The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

Mastering Japanese vocabulary is key to passing the JLPT at all levels. In particular, to pass the JLPT N4, you need to know at least 1500 basic Japanese vocabulary words. And, the JLPT N4 vocabulary list we present below will be very useful for you! This is the most complete list of JLPT N4 vocabulary you absolutely can learn to pass the JLPT.

We write the JLPT N4 vocabulary words in the list below in hiragana order from あ(a) to ん(n). So you can use the list we’ve provided here like a dictionary. We also write down the meaning and type of each word in the list. You can use these to really expand your JLPT N4 Japanese vocabulary.

Not only that, we have also prepared a quiz to test your Japanese vocabulary comprehension. By challenging yourself to answer the quiz, you can see how far you have come in mastering this Japanese vocabulary.

In addition, please also check out the recommended reading we have put together for you on the JLPT N4 below! After reading this article, please leave your suggestions and impressions in the comments section below. Okay, let’s get started!

Read also:
10 Most Powerful Textbooks to Pass JLPT N4
The Ultimate JLPT Guides & List of 100 Kanji for JLPT N5

1. The vocabulary lists start with あ(a) ~ お(o)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

1.1 あ (a)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
1. ああaalike that; so​adverb (fukushi)
2. 挨拶 (あいさつ)aisatsugreetingnoun; ~suru verb
3. 間 (あいだ)aidaspace (between); during, whilenoun; adverb (fukushi)
4. 合う (あう)auto merge; to unite; to meetgodan verb with u ending; intransitive verb
5. 赤ちゃん (あかちゃん)akachanbaby; infantnoun
6. 上がる (あがる)agaruto rise; to go upgodan verb with u ending; intransitive verb
7. 開く (あく)akuto opengodan verb with ku ending,; intransitive verb; transitive verb
8. 上げる (あげる)ageruto raiseiIchidan verb, transitive verb
9. 浅い (あさい)asaishallowi-adjective (keiyoushi)
10. 明日 (あした / あす)ashita/asutomorrownoun; adverb (fukushi)
11. 味 (あじ)ajiflavor; tastenoun
12. 遊び (あそび) asobiplayingnoun; noun; used as a suffix
13. あ, あっ a, atsah; oh (surprise)expression
14. 集まる (あつまる)atsumaruto gather; to collectgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
15. 謝る (あやまる)ayamaruto apologizegodan verb with ru ending
16. 安心 (あんしん)anshinreliefnoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) ~suru verb; intransitive verb
17. 安全 (あんぜん)anzensafetynoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
18. あんなanna that kind of; suchpre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)
19. 案内 (あんない)annaiguidancenoun; ~suru verb
20. アクセサリー, アクセサリakusesari-, akusesariaccessory; jewelrynoun
21. アジアajiaAsianoun
22. アナウンサー, アナウンサanaunsa-, anaunsaannouncernoun
23. アフリカafurikaAfrica​noun
24. アメリカ amerikaAmerica; United States; US; USAnoun
25. アルコール, アルコホルaruko-ru, arukohorualcohol​noun
26. アルバイトarubaitopart-time jobnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
27. 集める (あつめる)atsumeruto collectichidan verb; transitive verb
28. 赤ん坊 (あかんぼう)akanboubaby; infantnoun
29. ある日 (あるひ)aruhione dayexpressions (phrases, clauses, etc.); noun
30. アイディア aidiaideanoun

1.2 い (i)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
31. 以下 (いか)ikanot exceeding; belownoun
32. 意外 (いがい)igaiunexpectedna-adjective (keiyodoshi); adverb taking the ‘to’ particle; noun
33. 医学 (いがく)igakumedical sciencenoun
34. 生きる (いきる)ikiruto live; to exist; to make a livingichidan verb; intransitive verb
35. 意見 (いけん)ikenopinionnoun; ~suru verb, noun which may take the genitive case particle ‘no’
36. 石 (いし)ishistonenoun
37. 苛める (いじめる)ijimeruto ill-treat; to bullyichidan verb; transitive verb
38. 以上 (いじょう)ijounot less thannoun; adverb (fukushi)
39. 急ぐ (いそぐ)isoguto hurry; to rushgodan verb with gu ending; intransitive verb; transitive verb
40. 致す (いたす)itasuto do​godan verb with su ending; transitive
41. 頂く (いただく)itadakuto receive; to acceptgodan verb with ku ending; transitive verb
42. 一度 (いちど, ひとたび)ichido, hitotabionce; one timenoun; adverb (fukushi)
43. 一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい)isshoukenmeivery hard; with utmost effortadverb (fukushi); na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
44. 一杯 (いっぱい)ippaione cup (of); one glass (of)noun; noun which may take the genitive case particle ‘no’
45. 糸 (いと)itothread; yarnnoun
46. 以内 (いない)itaiwithin; inside ofnoun; noun, used as a suffix; adverb (fukushi)
47. 田舎 (いなか)inakarural area; countrysidenoun
48. 祈る (いのる)inoruto pray; to wishgodan verb with ru ending; transitive verb
49. いらっしゃるirassharuto come; to gogodan verb with ~aru special class; intransitive verb
50. いつかitsukasomedayadverb (fukushi)

1.3 う (u)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
51. 植える (うえる)ueruto plant; to growichidan verb; transitive verb
52. 伺う (うかがう)ukagauto call on someonegodan verb with u ending; transitive verb
53. 受付 (うけつけ)uketsukereception (desk)noun
54. 受ける (うける)ukeruto receive; to getichidan verb; transitive verb
55. 動く (うごく)ugokuto move; to shiftgodan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb
56. 嘘 (うそ)usolienoun; noun which may take the genitive case particle ‘no’
57. 内 (うち)uchiinside; withinnoun; adverb (fukushi)
58. 打つ (うつ)utsuto hit; to strike; to knock;godan verb with tsu ending; transitive verb
59. 美しい (うつくしい)utsukushiibeautiful; lovelyi-adjective (keiyoushi)
60. 写す (うつす)utsusuto transcribe; to duplicategodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
61. 移る (うつる)utsuruto move; to transfergodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
62. 腕 (うで)udearmnoun
63. 上手い (うまい)umaiskillfuli-adjective (keiyoushi)
64. 裏 (うら)uraopposite sidenoun
65. 売り場 (うりば) uribaselling areanoun
66. 嬉しい (うれしい)ureshiihappyi-adjective (keiyoushi)
67. うん, うむ, ううむun, umu, uumuyes; yeahexpression
68. 運転 (うんてん)untenoperation; working; drivingnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb; intransitive verb
69. 運転手 (うんてんしゅ)untenshudrivernoun
70. 運動 (うんどう)undouexercise; physical trainingnoun; ~suru verb, intransitive verb

1.4 え (e)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
71. エスカレーター, エスカレータesukare-ta-, esukare-taescalatornoun
72. 枝 (えだ)edabranch; bownoun
73. 選ぶ (えらぶ)erabuto choose; to selectgodan verb with bu ending; transitive verb
74. 遠慮 (えんりょ)enryoreserve; constraint; restraintnoun; ~suru verb
75. 駅前 (えきまえ)ekimaein front of the stationnoun; place
76. 餌 (えさ)esa(animal) feednoun
77. 偉い (えらい)eraigreat; excellent; admirablei-adjective (keiyoushi)
78. エジプトejiputoEgyptnoun

