Learn Japanese 2022.08.31
Koji Sudo
The Most Complete List of JLPT N4 Vocabulary
Mastering Japanese vocabulary is key to passing the JLPT at all levels. In particular, to pass the JLPT N4, you need to know at least 1500 basic Japanese vocabulary words. And, the JLPT N4 vocabulary list we present below will be very useful for you! This is the most complete list of JLPT N4 vocabulary you absolutely can learn to pass the JLPT.
We write the JLPT N4 vocabulary words in the list below in hiragana order from あ(a) to ん(n). So you can use the list we’ve provided here like a dictionary. We also write down the meaning and type of each word in the list. You can use these to really expand your JLPT N4 Japanese vocabulary.
Not only that, we have also prepared a quiz to test your Japanese vocabulary comprehension. By challenging yourself to answer the quiz, you can see how far you have come in mastering this Japanese vocabulary.
In addition, please also check out the recommended reading we have put together for you on the JLPT N4 below! After reading this article, please leave your suggestions and impressions in the comments section below. Okay, let’s get started!
Read also:10 Most Powerful Textbooks to Pass JLPT N4 The Ultimate JLPT Guides & List of 100 Kanji for JLPT N5
1. The vocabulary lists start with あ(a) ~ お(o)
1.1 あ (a)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 1. ああ aa like that; so adverb (fukushi) 2. 挨拶 (あいさつ) aisatsu greeting noun; ~suru verb 3. 間 (あいだ) aida space (between); during, while noun; adverb (fukushi) 4. 合う (あう) au to merge; to unite; to meet godan verb with u ending; intransitive verb 5. 赤ちゃん (あかちゃん) akachan baby; infant noun 6. 上がる (あがる) agaru to rise; to go up godan verb with u ending; intransitive verb 7. 開く (あく) aku to open godan verb with ku ending,; intransitive verb; transitive verb 8. 上げる (あげる) ageru to raise iIchidan verb, transitive verb 9. 浅い (あさい) asai shallow i-adjective (keiyoushi) 10. 明日 (あした / あす) ashita/asu tomorrow noun; adverb (fukushi) 11. 味 (あじ) aji flavor; taste noun 12. 遊び (あそび) asobi playing noun; noun; used as a suffix 13. あ, あっ a, ats ah; oh (surprise) expression 14. 集まる (あつまる) atsumaru to gather; to collect godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 15. 謝る (あやまる) ayamaru to apologize godan verb with ru ending 16. 安心 (あんしん) anshin relief noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) ~suru verb; intransitive verb 17. 安全 (あんぜん) anzen safety noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 18. あんな anna that kind of; such pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi) 19. 案内 (あんない) annai guidance noun; ~suru verb 20. アクセサリー, アクセサリ akusesari-, akusesari accessory; jewelry noun 21. アジア ajia Asia noun 22. アナウンサー, アナウンサ anaunsa-, anaunsa announcer noun 23. アフリカ afurika Africa noun 24. アメリカ amerika America; United States; US; USA noun 25. アルコール, アルコホル aruko-ru, arukohoru alcohol noun 26. アルバイト arubaito part-time job noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 27. 集める (あつめる) atsumeru to collect ichidan verb; transitive verb 28. 赤ん坊 (あかんぼう) akanbou baby; infant noun 29. ある日 (あるひ) aruhi one day expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.); noun 30. アイディア aidia idea noun
1.2 い (i)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 31. 以下 (いか) ika not exceeding; below noun 32. 意外 (いがい) igai unexpected na-adjective (keiyodoshi); adverb taking the ‘to’ particle; noun 33. 医学 (いがく) igaku medical science noun 34. 生きる (いきる) ikiru to live; to exist; to make a living ichidan verb; intransitive verb 35. 意見 (いけん) iken opinion noun; ~suru verb, noun which may take the genitive case particle ‘no’ 36. 石 (いし) ishi stone noun 37. 苛める (いじめる) ijimeru to ill-treat; to bully ichidan verb; transitive verb 38. 以上 (いじょう) ijou not less than noun; adverb (fukushi) 39. 急ぐ (いそぐ) isogu to hurry; to rush godan verb with gu ending; intransitive verb; transitive verb 40. 致す (いたす) itasu to do godan verb with su ending; transitive 41. 頂く (いただく) itadaku to receive; to accept godan verb with ku ending; transitive verb 42. 一度 (いちど, ひとたび) ichido, hitotabi once; one time noun; adverb (fukushi) 43. 一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい) isshoukenmei very hard; with utmost effort adverb (fukushi); na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 44. 一杯 (いっぱい) ippai one cup (of); one glass (of) noun; noun which may take the genitive case particle ‘no’ 45. 糸 (いと) ito thread; yarn noun 46. 以内 (いない) itai within; inside of noun; noun, used as a suffix; adverb (fukushi) 47. 田舎 (いなか) inaka rural area; countryside noun 48. 祈る (いのる) inoru to pray; to wish godan verb with ru ending; transitive verb 49. いらっしゃる irassharu to come; to go godan verb with ~aru special class; intransitive verb 50. いつか itsuka someday adverb (fukushi)
1.3 う (u)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 51. 植える (うえる) ueru to plant; to grow ichidan verb; transitive verb 52. 伺う (うかがう) ukagau to call on someone godan verb with u ending; transitive verb 53. 受付 (うけつけ) uketsuke reception (desk) noun 54. 受ける (うける) ukeru to receive; to get ichidan verb; transitive verb 55. 動く (うごく) ugoku to move; to shift godan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb 56. 嘘 (うそ) uso lie noun; noun which may take the genitive case particle ‘no’ 57. 内 (うち) uchi inside; within noun; adverb (fukushi) 58. 打つ (うつ) utsu to hit; to strike; to knock; godan verb with tsu ending; transitive verb 59. 美しい (うつくしい) utsukushii beautiful; lovely i-adjective (keiyoushi) 60. 写す (うつす) utsusu to transcribe; to duplicate godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 61. 移る (うつる) utsuru to move; to transfer godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 62. 腕 (うで) ude arm noun 63. 上手い (うまい) umai skillful i-adjective (keiyoushi) 64. 裏 (うら) ura opposite side noun 65. 売り場 (うりば) uriba selling area noun 66. 嬉しい (うれしい) ureshii happy i-adjective (keiyoushi) 67. うん, うむ, ううむ un, umu, uumu yes; yeah expression 68. 運転 (うんてん) unten operation; working; driving noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb; intransitive verb 69. 運転手 (うんてんしゅ) untenshu driver noun 70. 運動 (うんどう) undou exercise; physical training noun; ~suru verb, intransitive verb
1.4 え (e)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 71. エスカレーター, エスカレータ esukare-ta-, esukare-ta escalator noun 72. 枝 (えだ) eda branch; bow noun 73. 選ぶ (えらぶ) erabu to choose; to select godan verb with bu ending; transitive verb 74. 遠慮 (えんりょ) enryo reserve; constraint; restraint noun; ~suru verb 75. 駅前 (えきまえ) ekimae in front of the station noun; place 76. 餌 (えさ) esa (animal) feed noun 77. 偉い (えらい) erai great; excellent; admirable i-adjective (keiyoushi) 78. エジプト ejiputo Egypt noun
