (あとつぎ)heir; inheritor; successorn
34. 後回し (あとまわし)putting off; postponingn
35. 油絵 (あぶらえ)oil paintingn
36. 甘える (あまえる)to behave like a spoiled childintrans
37. 甘口 (あまくち)flatteryna-adj
38. 雨具 (あまぐ)rain gearn
39. 網 (あみ)web; net; nettingn
40. 操る (あやつる)to operate; to handle; to managetrans

い (41-65)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
41. いい加減 (いいかげん)irresponsible; carelessna-adj
42. 言い訳 (いいわけ)excuse; explanation​n
43. 家出 (いえで)running away from home; runwayn
44. 生かす (いかす)to make (the best) use of; to keep alivetrans
45. 如何に (いかに)how; in what way; how (much)adv
46. 如何にも (いかにも)indeed; veryadv
47. 怒り (いかり)angern
48. 粋 (いき)smart; consideratena-adj
49. 域外 (いきがい)outside the arean
50. 意気込む (いきこむ)to be eagerintrans
51. 経緯 (いきさつ)details; particularsn
52. 行き違い (いきちがい)disagreementn
53. 異議 (いぎ)objection; dissent; protestn
54. 戦 (いくさ)war; battle; troopsn
55. 育成 (いくせい)nurture; cultivationn
56. 幾多 (いくた)many; numerousn; adv
57. 生ける (いける)to arrange; livingtrans
58. 意向 (いこう)intention; inclination; wishn
59. 移行 (いこう)transition; shift​; transfern
60. 衣装 (いしょう)clothing; costume; outfitn
61. 意地 (いじ)stubbornness; dispositionn
62. 移住 (いじゅう)migration; immigrationn
63. 弄る (いじる)to touch; to play with; to make changes totrans
64. 異性 (いせい)the opposite sex​n
65. 依然 (いぜん)still; as yetadv

う (66-90)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
66. 上下 (うえした)top and bottomn
67. 受かる (うかる)to pass (examination)intrans
68. 受け入れ (うけいれ)receiving; acceptancen
69. 受け入れる (うけいれる)to accept; to receive; to agreetrans
70. 受け継ぐ (うけつぐ)to inherit; to succeed; to take overtrans
71. 受け付ける (うけつける)to accept; to receive; to toleratetrans
72. 受け止める (うけとめる)to catch; to stop the blowtrans
73. 受身 (うけみ)the defensive; passive voice​n
74. 動き (うごき)movementn
75. 渦 (うず)vortexn
76. 埋め込む (うめこむ)to buryv
77. 埋まる (うまる)to be buriedintrans
78. 生れつき (うまれつき)by natureadv
79. 生む (うむ)to give birthtrans
80. 裏返し (うらがえし)inside out; upside downn
81. 団扇 (うちわ)traditional Japanese handheld fann
82. 内訳 (うちわけ)breakdown; classificationn
83. 鬱陶しい (うっとうしい)gloomyi-adj
84. 写し (うつし)copy; duplicaten
85. 器 (うつわ)bowl; vessel; containern
86. 雨天 (うてん)rainy weathern
87. 腕前 (うでまえ)ability; skill; facilityn
88. 浮気 (うわき)unfaithfulnessn; na-adj
89. 促す (うながす)to urge; to encouragetrans
90. 運営 (うんえい)management; administrationtrans

え (91-115)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
91. 映写 (えいしゃ)projection​n
92. 英字 (えいじ)English lettern
93. 衛生 (えいせい)hygienen
94. 映像 (えいぞう)imagen
95. 英雄 (えいゆう)heron
96. 液 (えき)liquidn; suf
97. 役 (えき)campaignn
98. 閲覧 (えつらん) inspectionn; trans
99. 獲物 (えもの)prey; spoilsn
100. 襟 (えり)collarn
101. 縁 (えん)fate; destinyn
102. 園 (えん)garden; kindergartenn; suf
103. 艶 (えん)charmingna-adj
104. 塩 (えん)salt; chloriden
105. 円滑 (えんかつ)smooth; harmoniousna-adj
106. 縁側 (えんがわ)engawa; external corridorn
107. 沿岸 (えんがん)coastn
108. 婉曲 (えんきょく)euphemisticna-adj
109. 演習 (えんしゅう)practice; seminarn
110. 演出 (えんしゅつ) directiontrans
111. 演じる (えんじる)to performtrans
112. 沿線 (えんせん)alongside a railway linen
113. 縁談 (えんだん)marriage proposaln
114. エレガントelegantna-adj
115. エンジニアengineern