1.5 お (o)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
79. お出でになる (おいでになる)oideni naruto be​; to comeexpressions (phrases, clauses, etc.); godan verb with ru ending
80. お祝い (おいわい)oiwaicongratulations; celebrationnoun
81. お陰で (おかげで)okagedeowing to; because ofexpressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
82. 可笑しい (おかしい)okashiiridiculous; strange; oddi-adjective (keiyoushi)
83. 億 (おく)oku100,000,000; hundred millionnumeric
84. 屋上 (おくじょう)okujourooftopnoun
85. 贈り物 (おくりもの) okurimonopresent; giftnoun
86. 送る (おくる)okuruto send (a thing)godan verb with ru ending; transitive verb
87. 遅れる (おくれる)okureruto be late; to be delayedichidan verb; intransitive verb
88. 起こす (おこす)okosuto raise; to wakegodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
89. 行う (おこなう)okonauto perform; to dogodan verb with u ending; transitive verb
90. 怒る (おこる, いかる)okoru, ikaruto get angry; to scoldgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
91. 押し入れ (おしいれ)oshi irecloset; wardrobenoun
92. お嬢さん (おじょうさん)ojousan(another’s) daughter; young ladynoun
93. お宅 (おたく)otakuyour housenoun
94. 落ちる (おちる)ochiruto fall downichidan verb; intransitive verb
95. おっしゃるossharuto saygodan verb ~aru special class; transitive verb
96. 夫 (おっと)ottohusband​noun
97. お釣り (おつり)otsurichange (for a purchase)​noun
98. 音 (おと)otosoundnoun; noun used as a suffix
99. 落とす (おとす)otosuto drop; to losegodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
100. 踊り (おどり)odoridancenoun
101. 踊る (おどる)odoruto dancegodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
102. 驚く (おどろく)odorokuto be surprisedgodan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb
103. お祭り (おまつり)omatsurifestivalnoun
104. お見舞い (おみまい)omimaicalling on someone who is illnoun
105. お土産 (おみやげ, おみあげ)omiyage; omiagesouvenirnoun
106. 思い出す (おもいだす)omoidasuto recall; to remembergodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
107. 思う (おもう)omouto think; to considergodan verb with u ending; transitive verb
108. おもちゃomochatoy​noun
109. 表 (おもて)omotesurface​noun
110. 親 (おや)oyaparents; mother and father​noun
111. 泳ぎ方 (およぎかた)oyogikataway of swimmingnoun
112. 降りる (おりる)oriruto descend; to come downichidan verb; intransitive verb
113. 折る (おる)oruto fold; to bendgodan verb with ru ending; transitive verb
114. お礼 (おれい)oreigratitude​; bow​noun
115. 折れる (おれる)oreruto be folded; to breakichidan verb; intransitive verb
116. 終わる (おわる)owaruto end; to finishgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb; auxiliary verb
117. オートバイo-tobaimotorcyclenoun

2. The vocabulary lists start with か(ka) ~ こ(ko)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

2.1 か (a)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
118. 海岸 (かいがん)kaigancoastnoun
119. 会議 (かいぎ)kaigimeeting; conferencenoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
120. 会議室 (かいぎしつ)kaigisitsuconference roomnoun
121. 会場 (かいじょう)kaijouvenuenoun
122. 会話 (かいわ)kaiwaconversationnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
123. 帰り (かえり)kaerireturn; coming backnoun
124. 変える (かえる)kaeruto changeichidan verb; transitive verb
125. 科学 (かがく)kagakusciencenoun
126. 鏡 (かがみ)kagamimirrornoun
127. 掛ける (かける)kakeruto hang upichidan verb; transitive verb
128. 飾る (かざる)kazaruto decorategodan verb with ru ending; transitive verb
129. 火事 (かじ)kajifirenoun
130. 硬い (かたい)kataihard; stiffi-adjective (keiyoushi)
131. 形 (かたち)katachiform; shapenoun
132. 片付ける (かたづける)katazukeruto tidy upichidan verb; transitive verb
133. 課長 (かちょう)kachousection managernoun
134. 格好 (かっこう, かっこ)kakkou, kakkoshape; appearancenoun
135. 勝つ (かつ)katsuto wigodan verb with tsu ending; intransitive verb
136. 家内 (かない)kanai(my) wife; inside the homenoun
137. 悲しいい (かなしい)kanashiisad; miserablei-adjective (keiyoushi)
138. 必ず (かならず)kanarazualways; certainlyadverb (fukushi)
139. 金持ち (かねもち)kanemochirich personnoun
140. 彼女 (かのじょ)kanojoshe; her​; girlfriendpronoun; noun
141. 壁 (かべ)kabewall; partitionnoun
142. 構う (かまう)kamauto be concerned about; to mattergodan verb with u ending; intransitive verb
143. 髪 (かみ)kamihair noun
144. 噛む (かむ)kamuto bite; to chewgodan verb with mu ending; transitive verb
145. 通う (かよう)kayouto commutegodan verb with u ending; intransitive verb
146. 彼 (かれ)karehe; him​; boyfriendpronoun; noun
147. 彼ら (かれら)karerathey; thempronoun
148. 乾く (かわく)kawakuto get drygodan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb
149. 代わり (かわり)kawarireplacementnoun
150. 変わる (かわる)kawaruto changegodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
151. 考える (かんがえる)kangaeruto think; to considerichidan verb; transitive verb
152. 関係 (かんけい)kankeirelationnoun; ~suru; ~no
153. 看護婦 (かんごふ) kangofu(female) nurse​noun
154. 簡単 (かんたん)kantaneasyna-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
155. カーテン ka-tencurtainnoun
156. ガス gasugas (as a fuel)​noun
157. ガソリンgasoringasolinenoun
158. ガソリンスタンドgasorin sutandogas stationnoun
159. ガラスgarasuglassnoun
160. 風邪を引く (かぜをひく)kaze wo hikuto catch a coldphrases; clauses

2.2 き (ki)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
161. 気 (き)kispirit; mindnoun
162. 機会 (きかい)kikaichance; opportunitynoun
163. 危険 (きけん)kikendanger; risk; hazardnoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
164. 聞こえる (きこえる)kikoeruto be heard; to be audibleichidan verb; intransitive verb
165. 汽車 (きしゃ)kishatrain; steam trainnoun
166. 季節 (きせつ)kisetsuseasonnoun; ~no
167. 規則 (きそく)kisokurule; regulationnoun
168. きっとkittosurely; almost certainlyadverb (fukushi)
169. 絹 (きぬ)kinusilknoun
170. 厳しい (きびしい)kibishiiseverei-adjective (keiyoushi)
171. 気分 (きぶん)kibunfeeling; moodnoun
172. 決まる (きまる)kimaruto be decidedgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
173. 君 (きみ)kimiyou; buddypronoun
174. 決める (きめる)kimeruto decideichidan verb; transitive verb
175. 気持ち (きもち)kimochifeelingnoun
176. 着物 (きもの)kimonokimononoun
177. 客 (きゃく)kyakuguest; visitornoun
178. 急 (きゅう)kyuusuddenna-adjective (keiyodoshi)
179. 急行 (きゅうこう)kyuukouhurrying (to somewhere); express (train)noun; ~suru
180. 教育 (きょういく)kyouikueducationnoun; ~suru
181. 教会 (きょうかい)kyoukaichurchnoun
182. 競争 (きょうそう)kyousoucompetitionnoun; ~suru
183. 興味 (きょうみ)kyoumiinterest (in something)noun
184. 近所 (きんじょ)kinjoneighborhoodnoun: ~no
185. 技術 (ぎじゅつ)gijyutsutechnologynoun

2.3 く (ku)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
186. 空気 (くうき)kuukiair; atmospherenoun
187. 空港 (くうこう)kuukouairportnoun
188. 草 (くさ)kusagrass; weednoun
189. 下さる (くださる)kudasaruto give; to conferhonorific verb
190. 首 (くび)kubinecknoun
191. 雲 (くも)kumocloudnoun
192. 比べる (くらべる)kuraberuto compareichidan verb; transitive verb
193. 暮れる (くれる)kureruto get darkichidan verb; intransitive verb
194. 君 (くん)kunyou;pronoun; noun
195. 具合 (ぐあい)guaicondition; statenoun