1.5 お (o)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 79. お出でになる (おいでになる) oideni naru to be; to come expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.); godan verb with ru ending 80. お祝い (おいわい) oiwai congratulations; celebration noun 81. お陰で (おかげで) okagede owing to; because of expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) 82. 可笑しい (おかしい) okashii ridiculous; strange; odd i-adjective (keiyoushi) 83. 億 (おく) oku 100,000,000; hundred million numeric 84. 屋上 (おくじょう) okujou rooftop noun 85. 贈り物 (おくりもの) okurimono present; gift noun 86. 送る (おくる) okuru to send (a thing) godan verb with ru ending; transitive verb 87. 遅れる (おくれる) okureru to be late; to be delayed ichidan verb; intransitive verb 88. 起こす (おこす) okosu to raise; to wake godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 89. 行う (おこなう) okonau to perform; to do godan verb with u ending; transitive verb 90. 怒る (おこる, いかる) okoru, ikaru to get angry; to scold godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 91. 押し入れ (おしいれ) oshi ire closet; wardrobe noun 92. お嬢さん (おじょうさん) ojousan (another’s) daughter; young lady noun 93. お宅 (おたく) otaku your house noun 94. 落ちる (おちる) ochiru to fall down ichidan verb; intransitive verb 95. おっしゃる ossharu to say godan verb ~aru special class; transitive verb 96. 夫 (おっと) otto husband noun 97. お釣り (おつり) otsuri change (for a purchase) noun 98. 音 (おと) oto sound noun; noun used as a suffix 99. 落とす (おとす) otosu to drop; to lose godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 100. 踊り (おどり) odori dance noun 101. 踊る (おどる) odoru to dance godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 102. 驚く (おどろく) odoroku to be surprised godan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb 103. お祭り (おまつり) omatsuri festival noun 104. お見舞い (おみまい) omimai calling on someone who is ill noun 105. お土産 (おみやげ, おみあげ) omiyage; omiage souvenir noun 106. 思い出す (おもいだす) omoidasu to recall; to remember godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 107. 思う (おもう) omou to think; to consider godan verb with u ending; transitive verb 108. おもちゃ omocha toy noun 109. 表 (おもて) omote surface noun 110. 親 (おや) oya parents; mother and father noun 111. 泳ぎ方 (およぎかた) oyogikata way of swimming noun 112. 降りる (おりる) oriru to descend; to come down ichidan verb; intransitive verb 113. 折る (おる) oru to fold; to bend godan verb with ru ending; transitive verb 114. お礼 (おれい) orei gratitude; bow noun 115. 折れる (おれる) oreru to be folded; to break ichidan verb; intransitive verb 116. 終わる (おわる) owaru to end; to finish godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb; auxiliary verb 117. オートバイ o-tobai motorcycle noun
2. The vocabulary lists start with か(ka) ~ こ(ko)
2.1 か (a)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 118. 海岸 (かいがん) kaigan coast noun 119. 会議 (かいぎ) kaigi meeting; conference noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 120. 会議室 (かいぎしつ) kaigisitsu conference room noun 121. 会場 (かいじょう) kaijou venue noun 122. 会話 (かいわ) kaiwa conversation noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 123. 帰り (かえり) kaeri return; coming back noun 124. 変える (かえる) kaeru to change ichidan verb; transitive verb 125. 科学 (かがく) kagaku science noun 126. 鏡 (かがみ) kagami mirror noun 127. 掛ける (かける) kakeru to hang up ichidan verb; transitive verb 128. 飾る (かざる) kazaru to decorate godan verb with ru ending; transitive verb 129. 火事 (かじ) kaji fire noun 130. 硬い (かたい) katai hard; stiff i-adjective (keiyoushi) 131. 形 (かたち) katachi form; shape noun 132. 片付ける (かたづける) katazukeru to tidy up ichidan verb; transitive verb 133. 課長 (かちょう) kachou section manager noun 134. 格好 (かっこう, かっこ) kakkou, kakko shape; appearance noun 135. 勝つ (かつ) katsu to wi godan verb with tsu ending; intransitive verb 136. 家内 (かない) kanai (my) wife; inside the home noun 137. 悲しいい (かなしい) kanashii sad; miserable i-adjective (keiyoushi) 138. 必ず (かならず) kanarazu always; certainly adverb (fukushi) 139. 金持ち (かねもち) kanemochi rich person noun 140. 彼女 (かのじょ) kanojo she; her; girlfriend pronoun; noun 141. 壁 (かべ) kabe wall; partition noun 142. 構う (かまう) kamau to be concerned about; to matter godan verb with u ending; intransitive verb 143. 髪 (かみ) kami hair noun 144. 噛む (かむ) kamu to bite; to chew godan verb with mu ending; transitive verb 145. 通う (かよう) kayou to commute godan verb with u ending; intransitive verb 146. 彼 (かれ) kare he; him; boyfriend pronoun; noun 147. 彼ら (かれら) karera they; them pronoun 148. 乾く (かわく) kawaku to get dry godan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb 149. 代わり (かわり) kawari replacement noun 150. 変わる (かわる) kawaru to change godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 151. 考える (かんがえる) kangaeru to think; to consider ichidan verb; transitive verb 152. 関係 (かんけい) kankei relation noun; ~suru; ~no 153. 看護婦 (かんごふ) kangofu (female) nurse noun 154. 簡単 (かんたん) kantan easy na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 155. カーテン ka-ten curtain noun 156. ガス gasu gas (as a fuel) noun 157. ガソリン gasorin gasoline noun 158. ガソリンスタンド gasorin sutando gas station noun 159. ガラス garasu glass noun 160. 風邪を引く (かぜをひく) kaze wo hiku to catch a cold phrases; clauses
2.2 き (ki)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 161. 気 (き) ki spirit; mind noun 162. 機会 (きかい) kikai chance; opportunity noun 163. 危険 (きけん) kiken danger; risk; hazard noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 164. 聞こえる (きこえる) kikoeru to be heard; to be audible ichidan verb; intransitive verb 165. 汽車 (きしゃ) kisha train; steam train noun 166. 季節 (きせつ) kisetsu season noun; ~no 167. 規則 (きそく) kisoku rule; regulation noun 168. きっと kitto surely; almost certainly adverb (fukushi) 169. 絹 (きぬ) kinu silk noun 170. 厳しい (きびしい) kibishii severe i-adjective (keiyoushi) 171. 気分 (きぶん) kibun feeling; mood noun 172. 決まる (きまる) kimaru to be decided godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 173. 君 (きみ) kimi you; buddy pronoun 174. 決める (きめる) kimeru to decide ichidan verb; transitive verb 175. 気持ち (きもち) kimochi feeling noun 176. 着物 (きもの) kimono kimono noun 177. 客 (きゃく) kyaku guest; visitor noun 178. 急 (きゅう) kyuu sudden na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 179. 急行 (きゅうこう) kyuukou hurrying (to somewhere); express (train) noun; ~suru 180. 教育 (きょういく) kyouiku education noun; ~suru 181. 教会 (きょうかい) kyoukai church noun 182. 競争 (きょうそう) kyousou competition noun; ~suru 183. 興味 (きょうみ) kyoumi interest (in something) noun 184. 近所 (きんじょ) kinjo neighborhood noun: ~no 185. 技術 (ぎじゅつ) gijyutsu technology noun