お (116-140)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
116. 尾 (お)tail (of an animal)n
117. 甥 (おい)nephew​n
118. 追い込む (おいこむ)to push yourselftrans
119. 美味しい (おいしい)nice; deliciousi-adj
120. 追い出す (おいだす)to expeltrans
121. 於いて (おいて)at; in; on​conjunction
122. 老いる (おいる)to grow oldintrans
123. 負う (おう)to beartrans
124. 応急 (おうきゅう)emergencyn
125. 黄金 (おうごん)gold n
126. 応募 (おうぼ)applicationintrans
127. 大方 (おおかた)majorityn
128. 大柄 (おおがら)large patternna-adj
129. 大げさ (おおげさ)exaggeratedna-adj; n
130. 大雑把 (おおざっぱ)roughna-adj
131. 大筋 (おおすじ)outline; summaryn
132. 大空 (おおぞら)wide open skyn
133. 大幅 (おおはば)big; largena-adj
134. 可笑しい (おかしい)strange; funnyi-adj
135. お菜 (おかず)small dishn
136. 収まる (おさまる)to fit intointrans
137. 恐らく (おそらく)probablyadv
138. 訪れる (おとずれる)to visittrans
139. 大人しい (おとなしい)gentle; quietti-adj
140. 衰える (おとろえる)to become weakintrans

か ~ こ

か (141-165)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
141. 科 (か)departmentn; suf
142. 下位 (かい)low rankn
143. 改悪 (かいあく)deteriorationtrans
144. 海運 (かいうん)marine transportationn
145. 改革 (かいかく)reformtrans
146. 貝殻 (かいがら)seashelln
147. 階級 (かいきゅう)(social) classn
148. 会見 (かいけん)meetingintrans
149. 介護 (かいご)elderly caretrans
150. 開催 (かいさい)opening; hostingtrans
151. 改修 (かいしゅう)repairtrans
152. 海獣 (かいじゅう)marine mammaln
153. 解除 (かいじょ)terminationtrans
154. 階層 (かいそう)stratum; layern
155. 回送 (かいそう)forwarding; sending ontrans
156. 開拓 (かいたく)reclamationtrans
157. 会談 (かいだん)talksintrans
158. 改定 (かいてい)revision; changetrans
159. 改訂 (かいてい)revision (of text)trans
160. 街道 (かいどう)highwayn
161. 介入 (かいにゅう)interventionintrans
162. 開発 (かいはつ)developmenttrans
163. 海抜 (かいばつ)height above sea leveln
164. 介抱 (かいほう)nursingtrans
165. 解剖 (かいぼう)autopsytrans

き (166-190)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
166. 黄色 (きいろ)yellown
167. 企画 (きかく)planningtrans
168. 規格 (きかく)standard; normn
169. 着飾る (きかざる)to dress uptrans
170. 既刊 (きかん)already publishedn
171. 器官 (きかん)organ (anatomyn
172. 危害 (きがい)injuryn
173. 気兼ね (きがね)constraint; reservintrans
174. 気軽 (きがる)lightheartedna-adj
175. 危機 (きき)crisis; critical situationn
176. 聞き取り (ききとり)listening comprehensionn
177. 効き目 (ききめ)impressionn
178. 帰京 (ききょう)returning to the capitalintrans
179. 基金 (ききん)foundationn
180. 棄権 (きけん)abstentiontrans
181. 喜劇 (きげき)comedyn
182. 起源 (きげん)origin; beginningn
183. 機構 (きこう)mechanism; machineryn
184. 既婚 (きこん)marriedn
185. 記載 (きさい)mention (in a document); recordtrans
186. 気障 (きざ)affected; smugna-adj
187. 兆し (きざし)signs; symptomsn
188. 器質 (きしつ)organicn
189. 気象 (きしょう)weather (conditions)n
190. 記述 (きじゅつ)descriptiontrans