2.4 け (ke)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
196. 毛 (け)kehair; furnoun
197. 計画 (けいかく)keikakuplannoun; ~suru; transitive verb
198. 経験 (けいけん)keikenexperiencenoun; ~suru; transitive verb
199. 警察 (けいさつ)keisatsupolicenoun
200. 経済 (けいざい)keizaieconomy; financenoun
201. 怪我 (けが)kegainjury; woundnoun; ~suru
202. 景色 (けしき, けいしょく)keishiki; keishokuscenerynoun
203. 消しゴム (けしごむ)keshigomuerasernoun
204. 決して (けっして)kesshite(not) ever;adverb (fukushi)
205. けど, けれど, けれども, けどもkedo; keredo; keredomo; kedomobut; however; althoughconjunction; particle
206. 喧嘩 (けんか)kenkafightnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
207. 研究 (けんきゅう)kenkyuuresearch; investigation​noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
208. 研究室 (けんきゅうしつ)kenkyuushitsulaboratorynoun
209. 見物 (けんぶつ)kenbutsusightseeingnoun; ~suru verb
210. ケーキ ke-kicake​noun
211. 下宿 (げしゅく)geshukuboarding; lodgingnoun; ~suru verb
212. 原因 (げんいん)genincausenoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
213. ゲームge-mugamenoun

2.5 こ (ko)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
214. 子 (こ)kochild; kidnoun; suffix
215. こうkouin this wayadverb (fukushi)
216. 郊外 (こうがい)kougaisuburbnoun
217. 講義 (こうぎ)kougilecturenoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
218. 工業 (こうぎょう)kougyou(manufacturing) industrynoun
219. 高校 (こうこう)koukouhigh school​noun
220. 高校生 (こうこうせい)koukouseihigh school studentnoun
221. 工場 (こうじょう)koujoufactorynoun
222. 校長 (こうちょう)kouchouprincipalnoun
223. 交通 (こうつう)koutsuutraffic; transportationnoun; ~suru verb
224. 高等学校 (こうとうがっこう)koutou gakkouhigh school​noun
225. 講堂 (こうどう)koudouauditorium; lecture hallnoun
226. 公務員 (こうむいん)koumuincivil servantnoun
227. 国際 (こくさい)kokusaiinternationalnoun; ~no
228. 心 (こころ)kokoromind; heartnoun
229. 故障 (こしょう)koshoufault; problem; damagenoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
230. 答え (こたえ)kotaeanswernoun
231. 事 (こと)kotothing; matter​noun
232. 小鳥 (ことり)kotorilittle birdnoun
233. この間 (このあいだ)kono aidarecentlynoun; adverb (fukushi)
234. この頃 (このごろ)kono gorothese daysnoun; adverb (fukushi)
235. 細かい (こまかい)komakaismall; fine; minutei-adjective (keiyoushi)
236. 込む (こむ)komuto be crowdedgodan verb with mu ending; intransitive verb
237. 米 (こめ)komericenoun
238. これからkore karafrom now onnoun; adverb (fukushi)
239. 怖い (こわい)kowaiscary; frighteningi-adjective (keiyoushi)
240. 壊す (こわす)kowasuto wreckgodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
241. 壊れる (こわれる)kowareruto be broken; to breakichidan verb; intransitive verb
242. コンサートkonsa-toconcertnoun
243. 今度 (こんど)kondothis time; now; next timenoun; adverb (fukushi)
244. コンピュータ, コンピューターkonpyu-ta; konpyu-ta-computernoun
245. 今夜 (こんや)konyahis evening; tonightnoun; adverb (fukushi)
246. ご主人 (ごしゅじん)goshujinyour husband; her husbandnoun
247. ご存知 (ごぞんじ)gozonjiknowing​honorific noun
248. ごみ, ゴミgomitrashnoun
249. ご覧になる (ごらんになる)goran ni naruto seehonorific phrase; godan verb with ru ending
250. コースko-sucoursenoun

3. The vocabulary lists start with さ(sa) ~ そ(so)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

3.1 さ (sa)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
251. 最近 (さいきん)saikinrecentlynoun; ~no; adverb (fukushi)
252. 最初 (さいしょ)saishobeginningnoun; ~no; adverb (fukushi)
253. 最後 (さいご)saigolast; conclusionnoun; ~no; expression
254. 最中 (さいちゅう)saichuu(in) the middle ofnoun
255. 財布 (さいふ)saifuwalletnoun
256. 材料 (ざいりょう)zairyoumaterials; ingredientsnoun
257. サインsainsignaturenoun; ~suru
258. 探す (さがす)sagasuto search forgodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
259. 下がる (さがる)sagaruto go downgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
260. 先に (さきに)saki niearlier; firstadverb (fukushi)
261. 咲く (さく)sakuto bloomgodan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb
262. 作文 (さくぶん)sakubunwriting (an essay)noun; ~suru
263. 桜 (さくら)sakuracherry blossomnoun
264. 下げる (さげる)sageruto reduceichidan verb; transitive verb
265. 差す (さす)sasuto shine; to be visiblegodan verb with su ending; intransitive verb
266. 誘い (さそい)sasoiinvitationnoun
267. 誘う (さそう)sasouto invitegodan verb with u ending; transitive verb
268. 茶道 (さどう)sadoutea ceremonynoun
269. 寂しい (さびしい)sabishiilonelyi-adjective (keiyoushi)
270. 皿 (さら)saraplatenoun
271. 再来年 (さらいねん)sarainenyear after nextnoun; adverb (fukushi)
272. 再来月 (さらいげつ)saraigetsumonth after nextnoun; adverb (fukushi)
273. 再来週 (さらいしゅう)saraishuuweek after nextnoun; adverb (fukushi)
274. 触る (さわる)sawaruto touchgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb; transitive verb
275. 参加する (さんかする)sanka suruparticipate; joinnoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
276. 残業する (ざんぎょうする)zangyou surudo overtime (work)~suru; intransitive verb
277. 賛成する (さんせいする)sansei suruagree; approvenoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
278. サラダsaradasalad​noun
279. サワーsawa-sour (taste)noun; prefix
280. 三連休 (さんれんきゅう)sanrenkyuuthree-day weekendnoun