2.3 く (ku)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 186. 空気 (くうき) kuuki air; atmosphere noun 187. 空港 (くうこう) kuukou airport noun 188. 草 (くさ) kusa grass; weed noun 189. 下さる (くださる) kudasaru to give; to confer honorific verb 190. 首 (くび) kubi neck noun 191. 雲 (くも) kumo cloud noun 192. 比べる (くらべる) kuraberu to compare ichidan verb; transitive verb 193. 暮れる (くれる) kureru to get dark ichidan verb; intransitive verb 194. 君 (くん) kun you; pronoun; noun 195. 具合 (ぐあい) guai condition; state noun
2.4 け (ke)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 196. 毛 (け) ke hair; fur noun 197. 計画 (けいかく) keikaku plan noun; ~suru; transitive verb 198. 経験 (けいけん) keiken experience noun; ~suru; transitive verb 199. 警察 (けいさつ) keisatsu police noun 200. 経済 (けいざい) keizai economy; finance noun 201. 怪我 (けが) kega injury; wound noun; ~suru 202. 景色 (けしき, けいしょく) keishiki; keishoku scenery noun 203. 消しゴム (けしごむ) keshigomu eraser noun 204. 決して (けっして) kesshite (not) ever; adverb (fukushi) 205. けど, けれど, けれども, けども kedo; keredo; keredomo; kedomo but; however; although conjunction; particle 206. 喧嘩 (けんか) kenka fight noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 207. 研究 (けんきゅう) kenkyuu research; investigation noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 208. 研究室 (けんきゅうしつ) kenkyuushitsu laboratory noun 209. 見物 (けんぶつ) kenbutsu sightseeing noun; ~suru verb 210. ケーキ ke-ki cake noun 211. 下宿 (げしゅく) geshuku boarding; lodging noun; ~suru verb 212. 原因 (げんいん) genin cause noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 213. ゲーム ge-mu game noun
2.5 こ (ko)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 214. 子 (こ) ko child; kid noun; suffix 215. こう kou in this way adverb (fukushi) 216. 郊外 (こうがい) kougai suburb noun 217. 講義 (こうぎ) kougi lecture noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 218. 工業 (こうぎょう) kougyou (manufacturing) industry noun 219. 高校 (こうこう) koukou high school noun 220. 高校生 (こうこうせい) koukousei high school student noun 221. 工場 (こうじょう) koujou factory noun 222. 校長 (こうちょう) kouchou principal noun 223. 交通 (こうつう) koutsuu traffic; transportation noun; ~suru verb 224. 高等学校 (こうとうがっこう) koutou gakkou high school noun 225. 講堂 (こうどう) koudou auditorium; lecture hall noun 226. 公務員 (こうむいん) koumuin civil servant noun 227. 国際 (こくさい) kokusai international noun; ~no 228. 心 (こころ) kokoro mind; heart noun 229. 故障 (こしょう) koshou fault; problem; damage noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 230. 答え (こたえ) kotae answer noun 231. 事 (こと) koto thing; matter noun 232. 小鳥 (ことり) kotori little bird noun 233. この間 (このあいだ) kono aida recently noun; adverb (fukushi) 234. この頃 (このごろ) kono goro these days noun; adverb (fukushi) 235. 細かい (こまかい) komakai small; fine; minute i-adjective (keiyoushi) 236. 込む (こむ) komu to be crowded godan verb with mu ending; intransitive verb 237. 米 (こめ) kome rice noun 238. これから kore kara from now on noun; adverb (fukushi) 239. 怖い (こわい) kowai scary; frightening i-adjective (keiyoushi) 240. 壊す (こわす) kowasu to wreck godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 241. 壊れる (こわれる) kowareru to be broken; to break ichidan verb; intransitive verb 242. コンサート konsa-to concert noun 243. 今度 (こんど) kondo this time; now; next time noun; adverb (fukushi) 244. コンピュータ, コンピューター konpyu-ta; konpyu-ta- computer noun 245. 今夜 (こんや) konya his evening; tonight noun; adverb (fukushi) 246. ご主人 (ごしゅじん) goshujin your husband; her husband noun 247. ご存知 (ごぞんじ) gozonji knowing honorific noun 248. ごみ, ゴミ gomi trash noun 249. ご覧になる (ごらんになる) goran ni naru to see honorific phrase; godan verb with ru ending 250. コース ko-su course noun
3. The vocabulary lists start with さ(sa) ~ そ(so)
3.1 さ (sa)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 251. 最近 (さいきん) saikin recently noun; ~no; adverb (fukushi) 252. 最初 (さいしょ) saisho beginning noun; ~no; adverb (fukushi) 253. 最後 (さいご) saigo last; conclusion noun; ~no; expression 254. 最中 (さいちゅう) saichuu (in) the middle of noun 255. 財布 (さいふ) saifu wallet noun 256. 材料 (ざいりょう) zairyou materials; ingredients noun 257. サイン sain signature noun; ~suru 258. 探す (さがす) sagasu to search for godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 259. 下がる (さがる) sagaru to go down godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 260. 先に (さきに) saki ni earlier; first adverb (fukushi) 261. 咲く (さく) saku to bloom godan verb with ku ending; intransitive verb 262. 作文 (さくぶん) sakubun writing (an essay) noun; ~suru 263. 桜 (さくら) sakura cherry blossom noun 264. 下げる (さげる) sageru to reduce ichidan verb; transitive verb 265. 差す (さす) sasu to shine; to be visible godan verb with su ending; intransitive verb 266. 誘い (さそい) sasoi invitation noun 267. 誘う (さそう) sasou to invite godan verb with u ending; transitive verb 268. 茶道 (さどう) sadou tea ceremony noun 269. 寂しい (さびしい) sabishii lonely i-adjective (keiyoushi) 270. 皿 (さら) sara plate noun 271. 再来年 (さらいねん) sarainen year after next noun; adverb (fukushi) 272. 再来月 (さらいげつ) saraigetsu month after next noun; adverb (fukushi) 273. 再来週 (さらいしゅう) saraishuu week after next noun; adverb (fukushi) 274. 触る (さわる) sawaru to touch godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb; transitive verb 275. 参加する (さんかする) sanka suru participate; join noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 276. 残業する (ざんぎょうする) zangyou suru do overtime (work) ~suru; intransitive verb 277. 賛成する (さんせいする) sansei suru agree; approve noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 278. サラダ sarada salad noun 279. サワー sawa- sour (taste) noun; prefix 280. 三連休 (さんれんきゅう) sanrenkyuu three-day weekend noun
3.2 し (shi)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 281. 字 (じ) ji character; letter noun 282. 試合 (しあい) shiai match noun; ~suru 283. 幸せ (しあわせ) shiawase happiness noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 284. 仕方 (しかた) shikata way; method noun 285. 試験 (しけん) shiken exam; test noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 286. 事故 (じこ) jiko accident noun 287. 自己紹介 (じこしょうかい) jikoshoukai self-introduction noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 288. 辞書 (じしょ) jisho dictionary noun 289. 地震 (じしん) jishin earthquake noun 290. 時代 (じだい) jidai period; era noun 291. 下着 (したぎ) shitagi underwear noun 292. 自宅 (じたく) jitaku one’s house noun 293. 実験 (じっけん) jikken experiment noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 294. 確り (しっかり) shikkari strongly adverb (fukushi); ~to; ~suru 295. 湿度 (しつど) shitsudo level of humidity noun 296. 実は (じつは) jitsu ha (jitsu wa) to be honest expression; adverb 297. 失敗 (しっぱい) shippai failure noun; ~suru; transitive verb; intransitive verb 298. 質問 (しつもん) shitsumon question noun 299. 支点 (してん) shiten branch noun 300. 