く (191-215)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
191. 食い違う (くいちがう)to not match wellintrans
192. 空腹 (くうふく)empty stomach; hungerna-adj; n
193. 区画 (くかく)division; sectiontrans; n
194. 区間 (くかん)intervaln; suf
195. 茎 (くき)stalk; stemn
196. 区切 (くぎり)to divide; to separatetrans
197. 潜る (くぐる)to go under; to pass underintrans
198. 嚔 (くしゃみ)sneeze​n
199. くじ引き (くじびき)lotteryintrans
200. 擽ったい (くすぐったい)embarrassingi-adj
201. 草臥れる (くたびれる)to get tiredintrans
202. 下らない (くだらない)stupid; absurdi-adj
203. 件 (くだん)the aforementionedn
204. 嘴 (くちばし)beak; bill​n
205. 朽ちる (くちる)to rot; to decayintrans
206. くっきりdistinctly (standing out); clearlyadv
207. 屈折 (くっせつ)refractionintrans
208. くっ付く (くっつく)to adhere to; to attachintrans
209. くっ付ける (くっつける) to adhere to; to attachtrans
210. 覆す (くつがえす)to overturntrans
211. 諄い (くどい)tedious; word; heavy (taste)i-adj
212. 組み合わせ (くみあわせ)combinationn
213. 組み合わせる (くみあわせる)to combinetrans
214. 組み込む (くみこむ)to include; to incorporatetrans
215. 包む (くるむ)to wrap uptrans

け (216-240)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
216. 経過 (けいか)progressn
217. 警戒 (けいかい)precautiontrans
218. 軽快 (けいかい)light (of movements)na-adj
219. 契機 (けいき)opportunity; chancen
220. 計器 (けいき)meter; gaugen
221. 敬具 (けいぐ)sincerely yoursn
222. 軽減 (けいげん)reductionv
223. 掲載 (けいさい)publicationtrans
224. 傾斜 (けいしゃ)inclination; slopeintrans
225. 形勢 (けいせい)situationn
226. 形成 (けいせい)formationtrans
227. 軽率 (けいそつ)rash; thoughtlessna-adj
228. 携帯 (けいたい)mobile phonen
229. 形態 (けいたい)shapen
230. 刑罰 (けいばつ)punishmentn
231. 経費 (けいひ)expensesn
232. 警部 (けいぶ)inspectorn
233. 軽蔑 (けいべつ)contempt; scorntrans
234. 経歴 (けいれき)personal historyn
235. 経路 (けいろ)process; stagesn
236. 結核 (けっかく)tuberculosisn
237. 血管 (けっかん)blood vesseln
238. 決算 (けっさん)financial statementn
239. 結晶 (けっしょう)crystaln
240. 結成 (けっせい)formationtrans

こ (241-265)

語彙 (Vocabulary)意味 (Meaning)Type
241. 行為 (こうい)act; deedn
242. 好意 (こうい)kindness; favorn
243. 行員 (こういん)bank clerk​n
244. 交易 (こうえき)trade; commercen
245. 公演 (こうえん)public performancen
246. 公開 (こうかい)opening to the publicn
247. 航海 (こうかい)navigationn
248. 後悔 (こうかい)regretn
249. 工学 (こうがく)engineeringn
250. 皇居 (こうきょ)Imperial Palace (of Japan)n
251. 好況 (こうきょう)prosperous conditionsn
252. 抗議 (こうぎ)protest; objectionn
253. 興業 (こうぎょう)promotion of industryn
254. 鉱業 (こうぎょう)mining industryn
255. 高原 (こうげん)tableland; plateaun
256. 交互 (こうご)alternating; mutualn
257. 工作 (こうさく)handicraft; manufacturingn; trans
258. 耕作 (こうさく)cultivation; farmingn; trans
259. 鉱山 (こうざん)mine (ore)n
260. 講習 (こうしゅう)short course; trainingn; trans
261. 高尚 (こうしょう)high; noble; refined; advancedna-adj
262. 交渉 (こうしょう)negotiations; bargainingn
263. 行進 (こうしん)march; paraden; intrans
264. 控除 (こうじょ)deduction n; intrans
265. 降水 (こうすい)precipitationn


There are all 1000 JLPT N1 Vocabulary lists. Please share me your opinion of the JLPT N1 vocabulary list above. We are also very happy to receive any comments about your Japanese learning experience.

We hope you will get useful insights. Of course, we wish you the best in passing JLPT N1 and get the perfect score!

Also, insights other than the technical aspects of the JLPT will also help you develop a more profound understanding of learning Japanese. Thus, please please do not forget to keep up with the latest and greatest on the articles of learning Japanese here! See you next time!


Representative Director of Reboot Japan Co., Ltd., which operates EDOPEN JAPAN. Founded the company in 2018, which provides Japanese language education and assistance for studying in Japan. Started the company after living with international students at a Japanese language school. He enjoys learning about new people and cultures and has lived in Australia and Malaysia. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Sophia University.