3.2 し (shi)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
281. 字 (じ)jicharacter; letternoun
282. 試合 (しあい)shiaimatchnoun; ~suru
283. 幸せ (しあわせ)shiawasehappinessnoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
284. 仕方 (しかた)shikataway; methodnoun
285. 試験 (しけん)shikenexam; testnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
286. 事故 (じこ)jikoaccidentnoun
287. 自己紹介 (じこしょうかい)jikoshoukaiself-introductionnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
288. 辞書 (じしょ)jishodictionarynoun
289. 地震 (じしん)jishinearthquakenoun
290. 時代 (じだい)jidaiperiod; eranoun
291. 下着 (したぎ)shitagiunderwearnoun
292. 自宅 (じたく)jitakuone’s housenoun
293. 実験 (じっけん)jikkenexperimentnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
294. 確り (しっかり)shikkaristronglyadverb (fukushi); ~to; ~suru
295. 湿度 (しつど)shitsudolevel of humiditynoun
296. 実は (じつは)jitsu ha (jitsu wa)to be honestexpression; adverb
297. 失敗 (しっぱい)shippaifailurenoun; ~suru; transitive verb; intransitive verb
298. 質問 (しつもん)shitsumonquestionnoun
299. 支点 (してん)shitenbranchnoun
300. 辞典 (じてん)jitendictionarynoun
301. 自動車 (じどうしゃ)jidoushavehiclenoun
302. 死ぬ (しぬ)shinuto die; to pass awaygodan verb with nu ending; irregular nu verb; intransitive verb
303. しばらくshibarakufor a momentadverb (fukushi); ~suru
304. 島 (しま)shimaislandnoun
305. 事務所 (じむしょ)jimushoofficenoun
306. 締め切り (しめきり)shimekirideadlinenoun
307. 閉まる (しまる)shimaruto closegodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
308. 閉める (しめる)shimeruto closegodan verb with ru ending; transitive verb
309. 市役所 (しやくしょ)shiyakushocity hallnoun
310. 社長 (しゃちょ)shachodirectornoun
311. じゃまjyamadisturbance; to visit (someone’s home)noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi); ~suru
312. 自由 (じゆう)jiyuufreedom; libertynoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
313. 習慣 (しゅうかん)shuukanhabitnoun
314. 住所 (じゅうしょ)jyuushoaddressnoun
315. 柔道 (じゅうどう)jyuudoujudonoun
316. 十分 (じゅうぶん)jyuubunenough; sufficientna-adjective (keiyodoshi)
317. 週末 (しゅうまつ)shuumatsuweekendadverb (fukushi); noun
318. 授業 (じゅぎょう)jyugyoulessonnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
319. 首相 (しゅしょう)shushouprime ministernoun
320. 主人 (しゅじん)shujinhead (of a household); husbandnoun
321. 出席 (しゅっせき)shussekiattendancenoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
322. 出発 (しゅっぱつ)shuppatsudeparturenoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
323. 出張 (しゅっちょう)shucchoubusiness tripnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
324. 準備 (じゅんび)jyunbipreparationnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
325. 紹介 (しょうかい)shoukaiintroductionnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
326. 小学生 (しょうがくせい)shougakuseielementary school studentnoun
327. 使用禁止 (しようきんし)shiyou kinshiprohibition of usenoun: ~no
328. 上手 (じょうず)jouzuskillful; good (at)na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
329. 小説 (しょうせつ)shousetsunovelnoun: ~no
330. 招待する (しょうたいする)shoutai suruinvite~suru verb
331. 丈夫 (じょうぶ)joubuhealthyna-adjective (keiyodoshi)
332. 情報 (じょうほう)jouhouinformationnoun
333. 醤油 (しょうゆ)shioyusoy saucenoun
334. 将来 (しょうらい)shouraifuture (usually near)noun; adverb (fukushi)
335. 食事 (しょくじ)shokujimealnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
336. 食料品 (しょくりょうひん)shokuryouhinfoodstuff; groceriesnoun
337. 女性 (じょせい)joseiwoman; femalenoun: ~no
338. 書類 (しょるい)shoruidocument; papersnoun
339. 知らせる (しらせる)shiraseruto notify; to informichidan verb; transitive verb
340. 調べる (しらべる)shiraberuto examine; investigate;ichidan verb; transitive verb
341. 知り合い (しりあい)shiriaiacquaintancenoun
342. 資料 (しりょう)shiryoumaterials; datanoun: ~no
343. 新幹線 (しんかんせん)shinkansenbullet trainnoun
344. 信号 (しんごう)shingousignal; traffic lightnoun; ~suru verb
345. 人口 (じんこう)jinkoupopulationnoun
346. 神社 (じんじゃ)jinjyaShinto shrinenoun
347. 信じる (しんじる)shinjiruto believe; to believe inichidan verb; transitive verb
348. 親戚 (しんせき)shinsekirelative; relationnoun
349. 身長 (しんちょう)shinchouheight (of body)noun
350. 新入生 (しんにゅうせい)shinnyuuseinew studentnoun
351. 心配 (しんぱい)shinpaiworry; concern; anxiety; noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
352. 親友 (しんゆう)shinyuuclose friendnoun
353. 新年会 (しんねんかい)shinnenkaiNew Year’s partynoun
354. ショートsho-toshort​na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
355. 新聞社 (しんぶんしゃ)shinbunshanewspaper companynoun

3.3 す (su)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
356. 水泳 (すいえい)suieiswimmingnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb; ~no
357. 水道 (すいどう)suidouwater supplynoun
358. 数学 (すうがく)suugakumathematicsnoun
359. スーツ su-tsusuit (clothing)noun
360. スキー場 (スキーじょう)suki-jouski resortnoun
361. すぎるsugiruto pass throughichidan verb; intransitive verb
362. すごいsugoiamazing; terrific​i-adjective (keiyoushi)
363. 過ごす (すごす)sugosuto pass (time); to spendgodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
364. 進む (すすむ)susumuto advance; to go forwardgodan verb with mu ending; intransitive verb
365. ずっとzuttocontinuously; the whole timeadverb (fukushi)
366. 捨てる (すてる)suteruto throw awayichidan verb; transitive verb
367. 素晴らしい (すばらしい)subarashiiwonderful; splendidi-adjective (keiyoushi)
368. 滑る (すべる)suberuto glide; to slide; to slipgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
369. 隅 (すみ)sumicorner; nook; recessnoun; suffix
370.すもうsumousumo wrestlingnoun
371. 座る (すわる)suwaruto sitgodan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb
372. スケジュールsukejyu-ruschedulenoun; ~suru verb
373. ステーキsute-kisteaknoun
374. スピーチsupi-chispeechnoun
375. スピーチコンテストsupi-chi kontesutospeech contestnoun
376. スマホsumahosmartphone;noun

3.4 せ (se)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
377. 生活する (せいかつする)seikatsulife; livingnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
378. 生活習慣 (せいかつしゅうかん)seikatsu shuukanlifestyle; way of livingnoun
379. 世紀 (せいき)seikicenturynoun
380. 成功する (せいこうする)seikou surusuccess; achievementnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
381. 政治 (せいじ)seijipoliticsnoun
382. 成績 (せいせき)seisekiresults; record; gradesnoun
383. 生徒 (せいと)seitoschoolchildnoun
384. 整理する (せいりする)seiri suruarrange; organize~suru verb; transitive verb
385. 世界遺産 (せかいいさん)sekai isanWorld Heritage; sitenoun
386. 政界史 (せかいし)sekaishiworld historynoun
387. 世界中 (せかいじゅう)sekaijyuuaround the worldnoun; ~no
388. 世界地図 (せかいちず)sekai chizuworld mapnoun
389. 席 (せき)sekiseatnoun
390. 石油 (せきゆ)sekiyuoil; petroleumnoun
391. せっけんsekkensoapnoun
392. ぜったいzettaiabsolutely; definitelyadverb (fukushi)
393. せつびsetsubiequipment; facilitienoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
394. 説明 (せつめい)setsumeiexplanationnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
395. 背中 (せなか)senakaback (of the body)noun
396. ぜひzehicertainlyadverb (fukushi)
397. 世話になる (せわになる)sewa ni naruto receive favorexpression; godan verb with ru ending
398. 選手 (せんしゅ)senshuplayernoun
399. ぜんぜんzenzen(not) at all; (not) in the slightesadverb (fukushi)
400. 戦争 (せんそう)sensouwarnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
401. せんたく機 (せんたくき)sentakukiwashing machinenoun
402. せんたく物 (せんたくもの)sentaku monolaundry; the washingnoun
403. せんぱいsenpaiseniornoun
404. 専門 (せんもん)senmonspecialitynoun; ~no
405. 専門学校 (せんもんがっこう)senmon gakkouvocational schoolnoun

3.5 そ (so)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
406. そうさsousaoperationnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
407. そうしきsoushikifuneralnoun; ~no
408. 相談 (そうだん)soudanconsultation; discussionnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
409. 卒業 (そつぎょう)sotsugyougraduation; completionnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
410. 卒業式 (そつぎょうしき)sotsuyoushikigraduation ceremonynoun
411. 卒業生 (そつぎょうせい)sotsugyouseigraduate; alumnusnoun
412. 卒業論文 (そつぎょうろんぶん)sotsugyou rombungraduation thesisnoun
413. そのうえsono uein addition; furthermoreconjunction
414. そのままsonomamawithout change; as it isadverb (fukushi); ~no; noun
415. 祖父 (そふ)sofugrandfathernoun
416. 祖母 (そぼ)sobograndmothernoun
417. 空 (そら)sorasky; the airnoun
418. それでsoredeso; thereforeconjunction
419. それならsorenaraif so conjunction
420. そろそろsorosorosoonadverb (fukushi); ~to
421. ソースso-susaucesauce
422. ソフトsofutosoftna-adjective (keiyodoshi); ~no 