辞典 (じてん) jiten dictionary noun 301. 自動車 (じどうしゃ) jidousha vehicle noun 302. 死ぬ (しぬ) shinu to die; to pass away godan verb with nu ending; irregular nu verb; intransitive verb 303. しばらく shibaraku for a moment adverb (fukushi); ~suru 304. 島 (しま) shima island noun 305. 事務所 (じむしょ) jimusho office noun 306. 締め切り (しめきり) shimekiri deadline noun 307. 閉まる (しまる) shimaru to close godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 308. 閉める (しめる) shimeru to close godan verb with ru ending; transitive verb 309. 市役所 (しやくしょ) shiyakusho city hall noun 310. 社長 (しゃちょ) shacho director noun 311. じゃま jyama disturbance; to visit (someone’s home) noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi); ~suru 312. 自由 (じゆう) jiyuu freedom; liberty noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 313. 習慣 (しゅうかん) shuukan habit noun 314. 住所 (じゅうしょ) jyuusho address noun 315. 柔道 (じゅうどう) jyuudou judo noun 316. 十分 (じゅうぶん) jyuubun enough; sufficient na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 317. 週末 (しゅうまつ) shuumatsu weekend adverb (fukushi); noun 318. 授業 (じゅぎょう) jyugyou lesson noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 319. 首相 (しゅしょう) shushou prime minister noun 320. 主人 (しゅじん) shujin head (of a household); husband noun 321. 出席 (しゅっせき) shusseki attendance noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 322. 出発 (しゅっぱつ) shuppatsu departure noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 323. 出張 (しゅっちょう) shucchou business trip noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 324. 準備 (じゅんび) jyunbi preparation noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 325. 紹介 (しょうかい) shoukai introduction noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 326. 小学生 (しょうがくせい) shougakusei elementary school student noun 327. 使用禁止 (しようきんし) shiyou kinshi prohibition of use noun: ~no 328. 上手 (じょうず) jouzu skillful; good (at) na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 329. 小説 (しょうせつ) shousetsu novel noun: ~no 330. 招待する (しょうたいする) shoutai suru invite ~suru verb 331. 丈夫 (じょうぶ) joubu healthy na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 332. 情報 (じょうほう) jouhou information noun 333. 醤油 (しょうゆ) shioyu soy sauce noun 334. 将来 (しょうらい) shourai future (usually near) noun; adverb (fukushi) 335. 食事 (しょくじ) shokuji meal noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 336. 食料品 (しょくりょうひん) shokuryouhin foodstuff; groceries noun 337. 女性 (じょせい) josei woman; female noun: ~no 338. 書類 (しょるい) shorui document; papers noun 339. 知らせる (しらせる) shiraseru to notify; to inform ichidan verb; transitive verb 340. 調べる (しらべる) shiraberu to examine; investigate; ichidan verb; transitive verb 341. 知り合い (しりあい) shiriai acquaintance noun 342. 資料 (しりょう) shiryou materials; data noun: ~no 343. 新幹線 (しんかんせん) shinkansen bullet train noun 344. 信号 (しんごう) shingou signal; traffic light noun; ~suru verb 345. 人口 (じんこう) jinkou population noun 346. 神社 (じんじゃ) jinjya Shinto shrine noun 347. 信じる (しんじる) shinjiru to believe; to believe in ichidan verb; transitive verb 348. 親戚 (しんせき) shinseki relative; relation noun 349. 身長 (しんちょう) shinchou height (of body) noun 350. 新入生 (しんにゅうせい) shinnyuusei new student noun 351. 心配 (しんぱい) shinpai worry; concern; anxiety; noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 352. 親友 (しんゆう) shinyuu close friend noun 353. 新年会 (しんねんかい) shinnenkai New Year’s party noun 354. ショート sho-to short na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 355. 新聞社 (しんぶんしゃ) shinbunsha newspaper company noun
3.3 す (su)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 356. 水泳 (すいえい) suiei swimming noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb; ~no 357. 水道 (すいどう) suidou water supply noun 358. 数学 (すうがく) suugaku mathematics noun 359. スーツ su-tsu suit (clothing) noun 360. スキー場 (スキーじょう) suki-jou ski resort noun 361. すぎる sugiru to pass through ichidan verb; intransitive verb 362. すごい sugoi amazing; terrific i-adjective (keiyoushi) 363. 過ごす (すごす) sugosu to pass (time); to spend godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 364. 進む (すすむ) susumu to advance; to go forward godan verb with mu ending; intransitive verb 365. ずっと zutto continuously; the whole time adverb (fukushi) 366. 捨てる (すてる) suteru to throw away ichidan verb; transitive verb 367. 素晴らしい (すばらしい) subarashii wonderful; splendid i-adjective (keiyoushi) 368. 滑る (すべる) suberu to glide; to slide; to slip godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 369. 隅 (すみ) sumi corner; nook; recess noun; suffix 370.すもう sumou sumo wrestling noun 371. 座る (すわる) suwaru to sit godan verb with ru ending; intransitive verb 372. スケジュール sukejyu-ru schedule noun; ~suru verb 373. ステーキ sute-ki steak noun 374. スピーチ supi-chi speech noun 375. スピーチコンテスト supi-chi kontesuto speech contest noun 376. スマホ sumaho smartphone; noun
3.4 せ (se)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 377. 生活する (せいかつする) seikatsu life; living noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 378. 生活習慣 (せいかつしゅうかん) seikatsu shuukan lifestyle; way of living noun 379. 世紀 (せいき) seiki century noun 380. 成功する (せいこうする) seikou suru success; achievement noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 381. 政治 (せいじ) seiji politics noun 382. 成績 (せいせき) seiseki results; record; grades noun 383. 生徒 (せいと) seito schoolchild noun 384. 整理する (せいりする) seiri suru arrange; organize ~suru verb; transitive verb 385. 世界遺産 (せかいいさん) sekai isan World Heritage; site noun 386. 政界史 (せかいし) sekaishi world history noun 387. 世界中 (せかいじゅう) sekaijyuu around the world noun; ~no 388. 世界地図 (せかいちず) sekai chizu world map noun 389. 席 (せき) seki seat noun 390. 石油 (せきゆ) sekiyu oil; petroleum noun 391. せっけん sekken soap noun 392. ぜったい zettai absolutely; definitely adverb (fukushi) 393. せつび setsubi equipment; facilitie noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 394. 説明 (せつめい) setsumei explanation noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 395. 背中 (せなか) senaka back (of the body) noun 396. ぜひ zehi certainly adverb (fukushi) 397. 世話になる (せわになる) sewa ni naru to receive favor expression; godan verb with ru ending 398. 選手 (せんしゅ) senshu player noun 399. ぜんぜん zenzen (not) at all; (not) in the slightes adverb (fukushi) 400. 戦争 (せんそう) sensou war noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 401. せんたく機 (せんたくき) sentakuki washing machine noun 402. せんたく物 (せんたくもの) sentaku mono laundry; the washing noun 403. せんぱい senpai senior noun 404. 専門 (せんもん) senmon speciality noun; ~no 405. 専門学校 (せんもんがっこう) senmon gakkou vocational school noun