4. The vocabulary lists start with た(ta) ~ と(to)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

4.1 た (ta)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
423. 大会 (たいかい)taikaitournament; competitionnoun
424. 退院 (たいいん)taiinleaving hospitalnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
425. 大学生 (だいがくせい)daigakuseiuniversity studentnoun
426. 大学院生 (だいがくいんせい)daigakuinseigraduate studentnoun
427. 大事 (だいじ)daijiimportant; serious; crucialna-adjective (keiyodoshi)
428. 体温 (たいおん)taiontemperaturenoun
429. 体重 (たいじゅう)taijyuu(body) weightnoun
430. 体重計 (たいじゅうけい)taijyuukeiscalenoun
431. 大体 (だいたい)daitaigenerallyadverb (fukushi)
432. 大統領 (だいとうりょう)daitouryoupresident (of a nation)noun
433. 台所 (だいどころ)daidokorokitchennoun; ~no
434. 大分 (だいぶ)daibuconsiderably; greatlyadverb (fukushi)
435. 台風 (たいふう)taifuutyphoon; hurricanenoun
436. 太陽 (たいよう)taiyouSunnoun
437. 体力 (たいりょく)tairyoukustamina; physical strengthnoun
438. 倒す (たおす)taosuto throw downgodan verb with su ending; transitive verb
439. 倒れる (たおれる)taoreruto fall (over, down)ichidan verb; intransitive verb
440. だからdakaraso; therefore; accordinglyconjunction
441. 宅配便 (たくはいびん)takuhaibinexpress home delivery servicenoun
442. たしかtashikasure; certain; positive; definitena-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
443. たしかにtashikanisurely; certainlyadverb (fukushi)
444. 確かめる (たしかめる)tashikameruto ascertain; to checkichidan verb; transitive verb
445. 足す (たす)tasuto add (numbers or something)godan verb with su ending; transitive verb
446. 訪ねる (たずねる)tazuneruto visitichidan verb; transitive verb
447. 正しい (ただしい)tadashiiright; correcti-adjective (keiyoushi)
448. たたみtatamiJapanese straw floor coveringsnoun
449. 立入禁止 (たちいりきんし)tachi iri kinshiNo Entryexpressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
450. 建つ (たつ)tatsuto be builtgodan verb with tsu ending; intransitive verb
451. 立つ (たつ)tatsuto standgodan verb with tsu ending; intransitive verb
452. たった今 (たったいま)tatta imajust nowadverb (fukushi)
453. 建てる (たてる)tateruto build; to constructichidan verb; transitive verb
454. 立てる (たてる)tateruto stand up; to set upichidan verb; transitive verb
455. 例えば (たとえば)tatoebafor exampleadverb (fukushi)
456. 棚 (たな)tanashelfnoun
457. 楽しむ (たのしむ)tanoshimuto enjoy; to have fungodan verb with mu ending; transitive verb
458. 頼む (たのむ)tanomuto request;godan verb with mu ending; transitive verb
459. 食べ放題 (たべほうだい)tabe houdaiall-you-can-eatnoun
460. ただtadaonly; justadverb (fukushi)
461. たまにtamanioccasionallyadverb (fukushi)
462. 足りる (たりる)tariruto be sufficientichidan verb; intransitive verb
463. 男性 (だんせい)danseiman; malenoun; ~no
464. 暖房 (だんぼう)danbou(indoor) heating​noun,; ~suru verb; transitive verb
465. タオル taorutowelnoun

4.2 ち (chi)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
466. 血 (ち)chibloodnoun
467. 小さい (ちいさい)chiisaismall; littlei-adjective (keiyoushi)
468. 近い (ちかい)chikainear; closei-adjective (keiyoushi)
469. 地下 (ちか)chikaundergroundnoun; ~no
470. 近く (ちかく)chikakunear; neighborhoodnoun; ~no; adverb (fukushi)
471. 違う (ちがう)chigauto differ (from)intransitive verb
472. 力 (ちから)chikaraforce; strengthnoun
473. 地球 (ちきゅう)chikyuuEarth; the globenoun
474. 遅刻 (ちこく)chikokulatenessnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
475. 茶碗 (ちゃわん) chawanrice bowlnoun
476. ちゃんとchantodiligently; seriouslyadverb (fukushi); ~suru verb
477. 注意 (ちゅうい)chuuiattention; noticenoun; ~suru verb
478. 中学生 (ちゅうがくせい)chuugakuseijunior high school studentnoun
479. 中学校 (ちゅうがっこう)chuugakkoujunior high schoolnoun
480. 中止 (ちゅうし)chuushiinterruption; suspensionnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
481. 駐車 (ちゅうしゃ)chuushaparkingnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb; ~no
482. 駐車場 (ちゅうしゃじょう)chuushajouparking lotnoun
483. 中火 (ちゅうび)chuubimedium flame (cooking)noun
484. 注文 (ちゅうもん)chuumonorder (for an item)noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
485. 調子 (ちょうし)choushitune; condition; state of healthnoun
486. 丁度良い (ちょうどいい)choudoiijust right (time, size, length, etc.)​expression
487. 貯金 (ちょきん)chokinsavings; depositnoun; ~suru verb
488. 貯金箱 (ちょきんばこ)chokin bakosavings boxnoun
489. 直接 (ちょくせつ)chokusetsudirectna-adjective; noun; ~no; adverb (fukushi)
490. チームchi-muteamnoun
491. チェックchekkuchecknoun; ~no
492. チャレンジcharenjitaking on (a challenge); attemptnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
493. チャンスchansuchance; opportunitynoun
494. ちょっとchottoa little; a bit; slightlyadverb (fukushi)
495. 地理 (ちり)chirigeographynoun

4.3 つ (tsu)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
496. 通訳 (つやく)tsuyakuinterpretationnoun; ~suru verb
497. 使う (つかう)tsukauto use; to make use of transitive verb
498. つかまえるtsukamaeruto catch; to capture; to arresttransitive verb
499. 月 (つき)tsukimoon; monthnoun
500. 付き合い (つきあい)tsukiaiassociation; socializingnoun
501. 付き合う (つき合う)tsukiauto associate with; to go along withintransitive verb
502. 付く (つく)tsukuto be attachedintransitive verb
503. 付けるtsukeruto attach; to join; to addtransitive verb
504. 都合 (つごう)tsugoucircumstances; conditionadverb (fukushi); noun
505. 伝える (つたえる)tsutaeruto convey; to telltransitive verb
506. 続く (つづく)tsuzukuto continueintransitive verb
507. 続ける (つづける)tsuzukeruto continue; to keep uptransitive verb; auxiliary verb
508. 包む (つつむ)tsutsumuto wrap up; to packtransitive verb
509. 勤める (つとめる)tsutomeruto work (for); to be employed (at)transitive verb
510. 津波 (つなみ)tsunamitsunaminoun
511. 妻 (つま)tsumawife​noun
512. つまらない tsumaranaiuninteresting; boringi-adjective (keiyoushi)
513. 強火 (つよび)tsuyobihigh flame (cooking); high heatnoun
514. 釣り (つり or お釣り)tsuri or otsurifishingnoun
515. 連れて行く (つれていく)tsurete ikuto take (someone; to a place); to take alongtransitive verb

4.4 て (te)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
516. 丁寧 (ていねい)teineipolite; carefulna-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
517. できるdekiruto be able (in a position) to dointransitive verb
518. できるだけdekiru dakeas much as possibleadverb (fukushi)
519. 出口 (でぐち)deguchiexit; gatewaynoun
520. 手伝い (てつだい)tetsudaihelp; assistancenoun
521. 手伝う (てつだう)tetsudauto help; to assisttransitive verb
522. 手袋 (てぶくろ)tebukuroglovenoun
523. 寺 (てら)teratemple (Buddhist)noun
524. 出る (でる)deruto leave; to exitintransitive verb
525. 点 (てん)tenspot; pointnoun
526. 店員 (てんいん)teninemployee (of a store)noun
527. 天気予報 (てんきよほう)tenki yohouweather forecastnoun
528. 電源 (でんげん)dengen electrical power; powernoun
529. 電子情報 (でんしじょうほう)denshi jouhouelectronic information; electronic datanoun
530. 点数 (てんすう)tensuumarks; scorenoun
531. データde-tadatanoun
532. デートde-todate (with someone)noun; ~suru
533. テキストtekisutotextbooknoun
534. テストtesutoexamination; testnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
535. テレビterebitelevision; TVnoun

4.5 て (to)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
536. 道具 (どうぐ)dougutool; instrument; apparatusnoun
537. 到着する (とうちゃくする)touchaku suruarrivalnoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
538. 動物園 (どうぶつえん)doubutsuenzoonoun
539. どうもdoumothank you; thanksexpression; adverb (fukushi)
540. 通り (とおり)tooristreet: roadadverb (fukushi); noun
541. 通る (とおる)tooruto go by; to travel along; to pass throughintransitive verb
542. 独身 (どくしん)dokushinsingle; unmarriednoun; ~no
543. 特に (とくに)tokuniparticularly; especiallyadverb (fukushi)
544. 特別 (とくべつ)tokubetsunaspecial; particular; extraordinaryna-adjective (keiyodoshi); ~no; adverb (fukushi); noun
545. 登山する (とざんする)tozan surumountain climbingnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
546. 閉じる (とじる)tojiruto closetransitive verb & or intransitive verb
547. 特急 (とっきゅう)tokkyuulimited express trainnoun
548. 届く (とどく)todokuto reach; to be deliveredintransitive verb
549. 届ける (とどける)todokeruto deliver; to forwardtransitive verb
550. 止まる (とまる)tomaruto stop (moving)intransitive verb
551. 止める (とめる)tomeruto stoptransitive verb
552. 鳥 (とり)toribirdnoun
553. どんどんdondonrapidly; quicklyadverb (fukushi); ~to
554. ドライdoraidry​na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
555. ドラマdoramaTV dramanoun

5. The vocabulary lists start with な(na) ~ の(no)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

5.1 な (na)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
556. 直す (なおす)naosuto cure; to correcttransitive verb
557. 直る (なおる)naoru to be repairedintransitive verb
558. 治す (なおす)naosuto cure; to fixtransitive verb
559. 治る (なおる)naoruto get better; to recoverintransitive verb
560. 泣く (なく)nakuto cryverb
561. なくす nakusuto lose (something)​transitive verb
562. なくなるnakunaruto be lost; to be missingintransitive verb
563. 亡くなる (なくなる)nakunaruto die; to pass awayintransitive verb
564. 投げる (なげる)nageruto throwtransitive verb
565. 夏 (なつ)natsusummeradverb (fukushi)
566. なべ nabepan; potnoun
567. 生ごみ (なまごみ)nama gomiraw garbage; kitchen wastenoun
568. 波 (なみ)namiwavenoun
569. 涙 (なみだ)namidatearnoun
570. 並ぶ (ならぶ)narabuto line upintransitive verb
571. 並べる (ならべる)naraberuto line uptransitive verb
572. 鳴る (なる)naruto soundintransitive verb
573. なるべくnarubekuas (much) as possibleadverb (fukushi)
574. なるほどnaruhodoI see; that’s rightadverb (fukushi)
575. 慣れる (なれる)nareruto get used to; to become familiar withintransitive verb

5.2 に (ni)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
576. 匂いnioiodor; scent; smellnoun
577. 苦い (にがい)nigaibitteri-adjective (keiyoushi)
578. 賑やか (にぎやか)nigiyaka busy; crowdedna-adjective (keiyodoshi)
579. 逃げる (にげる)nigeruto escapeintransitive verb
580. 日記 (にっき)nikkidiary; journalnoun
581. 日本史 (にほんし)nihonshihistory of Japannoun
582. 日本中 (にほんじゅう)nihonjuuthroughout Japannoun: ~no
583. 日本製 (にほんせい)nihonseimade in Japannoun: ~no
584. 日本文学 (にほんぶんがく)nihon bungakuJapanese literaturenoun
585. 日本料理 (にほんりょうり)nihon ryouriJapanese cookingnoun
586. 入院する (にゅういんする)nyuin suruhospitalizationnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
587. 入学式 (にゅうがくしき)nyuugaku shikischool entrance ceremonynoun
588. 入学試験 (にゅうがくしけん)nyuugaku shikenentrance examinationnoun
589. 入力する (にゅうりょくする)nyuuryoku suruinput; (data) entrynoun; ~suru; transitive verb
590. 似る (にる)niruto resemble; to look likeintransitive verb
591. 人気 (にんき)ninkipopularitynoun; ~no
592. 人気者 (にんきもの)ninki monopopular personnoun
593. 人形 (にんぎょう)ningyoudollnoun
594. ニュースnyu-sunewsnoun
595. ニュースサイトnyu-su saitonews websitenoun

5.3 ぬ (nu)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
596. 盗む (ぬすむ)nusumuto stealtransitive verb
597. ぬる (ぬる)nuruto painttransitive verb
598. 濡れる (ぬれる)nureruto get wetintransitive verb

5.4 ね (ne)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
599. 値段 (ねだん)nedanprice; costnoun
600. 熱 (ねつ)netsuheatnoun
601. 寝坊する (ねぼうする)nebou surusleeping in late; oversleepingnoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
602. 眠い (ねむい)nemuisleepyi-adjective (keiyoushi)
603. 眠る (ねむる)nemuruto sleepintransitive verb

5.5 の (no)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
604. 残す (のこす)nokosuto leave (behind)transitive verb
605. 残る (のこる)nokoruto remainintransitive verb
606. 伸ばす (のばす)nobasuto grow long; to extendtransitive verb
607. 伸びる (のびる)nobiruto stretchintransitive verb
608. 乗る (のる)noruto get on (train, plane etc)intransitive verb

6. The vocabulary lists start with は(ha) ~ ほ(ho)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

6.1 は (ha)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
609. 葉 (は)haleafnoun
610. 倍 (ばい)baidouble; twice (as much)noun; ~no
611. 歯医者 (はいしゃ)haishadentistnoun
612. 俳優 (はいゆう)haiyuuactor; actressnoun
613. 入る (はいる)hairuto enter; to go into​intransitive verb
614. 葉書 (はがき)hagakipostcard​noun
615. 計る (はかる)hakaruto measure; to weightransitive verb
616. 運ぶ (はこぶ)hakobuto carrytransitive verb
617. 始まる (はじまる)hajimaruto begin; to startintransitive verb
618. 始める (はじめる)hajimeruto start; to begintransitive verb
619. 場所 (ばしょ)bashoplace; locationnoun
620. 走る (はしる)hashiruto runintransitive verb
621. 働く (はたらく)hatarakuto workintransitive verb
622. 発音 (はつおん)hatsuonpronunciationnoun; ~suru
623. 発見 (はっけん)hakkendiscoverynoun; ~suru; transitive verb
624. 発表 (はっぴょう)happyouannouncementnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
625. 話 (はなし)hanashitalk; speechnoun
626. 話す (はなす)hanasuto talk; to speaktransitive verb
627. 花火 (はなび)hanabifireworksnoun
628. 花見 (はなみ) or お花見hanami or ohanamicherry blossom viewingnoun; ~suru
629. 歯磨き (はみがき)hamigakidental brushingnoun; ~suru
630. 早起き (はやおき)hayaokiearly risingnoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
631. 林 (はやし)hayashiforestnoun
632. 払う (はらう)harauto pay (e.g. money, bill)transitive verb
633. 春 (はる)haruspringnoun; adverb (fukushi)
634. 晴れ (はれ)harefine weathernoun; ~no
635. 晴れる (はれる)hareruto clear upintransitive verb
636. 反対する (はんたいする)hantai suruoppositionnoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
637. バイクbaikumotorcyclenoun
638. バス停 (バスてい)basuteibus stopnoun
639. ハンバーガーhanba-ga-hamburgernoun
640. パソコンpasokonpersonal computer; PC​noun