3.5 そ (so)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 406. そうさ sousa operation noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 407. そうしき soushiki funeral noun; ~no 408. 相談 (そうだん) soudan consultation; discussion noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 409. 卒業 (そつぎょう) sotsugyou graduation; completion noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 410. 卒業式 (そつぎょうしき) sotsuyoushiki graduation ceremony noun 411. 卒業生 (そつぎょうせい) sotsugyousei graduate; alumnus noun 412. 卒業論文 (そつぎょうろんぶん) sotsugyou rombun graduation thesis noun 413. そのうえ sono ue in addition; furthermore conjunction 414. そのまま sonomama without change; as it is adverb (fukushi); ~no; noun 415. 祖父 (そふ) sofu grandfather noun 416. 祖母 (そぼ) sobo grandmother noun 417. 空 (そら) sora sky; the air noun 418. それで sorede so; therefore conjunction 419. それなら sorenara if so conjunction 420. そろそろ sorosoro soon adverb (fukushi); ~to 421. ソース so-su sauce sauce 422. ソフト sofuto soft na-adjective (keiyodoshi); ~no
4. The vocabulary lists start with た(ta) ~ と(to)
4.1 た (ta)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 423. 大会 (たいかい) taikai tournament; competition noun 424. 退院 (たいいん) taiin leaving hospital noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 425. 大学生 (だいがくせい) daigakusei university student noun 426. 大学院生 (だいがくいんせい) daigakuinsei graduate student noun 427. 大事 (だいじ) daiji important; serious; crucial na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 428. 体温 (たいおん) taion temperature noun 429. 体重 (たいじゅう) taijyuu (body) weight noun 430. 体重計 (たいじゅうけい) taijyuukei scale noun 431. 大体 (だいたい) daitai generally adverb (fukushi) 432. 大統領 (だいとうりょう) daitouryou president (of a nation) noun 433. 台所 (だいどころ) daidokoro kitchen noun; ~no 434. 大分 (だいぶ) daibu considerably; greatly adverb (fukushi) 435. 台風 (たいふう) taifuu typhoon; hurricane noun 436. 太陽 (たいよう) taiyou Sun noun 437. 体力 (たいりょく) tairyouku stamina; physical strength noun 438. 倒す (たおす) taosu to throw down godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 439. 倒れる (たおれる) taoreru to fall (over, down) ichidan verb; intransitive verb 440. だから dakara so; therefore; accordingly conjunction 441. 宅配便 (たくはいびん) takuhaibin express home delivery service noun 442. たしか tashika sure; certain; positive; definite na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 443. たしかに tashikani surely; certainly adverb (fukushi) 444. 確かめる (たしかめる) tashikameru to ascertain; to check ichidan verb; transitive verb 445. 足す (たす) tasu to add (numbers or something) godan verb with su ending; transitive verb 446. 訪ねる (たずねる) tazuneru to visit ichidan verb; transitive verb 447. 正しい (ただしい) tadashii right; correct i-adjective (keiyoushi) 448. たたみ tatami Japanese straw floor coverings noun 449. 立入禁止 (たちいりきんし) tachi iri kinshi No Entry expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) 450. 建つ (たつ) tatsu to be built godan verb with tsu ending; intransitive verb 451. 立つ (たつ) tatsu to stand godan verb with tsu ending; intransitive verb 452. たった今 (たったいま) tatta ima just now adverb (fukushi) 453. 建てる (たてる) tateru to build; to construct ichidan verb; transitive verb 454. 立てる (たてる) tateru to stand up; to set up ichidan verb; transitive verb 455. 例えば (たとえば) tatoeba for example adverb (fukushi) 456. 棚 (たな) tana shelf noun 457. 楽しむ (たのしむ) tanoshimu to enjoy; to have fun godan verb with mu ending; transitive verb 458. 頼む (たのむ) tanomu to request; godan verb with mu ending; transitive verb 459. 食べ放題 (たべほうだい) tabe houdai all-you-can-eat noun 460. ただ tada only; just adverb (fukushi) 461. たまに tamani occasionally adverb (fukushi) 462. 足りる (たりる) tariru to be sufficient ichidan verb; intransitive verb 463. 男性 (だんせい) dansei man; male noun; ~no 464. 暖房 (だんぼう) danbou (indoor) heating noun,; ~suru verb; transitive verb 465. タオル taoru towel noun
4.2 ち (chi)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 466. 血 (ち) chi blood noun 467. 小さい (ちいさい) chiisai small; little i-adjective (keiyoushi) 468. 近い (ちかい) chikai near; close i-adjective (keiyoushi) 469. 地下 (ちか) chika underground noun; ~no 470. 近く (ちかく) chikaku near; neighborhood noun; ~no; adverb (fukushi) 471. 違う (ちがう) chigau to differ (from) intransitive verb 472. 力 (ちから) chikara force; strength noun 473. 地球 (ちきゅう) chikyuu Earth; the globe noun 474. 遅刻 (ちこく) chikoku lateness noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 475. 茶碗 (ちゃわん) chawan rice bowl noun 476. ちゃんと chanto diligently; seriously adverb (fukushi); ~suru verb 477. 注意 (ちゅうい) chuui attention; notice noun; ~suru verb 478. 中学生 (ちゅうがくせい) chuugakusei junior high school student noun 479. 中学校 (ちゅうがっこう) chuugakkou junior high school noun 480. 中止 (ちゅうし) chuushi interruption; suspension noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 481. 駐車 (ちゅうしゃ) chuusha parking noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb; ~no 482. 駐車場 (ちゅうしゃじょう) chuushajou parking lot noun 483. 中火 (ちゅうび) chuubi medium flame (cooking) noun 484. 注文 (ちゅうもん) chuumon order (for an item) noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 485. 調子 (ちょうし) choushi tune; condition; state of health noun 486. 丁度良い (ちょうどいい) choudoii just right (time, size, length, etc.) expression 487. 貯金 (ちょきん) chokin savings; deposit noun; ~suru verb 488. 貯金箱 (ちょきんばこ) chokin bako savings box noun 489. 直接 (ちょくせつ) chokusetsu direct na-adjective; noun; ~no; adverb (fukushi) 490. チーム chi-mu team noun 491. チェック chekku check noun; ~no 492. チャレンジ charenji taking on (a challenge); attempt noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 493. チャンス chansu chance; opportunity noun 494. ちょっと chotto a little; a bit; slightly adverb (fukushi) 495. 地理 (ちり) chiri geography noun
4.3 つ (tsu)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 496. 通訳 (つやく) tsuyaku interpretation noun; ~suru verb 497. 使う (つかう) tsukau to use; to make use of transitive verb 498. つかまえる tsukamaeru to catch; to capture; to arrest transitive verb 499. 月 (つき) tsuki moon; month noun 500. 付き合い (つきあい) tsukiai association; socializing noun 501. 付き合う (つき合う) tsukiau to associate with; to go along with intransitive verb 502. 付く (つく) tsuku to be attached intransitive verb 503. 付ける tsukeru to attach; to join; to add transitive verb 504. 都合 (つごう) tsugou circumstances; condition adverb (fukushi); noun 505. 伝える (つたえる) tsutaeru to convey; to tell transitive verb 506. 続く (つづく) tsuzuku to continue intransitive verb 507. 続ける (つづける) tsuzukeru to continue; to keep up transitive verb; auxiliary verb 508. 包む (つつむ) tsutsumu to wrap up; to pack transitive verb 509. 勤める (つとめる) tsutomeru to work (for); to be employed (at) transitive verb 510. 津波 (つなみ) tsunami tsunami noun 511. 妻 (つま) tsuma wife noun 512. つまらない tsumaranai uninteresting; boring i-adjective (keiyoushi) 513. 強火 (つよび) tsuyobi high flame (cooking); high heat noun 514. 釣り (つり or お釣り) tsuri or otsuri fishing noun 515. 連れて行く (つれていく) tsurete iku to take (someone; to a place); to take along transitive verb