6.2 ひ (hi)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
641. 火 (ひ)hifire; flamenoun; suffix
642. 冷える (ひえる)hieruto grow cold; to get chillyintransitive verb
643. 光 (ひかり)hikarilightnoun
644. 引き出し (ひきだし)hikidashidrawernoun
645. 引く (ひく)hikuto pulltransitive verb
646. ひたいhitaiforeheadnoun
647. 左側 (ひだりがわ)hidari gawaleft sidenoun; ~no
648. ひどいhidoicruel; heartlessi-adjective (keiyoushi)
649. 暇 (ひま)himaleisurenoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
650. ひも himostringnoun
651. 開く (ひらく)hirakuto opentransitive & or intransitive verb
652. 冷やす (ひやす)hiyasuto cool; to chill; to refrigeratetransitive verb
653. 昼間 (ひるま)hirumadaytimenoun; adverb (fukushi)
654. 昼休み (ひるやすみ)hiru yasumilunch breaknoun; adverb (fukushi)
655. 広場 (ひろば)hirobaopen spacenoun
656. びんbinbottle; jarnoun
657. ピアノpianopiano​noun
658. ビタミンbitaminvitamin​noun
659. ビニール袋 bini-ru bukuroplastic bagnoun
660. びっくりするbikkuri surusurprisingadverb (fukushi)
661. ひげhigemoustachenoun
662. ひざhizakneenoun
663. ひじhijielbownoun
664. 美術館 (びじゅつかん)bijyutsukanart museumnoun
665. 美容院 (びよういん)biyouinbeauty salonnoun

6.3 ふ (fu)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
666. 増える (ふえる)fueruto increaseintransitive verb
667. 深い (ふかい)fukaideepi-adjective (keiyoushi)
668. 吹く (ふく)fukuto blowintransitive verb
669. 複雑 (ふくざつ)fukuzatsucomplex; complicatedna-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
670. 復習 (ふくしゅう)fukushuureview noun; ~suru verb
671. 袋 (ふくろ)fukurobag; sack; pouchnoun
672. 普通 (ふつう)futsuunormal; ordinaryna-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
673. 太い (ふとい)futoifat; thicki-adjective (keiyoushi)
674. 布団 (ふとん)futonfutonnoun
675. 船便 (ふなびん)funabinsurface mail (ship)noun
676. 増やす (ふやす)fuyasuto increasetransitive verb
677. 冬 (ふゆ)fuyuwinternoun; adverb (fukushi)
678. 文 (ぶん)bunsentencenoun
679. 文化 (ぶんか)bunkaculturenoun
680. 文法 (ぶんぽう)bunpougrammarnoun

6.4 へ (he)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
681. 平日 (へいじつ)heijitsuweekdayadverb (fukushi); noun
682. 平和 (へいわ)heiwapeace; harmonyna-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
683. 減らす (へらす)herasuto shortentransitive verb
684. 減る (へる)heruto decreaseintransitive verb
685. 返事する (へんじする)henji surureply; answer; responsenoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
686. 勉強する (べんきょうする)benkyou surustudynoun; ~suru; transitive verb
687. 弁護士 (べんごし)bengoshilawyernoun
688. ペットpettopetnoun
689. ペコペコpeko pekovery hungryna-adjective (keiyodoshi)
690. ペットボトルpetto botoruPET or plastic bottlenoun
691. ベビーカーbebi-ka-strollernoun

6.5 ほ (ho)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
692. 保育園 (ほいくえん)hoikuennursery schoolnoun
693. 方言 (ほうげん)hougendialectnoun
694. 放送する (ほうそうする)housou surubroadcastingnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
695. 方法 (ほうほう)houhoumethod; techniquenoun
696. 訪問する (ほうもんする)houmon surucall; visitnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
697. 保険証 (ほけんしょう)hokenshouinsurance cardnoun
698. 星 (ほし)hoshistarnoun
699. 細い (ほそい)hosoithini-adjective (keiyoushi)
700. 骨 (ほね)honebonenoun
701. ほめるhomeruto praisetransitive verb
702. 本社 (ほんしゃ)honshahead officenoun
703. 本棚 (ほんだな)hondanabookshelvesnoun
704. 本店 (ほんてん)hontenhead officenoun
705. 翻訳する (ほんやくする)honyaku surutranslationnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
706. 翻訳家 (ほんやくか)honyakukatranslatornoun
707. ボーナスbonasubonusnoun
708. ホームページho-mu pe-jihome pagenoun
709. ポケットpokettopocketnoun
710. ポスターposutaposternoun

7. The vocabulary lists start with ま(ma) ~ も(mo)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

7.1 ま (ma)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
711. 毎日 (まいにち)mainichievery daynoun; adverb (fukushi)
712. 毎週 (まいしゅう)maishuuevery weeknoun; adverb (fukushi)
713. 毎月 (まいつき)maitsukievery monthnoun; adverb (fukushi)
714. 毎年 (まいとし)maitoshievery year; annuallynoun; adverb (fukushi)
715. 負ける (まける)makeruto lose; to be defeatedintransitive verb
716. 混ぜる (まぜる)mazeruto mix; to blendtransitive verb
717. 間違い (まちがい)machigaimistake; errornoun
718. 間違う (まちがう)machigauto make a mistakeverb
719. 間違える (まちがえる)machigaeruto make a mistake transitive verb
720. まとまるmatomaruto be collectedintransitive verb
721. まとめるmatomeruto collect; to summarizetransitive verb
722. 守る (まもる)mamoruto protecttransitive verb
723. 回す (まわす)mawasuto turn; to rotatetransitive verb
724. 周り (まわり)mawarisurroundings; circumferencenoun
725. 回る (まわる)mawaruto turn; to revolveintransitive verb

7.2 み (mi)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)
726. 見える (みえる)mieruto look; to appearintransitive verb
727. 磨く (みがく)migakuto polish; to improvetransitive verb
728. 右側 (みぎがわ)migi gawaright sidenoun; ~no
729. 湖 (みずうみ)mizuumilakenoun
730. みそmisomiso; fermented condiment made from soybeansnoun
731. 道 (みち)michiroad; path; streetnoun
732. 見つかる (みつかる)mitsukaruto be foundintransitive verb
733. 見つける (みつける)mitsukeruto discover; to findtransitive verb
734. 港 (みなと)minatoharbor; portnoun
735. 未来 (みらい)mirai(distant) futurenoun
736. 診る (みる)miruto examine (medically)transitive verb
737. みんなminnaeveryone; everybodynoun; pronoun; adverb (fukushi)
738. ミーティングmi-tinggumeetingnoun
739. ミーティング中mi-tinggu chuuin the middle of meetingnoun; adverb (fukushi)
740. ミーティングルームmi-tinggu ru-mumeeting roomnoun

7.3 む (mu)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
741. 向かう (むかう)mukauto faceintransitive verb
742. 向かい (むかい)mukaifacing; oppositenoun; ~no
743. 昔 (むかし)mukashiolden days; formernoun; ~no; adverb (fukushi)
744. むかし話 (むかしばなし)mukashi banashiold tale; folk tale; legendnoun
745. 麦 (むぎ)mugiwheat; oat (oats)noun
746. 虫 (むし) mushiinsect; bugnoun
747. 息子 (むすこ)musukosonnoun
748. 娘 (むすめ)musumedaughternoun
749. 無理 (むり)muriunreasonable; unnaturalna-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun
750. 無料 (むりょう)muryoufree (of charge)noun; ~no

7.4 め (me)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
751. 名刺 (めいし)meishibusiness cardnoun
752. めずらしいmezurashiiunusual; rarei-adjective (keiyoushi)
753. メモするmemosurunote; memonoun; ~suru; transitive verb
754. メールアドレスme-ru adoresuemail addressnoun
755. メニューmenyu-menunoun

7.5 も (mo)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)
756. 申し込み (もうしこみ)moushikomiapplication; entrynoun
757. 申し込む (もうしこむ)moushikomuto apply fortransitive verb
758. もうすぐmousugusoon; shortlyexpression; adverb (fukushi)
759. 燃えないゴミ (もえないごみ)moenai gominonburnable garbageexpression; noun
760. 燃える (もえる)moeruto burnintransitive verb
761. 目的 (もくてき)mokutekipurpose; goal; aimnoun
762. 文字 (もじ)mojiletter (of alphabet); characternoun
763. もしmoshiif; in caseadverb (fukushi)
764. もちろんmochironof course; certainlyadverb (fukushi)
765. もっとmotto(some) more; even moreadverb (fukushi)
766. 戻す (もどす)modosuto put back; to returntransitive verb
767. 戻る (もどる)modoruto turn backintransitive verb
768. 紅葉 (もみじ)momijiautumn colours; fall colorsnoun; ~suru
769. 貰う (もらう)morauto receivetransitive verb
770. 森 (もり)moriforestnoun

8. The vocabulary lists start with や(ya) ~ よ(yo)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

8.1 や (ya)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
771. 野球 (やきゅう)yakyuubaseballnoun
772. 焼く (やく)yakuto burntransitive verb
773. 焼ける (やける)yakeruto burnintransitive verb
774. 約束 (やくそく)yakusokupromise; agreementnoun; ~suru
775. 役に立つ (やくにたつ)yakunitatsuto be helpfulexpression; verb
776. やけどyakedoburnnoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
777. 夜行バス (やこうバス)yakou basuovernight busnoun
778. 優しい (やさしい)yasashiitender; kind; gentlei-adjective (keiyoushi)
779. 易しい (やさしい)yasashiieasy; plaini-adjective (keiyoushi)
780. 痩せる (やせる)yaseruto become thin; to lose weight; intransitive verb
781. 家賃 (やちん)yachinrentnoun
782. 破る (やぶる)yaburuto tear; to rip; to breaktransitive verb
783. 破れる (やぶれる)yabureruto break; to be smashedintransitive verb
784. 山登り (やまのぼり)yama noborimountain climbingnoun
785. 矢印 (やじるし)yajirushiarrow (symbol)noun

8.2 ゆ (yu)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
786. 遊園地 (ゆうえんち)yuuenchiamusement parknoun
787. 夕方 (ゆうがた)yuugataevening; dusk​noun; adverb (fukushi)
788. 優勝 (ゆうしょう)yuushouoverall victory; championshipnoun; ~suru; intransitive verb
789. 有料 (ゆうりょう)yuuryoufee-charging; not freenoun; ~no
790. 行き (ゆき)yukithe way therenoun
791. 行き帰り (ゆきかえり)yukikaerigoing and returningnoun; ~suru
792. 雪祭り (ゆきまつり)yuki matsurisnow festival​noun
793. 指 (ゆび)yubifingernoun
794. 指輪 (ゆびわ)yubiwaringnoun
795. 夢 (ゆめ)yumedreamnoun

8.3 よ (yo)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
796. 酔う (よう)youto get drunkintransitive verb
797. 用意する (よういする)youi surudo preparationnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
798. 洋室 (ようしつ)youshitsuWestern-style roomnoun
799. 洋食 (ようしょく)youshokuWestern foodnoun
800. 汚す (よごす)yogosuto pollute; to contaminatetransitive verb
801. 汚れ (よごれ)yogoredirtnoun
802. 汚れる (よごれる)yogoreruto get dirty; to become dirtyintransitive verb
803. 予習する (よしゅうしゅる)yoshuu surupreparation for a lessonnoun; ~suru
804. 酔っぱらい (よっぱらい)yopparaidrunkardnoun
805. よっぱらう (よっぱらう)yopparauto get drunkintransitive verb
806. 予定 (よてい)yoteiplans; arrangementnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
807. 夜中 (よなか)yonakamiddle of the nightnoun; adverb (fukushi)
808. 読み方 (よみかた)yomikatapronunciation; readingnoun
809. 予約する (よやくする)yoyaku surureservation; appointmentnoun; ~suru; transitive verb
810. 寄る (よる)yoruto approachintransitive verb

9. The vocabulary lists start with ら(ra) ~ ろ ro)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

9.1 ら (ra)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
811. 楽 (らく)rakucomfort; ease; reliefnoun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
812. ラジオrajioradionoun
813. ランチranchilunchnoun

9.2 り (ri)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
814. 離婚する (りこんする)rikon surudivorcenoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
815. 理由 (りゆう)riyuureasonnoun
816. 留学生 (りゅうがくせい)ryuugakuseioverseas studentnoun
817. 寮 (りょう)ryouhostel; dormitorynoun
818. 利用する (りようする)riyou suruuse; utilizationnoun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb
819. 両替する (りょうがえする)ryougae suruchange; money exchangenoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
820. 領収書 (りょうしゅうしょう)ryoushuushoureceipt noun
821. 両親 (りょうしん)ryoushinparentsnoun
822. 両方 (りょうほう)ryouhoubothnoun; ~no
823. 旅館 (りょかん)ryokanryokan; traditional Japanese innnoun
824. リサイクルrisaikururecyclingnoun; ~suru verb
825. リンスrinsu(hair) conditioner; rinsenoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb

9.4 れ (re)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
826. 冷房 (れいぼう)reibouair conditioningnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
827. 歴史 (れきし)rekishihistorynoun; ~no
828. 連休 (れんきゅう)renkyuuconsecutive holidaysnoun
829. 連絡する (れんらくする)renraku surucontact; getting in touchnoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
830. レポートrepo-toreport; papernoun; ~suru verb; transitive verb

9.5 ろ (ro)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
831. 録音する (ろくおんする)rokuon suru(audio) recording​noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
832. 録画する (ろくがする)rokuga suru(video) recording​noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
833. 論文 (ろんぶん)ronbunthesis; essaynoun
834. 廊下 (ろうか)roukacorridor; hallwaynoun
835. ロケットrokettorocketnoun

10. The vocabulary lists start with わ(wa)

The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary - EDOPEN Japan

10.1 わ (wa)

Vocabulary (語彙/ごい)RomajiMeaning (意味/いみ)Type
836. 別れる (わかれる)wakareruto part; to be apart from​intransitive verb
837. 和室 (わしつ)washitsuJapanese-style room​noun
838. 笑う (わらう)warauto laughintransitive verb
839. 笑い声 (わらいごえ)waraigoe(sound of) laughternoun
840. 割引 (わりびき)waribikidiscountnoun
841. 割れる (われる)wareruto break; to be smashedintransitive verb
842. 和食 (わしょく)washokuJapanese foodnoun
843. 和風 (わふう)wafuuJapanese stylenoun; ~no
844. 和服 (わふく)wafukuJapanese clothesnoun
845. ワインwainwinenoun


Finally, we would like to ask you to give your opinion on the above JLPT N4 vocabulary list. We also welcome any comments you may have. As well as suggestions for our next improvement. We hope you will find them useful. Of course, we wish you all the best in passing the JLPT N4!


Representative Director of Reboot Japan Co., Ltd., which operates EDOPEN JAPAN. Founded the company in 2018, which provides Japanese language education and assistance for studying in Japan. Started the company after living with international students at a Japanese language school. He enjoys learning about new people and cultures and has lived in Australia and Malaysia. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Sophia University.