4.4 て (te)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 516. 丁寧 (ていねい) teinei polite; careful na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 517. できる dekiru to be able (in a position) to do intransitive verb 518. できるだけ dekiru dake as much as possible adverb (fukushi) 519. 出口 (でぐち) deguchi exit; gateway noun 520. 手伝い (てつだい) tetsudai help; assistance noun 521. 手伝う (てつだう) tetsudau to help; to assist transitive verb 522. 手袋 (てぶくろ) tebukuro glove noun 523. 寺 (てら) tera temple (Buddhist) noun 524. 出る (でる) deru to leave; to exit intransitive verb 525. 点 (てん) ten spot; point noun 526. 店員 (てんいん) tenin employee (of a store) noun 527. 天気予報 (てんきよほう) tenki yohou weather forecast noun 528. 電源 (でんげん) dengen electrical power; power noun 529. 電子情報 (でんしじょうほう) denshi jouhou electronic information; electronic data noun 530. 点数 (てんすう) tensuu marks; score noun 531. データ de-ta data noun 532. デート de-to date (with someone) noun; ~suru 533. テキスト tekisuto textbook noun 534. テスト tesuto examination; test noun; ~suru; transitive verb 535. テレビ terebi television; TV noun
4.5 て (to)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 536. 道具 (どうぐ) dougu tool; instrument; apparatus noun 537. 到着する (とうちゃくする) touchaku suru arrival noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 538. 動物園 (どうぶつえん) doubutsuen zoo noun 539. どうも doumo thank you; thanks expression; adverb (fukushi) 540. 通り (とおり) toori street: road adverb (fukushi); noun 541. 通る (とおる) tooru to go by; to travel along; to pass through intransitive verb 542. 独身 (どくしん) dokushin single; unmarried noun; ~no 543. 特に (とくに) tokuni particularly; especially adverb (fukushi) 544. 特別 (とくべつ) tokubetsuna special; particular; extraordinary na-adjective (keiyodoshi); ~no; adverb (fukushi); noun 545. 登山する (とざんする) tozan suru mountain climbing noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 546. 閉じる (とじる) tojiru to close transitive verb & or intransitive verb 547. 特急 (とっきゅう) tokkyuu limited express train noun 548. 届く (とどく) todoku to reach; to be delivered intransitive verb 549. 届ける (とどける) todokeru to deliver; to forward transitive verb 550. 止まる (とまる) tomaru to stop (moving) intransitive verb 551. 止める (とめる) tomeru to stop transitive verb 552. 鳥 (とり) tori bird noun 553. どんどん dondon rapidly; quickly adverb (fukushi); ~to 554. ドライ dorai dry na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 555. ドラマ dorama TV drama noun
5. The vocabulary lists start with な(na) ~ の(no)
5.1 な (na)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 556. 直す (なおす) naosu to cure; to correct transitive verb 557. 直る (なおる) naoru to be repaired intransitive verb 558. 治す (なおす) naosu to cure; to fix transitive verb 559. 治る (なおる) naoru to get better; to recover intransitive verb 560. 泣く (なく) naku to cry verb 561. なくす nakusu to lose (something) transitive verb 562. なくなる nakunaru to be lost; to be missing intransitive verb 563. 亡くなる (なくなる) nakunaru to die; to pass away intransitive verb 564. 投げる (なげる) nageru to throw transitive verb 565. 夏 (なつ) natsu summer adverb (fukushi) 566. なべ nabe pan; pot noun 567. 生ごみ (なまごみ) nama gomi raw garbage; kitchen waste noun 568. 波 (なみ) nami wave noun 569. 涙 (なみだ) namida tear noun 570. 並ぶ (ならぶ) narabu to line up intransitive verb 571. 並べる (ならべる) naraberu to line up transitive verb 572. 鳴る (なる) naru to sound intransitive verb 573. なるべく narubeku as (much) as possible adverb (fukushi) 574. なるほど naruhodo I see; that’s right adverb (fukushi) 575. 慣れる (なれる) nareru to get used to; to become familiar with intransitive verb
5.2 に (ni)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 576. 匂い nioi odor; scent; smell noun 577. 苦い (にがい) nigai bitter i-adjective (keiyoushi) 578. 賑やか (にぎやか) nigiyaka busy; crowded na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 579. 逃げる (にげる) nigeru to escape intransitive verb 580. 日記 (にっき) nikki diary; journal noun 581. 日本史 (にほんし) nihonshi history of Japan noun 582. 日本中 (にほんじゅう) nihonjuu throughout Japan noun: ~no 583. 日本製 (にほんせい) nihonsei made in Japan noun: ~no 584. 日本文学 (にほんぶんがく) nihon bungaku Japanese literature noun 585. 日本料理 (にほんりょうり) nihon ryouri Japanese cooking noun 586. 入院する (にゅういんする) nyuin suru hospitalization noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 587. 入学式 (にゅうがくしき) nyuugaku shiki school entrance ceremony noun 588. 入学試験 (にゅうがくしけん) nyuugaku shiken entrance examination noun 589. 入力する (にゅうりょくする) nyuuryoku suru input; (data) entry noun; ~suru; transitive verb 590. 似る (にる) niru to resemble; to look like intransitive verb 591. 人気 (にんき) ninki popularity noun; ~no 592. 人気者 (にんきもの) ninki mono popular person noun 593. 人形 (にんぎょう) ningyou doll noun 594. ニュース nyu-su news noun 595. ニュースサイト nyu-su saito news website noun
5.3 ぬ (nu)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 596. 盗む (ぬすむ) nusumu to steal transitive verb 597. ぬる (ぬる) nuru to paint transitive verb 598. 濡れる (ぬれる) nureru to get wet intransitive verb
5.4 ね (ne)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 599. 値段 (ねだん) nedan price; cost noun 600. 熱 (ねつ) netsu heat noun 601. 寝坊する (ねぼうする) nebou suru sleeping in late; oversleeping noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 602. 眠い (ねむい) nemui sleepy i-adjective (keiyoushi) 603. 眠る (ねむる) nemuru to sleep intransitive verb
5.5 の (no)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 604. 残す (のこす) nokosu to leave (behind) transitive verb 605. 残る (のこる) nokoru to remain intransitive verb 606. 伸ばす (のばす) nobasu to grow long; to extend transitive verb 607. 伸びる (のびる) nobiru to stretch intransitive verb 608. 乗る (のる) noru to get on (train, plane etc) intransitive verb
6. The vocabulary lists start with は(ha) ~ ほ(ho)
6.1 は (ha)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 609. 葉 (は) ha leaf noun 610. 倍 (ばい) bai double; twice (as much) noun; ~no 611. 歯医者 (はいしゃ) haisha dentist noun 612. 俳優 (はいゆう) haiyuu actor; actress noun 613. 入る (はいる) hairu to enter; to go into intransitive verb 614. 葉書 (はがき) hagaki postcard noun 615. 計る (はかる) hakaru to measure; to weigh transitive verb 616. 運ぶ (はこぶ) hakobu to carry transitive verb 617. 始まる (はじまる) hajimaru to begin; to start intransitive verb 618. 始める (はじめる) hajimeru to start; to begin transitive verb 619. 場所 (ばしょ) basho place; location noun 620. 走る (はしる) hashiru to run intransitive verb 621. 働く (はたらく) hataraku to work intransitive verb 622. 発音 (はつおん) hatsuon pronunciation noun; ~suru 623. 発見 (はっけん) hakken discovery noun; ~suru; transitive verb 624. 発表 (はっぴょう) happyou announcement noun; ~suru; transitive verb 625. 話 (はなし) hanashi talk; speech noun 626. 話す (はなす) hanasu to talk; to speak transitive verb 627. 花火 (はなび) hanabi fireworks noun 628. 花見 (はなみ) or お花見 hanami or ohanami cherry blossom viewing noun; ~suru 629. 歯磨き (はみがき) hamigaki dental brushing noun; ~suru 630. 早起き (はやおき) hayaoki early rising noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 631. 林 (はやし) hayashi forest noun 632. 払う (はらう) harau to pay (e.g. money, bill) transitive verb 633. 春 (はる) haru spring noun; adverb (fukushi) 634. 晴れ (はれ) hare fine weather noun; ~no 635. 晴れる (はれる) hareru to clear up intransitive verb 636. 反対する (はんたいする) hantai suru opposition noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 637. バイク baiku motorcycle noun 638. バス停 (バスてい) basutei bus stop noun 639. ハンバーガー hanba-ga- hamburger noun 640. パソコン pasokon personal computer; PC noun
6.2 ひ (hi)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 641. 火 (ひ) hi fire; flame noun; suffix 642. 冷える (ひえる) hieru to grow cold; to get chilly intransitive verb 643. 光 (ひかり) hikari light noun 644. 引き出し (ひきだし) hikidashi drawer noun 645. 引く (ひく) hiku to pull transitive verb 646. ひたい hitai forehead noun 647. 左側 (ひだりがわ) hidari gawa left side noun; ~no 648. ひどい hidoi cruel; heartless i-adjective (keiyoushi) 649. 暇 (ひま) hima leisure noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 650. ひも himo string noun 651. 開く (ひらく) hiraku to open transitive & or intransitive verb 652. 冷やす (ひやす) hiyasu to cool; to chill; to refrigerate transitive verb 653. 昼間 (ひるま) hiruma daytime noun; adverb (fukushi) 654. 昼休み (ひるやすみ) hiru yasumi lunch break noun; adverb (fukushi) 655. 広場 (ひろば) hiroba open space noun 656. びん bin bottle; jar noun 657. ピアノ piano piano noun 658. ビタミン bitamin vitamin noun 659. ビニール袋 bini-ru bukuro plastic bag noun 660. びっくりする bikkuri suru surprising adverb (fukushi) 661. ひげ hige moustache noun 662. ひざ hiza knee noun 663. ひじ hiji elbow noun 664. 美術館 (びじゅつかん) bijyutsukan art museum noun 665. 美容院 (びよういん) biyouin beauty salon noun
6.3 ふ (fu)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 666. 増える (ふえる) fueru to increase intransitive verb 667. 深い (ふかい) fukai deep i-adjective (keiyoushi) 668. 吹く (ふく) fuku to blow intransitive verb 669. 複雑 (ふくざつ) fukuzatsu complex; complicated na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 670. 復習 (ふくしゅう) fukushuu review noun; ~suru verb 671. 袋 (ふくろ) fukuro bag; sack; pouch noun 672. 普通 (ふつう) futsuu normal; ordinary na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 673. 太い (ふとい) futoi fat; thick i-adjective (keiyoushi) 674. 布団 (ふとん) futon futon noun 675. 船便 (ふなびん) funabin surface mail (ship) noun 676. 増やす (ふやす) fuyasu to increase transitive verb 677. 冬 (ふゆ) fuyu winter noun; adverb (fukushi) 678. 文 (ぶん) bun sentence noun 679. 文化 (ぶんか) bunka culture noun 680. 文法 (ぶんぽう) bunpou grammar noun
6.4 へ (he)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 681. 平日 (へいじつ) heijitsu weekday adverb (fukushi); noun 682. 平和 (へいわ) heiwa peace; harmony na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 683. 減らす (へらす) herasu to shorten transitive verb 684. 減る (へる) heru to decrease intransitive verb 685. 返事する (へんじする) henji suru reply; answer; response noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 686. 勉強する (べんきょうする) benkyou suru study noun; ~suru; transitive verb 687. 弁護士 (べんごし) bengoshi lawyer noun 688. ペット petto pet noun 689. ペコペコ peko peko very hungry na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 690. ペットボトル petto botoru PET or plastic bottle noun 691. ベビーカー bebi-ka- stroller noun
6.5 ほ (ho)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 692. 保育園 (ほいくえん) hoikuen nursery school noun 693. 方言 (ほうげん) hougen dialect noun 694. 放送する (ほうそうする) housou suru broadcasting noun; ~suru; transitive verb 695. 方法 (ほうほう) houhou method; technique noun 696. 訪問する (ほうもんする) houmon suru call; visit noun; ~suru; transitive verb 697. 保険証 (ほけんしょう) hokenshou insurance card noun 698. 星 (ほし) hoshi star noun 699. 細い (ほそい) hosoi thin i-adjective (keiyoushi) 700. 骨 (ほね) hone bone noun 701. ほめる homeru to praise transitive verb 702. 本社 (ほんしゃ) honsha head office noun 703. 本棚 (ほんだな) hondana bookshelves noun 704. 本店 (ほんてん) honten head office noun 705. 翻訳する (ほんやくする) honyaku suru translation noun; ~suru; transitive verb 706. 翻訳家 (ほんやくか) honyakuka translator noun 707. ボーナス bonasu bonus noun 708. ホームページ ho-mu pe-ji home page noun 709. ポケット poketto pocket noun 710. ポスター posuta poster noun
7. The vocabulary lists start with ま(ma) ~ も(mo)
7.1 ま (ma)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 711. 毎日 (まいにち) mainichi every day noun; adverb (fukushi) 712. 毎週 (まいしゅう) maishuu every week noun; adverb (fukushi) 713. 毎月 (まいつき) maitsuki every month noun; adverb (fukushi) 714. 毎年 (まいとし) maitoshi every year; annually noun; adverb (fukushi) 715. 負ける (まける) makeru to lose; to be defeated intransitive verb 716. 混ぜる (まぜる) mazeru to mix; to blend transitive verb 717. 間違い (まちがい) machigai mistake; error noun 718. 間違う (まちがう) machigau to make a mistake verb 719. 間違える (まちがえる) machigaeru to make a mistake transitive verb 720. まとまる matomaru to be collected intransitive verb 721. まとめる matomeru to collect; to summarize transitive verb 722. 守る (まもる) mamoru to protect transitive verb 723. 回す (まわす) mawasu to turn; to rotate transitive verb 724. 周り (まわり) mawari surroundings; circumference noun 725. 回る (まわる) mawaru to turn; to revolve intransitive verb
7.2 み (mi)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい )Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type726. 見える (みえる) mieru to look; to appear intransitive verb 727. 磨く (みがく) migaku to polish; to improve transitive verb 728. 右側 (みぎがわ) migi gawa right side noun; ~no 729. 湖 (みずうみ) mizuumi lake noun 730. みそ miso miso; fermented condiment made from soybeans noun 731. 道 (みち) michi road; path; street noun 732. 見つかる (みつかる) mitsukaru to be found intransitive verb 733. 見つける (みつける) mitsukeru to discover; to find transitive verb 734. 港 (みなと) minato harbor; port noun 735. 未来 (みらい) mirai (distant) future noun 736. 診る (みる) miru to examine (medically) transitive verb 737. みんな minna everyone; everybody noun; pronoun; adverb (fukushi) 738. ミーティング mi-tinggu meeting noun 739. ミーティング中 mi-tinggu chuu in the middle of meeting noun; adverb (fukushi) 740. ミーティングルーム mi-tinggu ru-mu meeting room noun
7.3 む (mu)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 741. 向かう (むかう) mukau to face intransitive verb 742. 向かい (むかい) mukai facing; opposite noun; ~no 743. 昔 (むかし) mukashi olden days; former noun; ~no; adverb (fukushi) 744. むかし話 (むかしばなし) mukashi banashi old tale; folk tale; legend noun 745. 麦 (むぎ) mugi wheat; oat (oats) noun 746. 虫 (むし) mushi insect; bug noun 747. 息子 (むすこ) musuko son noun 748. 娘 (むすめ) musume daughter noun 749. 無理 (むり) muri unreasonable; unnatural na-adjective (keiyodoshi); noun 750. 無料 (むりょう) muryou free (of charge) noun; ~no
7.4 め (me)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 751. 名刺 (めいし) meishi business card noun 752. めずらしい mezurashii unusual; rare i-adjective (keiyoushi) 753. メモする memosuru note; memo noun; ~suru; transitive verb 754. メールアドレス me-ru adoresu email address noun 755. メニュー menyu- menu noun
7.5 も (mo)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type756. 申し込み (もうしこみ) moushikomi application; entry noun 757. 申し込む (もうしこむ) moushikomu to apply for transitive verb 758. もうすぐ mousugu soon; shortly expression; adverb (fukushi) 759. 燃えないゴミ (もえないごみ) moenai gomi nonburnable garbage expression; noun 760. 燃える (もえる) moeru to burn intransitive verb 761. 目的 (もくてき) mokuteki purpose; goal; aim noun 762. 文字 (もじ) moji letter (of alphabet); character noun 763. もし moshi if; in case adverb (fukushi) 764. もちろん mochiron of course; certainly adverb (fukushi) 765. もっと motto (some) more; even more adverb (fukushi) 766. 戻す (もどす) modosu to put back; to return transitive verb 767. 戻る (もどる) modoru to turn back intransitive verb 768. 紅葉 (もみじ) momiji autumn colours; fall colors noun; ~suru 769. 貰う (もらう) morau to receive transitive verb 770. 森 (もり) mori forest noun
8. The vocabulary lists start with や(ya) ~ よ(yo)
8.1 や (ya)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 771. 野球 (やきゅう) yakyuu baseball noun 772. 焼く (やく) yaku to burn transitive verb 773. 焼ける (やける) yakeru to burn intransitive verb 774. 約束 (やくそく) yakusoku promise; agreement noun; ~suru 775. 役に立つ (やくにたつ) yakunitatsu to be helpful expression; verb 776. やけど yakedo burn noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 777. 夜行バス (やこうバス) yakou basu overnight bus noun 778. 優しい (やさしい) yasashii tender; kind; gentle i-adjective (keiyoushi) 779. 易しい (やさしい) yasashii easy; plain i-adjective (keiyoushi) 780. 痩せる (やせる) yaseru to become thin; to lose weight; intransitive verb 781. 家賃 (やちん) yachin rent noun 782. 破る (やぶる) yaburu to tear; to rip; to break transitive verb 783. 破れる (やぶれる) yabureru to break; to be smashed intransitive verb 784. 山登り (やまのぼり) yama nobori mountain climbing noun 785. 矢印 (やじるし) yajirushi arrow (symbol) noun
8.2 ゆ (yu)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 786. 遊園地 (ゆうえんち) yuuenchi amusement park noun 787. 夕方 (ゆうがた) yuugata evening; dusk noun; adverb (fukushi) 788. 優勝 (ゆうしょう) yuushou overall victory; championship noun; ~suru; intransitive verb 789. 有料 (ゆうりょう) yuuryou fee-charging; not free noun; ~no 790. 行き (ゆき) yuki the way there noun 791. 行き帰り (ゆきかえり) yukikaeri going and returning noun; ~suru 792. 雪祭り (ゆきまつり) yuki matsuri snow festival noun 793. 指 (ゆび) yubi finger noun 794. 指輪 (ゆびわ) yubiwa ring noun 795. 夢 (ゆめ) yume dream noun
8.3 よ (yo)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 796. 酔う (よう) you to get drunk intransitive verb 797. 用意する (よういする) youi suru do preparation noun; ~suru; transitive verb 798. 洋室 (ようしつ) youshitsu Western-style room noun 799. 洋食 (ようしょく) youshoku Western food noun 800. 汚す (よごす) yogosu to pollute; to contaminate transitive verb 801. 汚れ (よごれ) yogore dirt noun 802. 汚れる (よごれる) yogoreru to get dirty; to become dirty intransitive verb 803. 予習する (よしゅうしゅる) yoshuu suru preparation for a lesson noun; ~suru 804. 酔っぱらい (よっぱらい) yopparai drunkard noun 805. よっぱらう (よっぱらう) yopparau to get drunk intransitive verb 806. 予定 (よてい) yotei plans; arrangement noun; ~suru; transitive verb 807. 夜中 (よなか) yonaka middle of the night noun; adverb (fukushi) 808. 読み方 (よみかた) yomikata pronunciation; reading noun 809. 予約する (よやくする) yoyaku suru reservation; appointment noun; ~suru; transitive verb 810. 寄る (よる) yoru to approach intransitive verb
9. The vocabulary lists start with ら(ra) ~ ろ ro)
9.1 ら (ra)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 811. 楽 (らく) raku comfort; ease; relief noun; na-adjective (keiyodoshi) 812. ラジオ rajio radio noun 813. ランチ ranchi lunch noun
9.2 り (ri)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 814. 離婚する (りこんする) rikon suru divorce noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 815. 理由 (りゆう) riyuu reason noun 816. 留学生 (りゅうがくせい) ryuugakusei overseas student noun 817. 寮 (りょう) ryou hostel; dormitory noun 818. 利用する (りようする) riyou suru use; utilization noun; ~suru verb; intransitive verb 819. 両替する (りょうがえする) ryougae suru change; money exchange noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 820. 領収書 (りょうしゅうしょう) ryoushuushou receipt noun 821. 両親 (りょうしん) ryoushin parents noun 822. 両方 (りょうほう) ryouhou both noun; ~no 823. 旅館 (りょかん) ryokan ryokan; traditional Japanese inn noun 824. リサイクル risaikuru recycling noun; ~suru verb 825. リンス rinsu (hair) conditioner; rinse noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
9.4 れ (re)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 826. 冷房 (れいぼう) reibou air conditioning noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 827. 歴史 (れきし) rekishi history noun; ~no 828. 連休 (れんきゅう) renkyuu consecutive holidays noun 829. 連絡する (れんらくする) renraku suru contact; getting in touch noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 830. レポート repo-to report; paper noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb
9.5 ろ (ro)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 831. 録音する (ろくおんする) rokuon suru (audio) recording noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 832. 録画する (ろくがする) rokuga suru (video) recording noun; ~suru verb; transitive verb 833. 論文 (ろんぶん) ronbun thesis; essay noun 834. 廊下 (ろうか) rouka corridor; hallway noun 835. ロケット roketto rocket noun
10. The vocabulary lists start with わ(wa)
10.1 わ (wa)
Vocabulary (語彙/ごい) Romaji Meaning (意味/いみ) Type 836. 別れる (わかれる) wakareru to part; to be apart from intransitive verb 837. 和室 (わしつ) washitsu Japanese-style room noun 838. 笑う (わらう) warau to laugh intransitive verb 839. 笑い声 (わらいごえ) waraigoe (sound of) laughter noun 840. 割引 (わりびき) waribiki discount noun 841. 割れる (われる) wareru to break; to be smashed intransitive verb 842. 和食 (わしょく) washoku Japanese food noun 843. 和風 (わふう) wafuu Japanese style noun; ~no 844. 和服 (わふく) wafuku Japanese clothes noun 845. ワイン wain wine noun
Finally, we would like to ask you to give your opinion on the above JLPT N4 vocabulary list. We also welcome any comments you may have. As well as suggestions for our next improvement. We hope you will find them useful. Of course, we wish you all the best in passing the JLPT N4!