Are you looking for information about the JLPT exam in Bordeaux, France? Is it very difficult and rare to find complete information about it? Due to the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of the JLPT exam has certainly changed. In some countries, the JLPT has even had to be cancelled for health reasons.
Therefore, in this article we will help you to find out all the important information about the JLPT exam in Bordeaux. For example, will the JLPT still be held in the city of Bordeaux in 2023? When will the JLPT exam take place, how to register and various other important information.
Not only that, but we also want to give you important tips on how to improve your JLPT test scores to be high and even perfect. We really hope that you can take the JLPT exam smoothly and pass it with a high score! All right, let’s start this discussion.
1. About JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), or 日本語能力試験 in Japanese, is an exam administered worldwide to evaluate and validate the Japanese language proficiency of foreign speakers.[1] This exam was first held in 1984 with about 7,000 candidates from 15 countries.[2]
To date, the number of JLPT test takers is increasing. The motivations and backgrounds of test takers have also varied. In 2011, history records that JLPT exam participants reached more than 610,000 people from 62 countries.[3] This achievement made the JLPT the largest Japanese language proficiency test in the world.
Furthermore, in 2017, JLPT test takers reached even more than 1 million people.[4] This number continues to grow. In 2019, the number of JLPT test-takers reached more than 1.36 million people before Covid-19.[4]
Initially, the JLPT exam was held only once a year in December. Since 2009, the JLPT has been given twice a year, in July and December.[2] So, in general, the JLPT exam is held 2 times in Japan and around the world. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the JLPT exam is held only once and has even been canceled for health reasons.
The Levels of JLPT
JLPT has 5 levels: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5. Level N5 is the easiest level, while level N1 is the most difficult.[5] Each level has its own specific objectives and criteria.
In particular, levels N1 and N2 measure understanding of Japanese used in a variety of real-life situations. Levels N4 and N5 measure understanding of basic Japanese, especially what is learned in class. Meanwhile, level N3 is the intermediate level between the two groups.
Moreover, the components of the JLPT exam are tests of language knowledge, such as vocabulary and grammar, and tests of reading and listening skills. The JLPT exam has a multiple-choice format and is scored by machine. This is because the exams are administered on a large scale.
In addition, the JLPT does not test speaking and writing skills. For more details on the competency components for each level of the JLPT exam, please visit the link below.
2. About JLPT in Bordeaux

The JLPT exam in Bordeaux, France is administered by the University of Bordeaux Montaigne on behalf of the Japan Foundation. In 2023, the JLPT exam will be held only in December (usually the first week).
You can visit the JLPT website provided by the university below:
According to the information listed, registration will be open from July 3 to October 6, 2023. You can apply by mail or in person at the university. In addition, if you have any questions or would like to receive updated information about the JLPT exam in Bordeaux, you can visit their website or contact them using the information below.
Sylvie Etienne
Centre de Langues Bordeaux Montaigne
Bâtiment A 1er étage bureau A109
Tél : +33 (0)5 57 12 62 66
List of JLPT Host Institutions in France
The JLPT exam in France is offered in 4 cities: Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg. Each city also has a local institution that organizes special JLPT exams that are trusted by the Japan Foundation. Although the JLPT exam is usually available 2 times a year, specifically in all cities in France, the JLPT exam is available on average only 1 time a year for 2023.
In addition, the JLPT exam is only available 2 times in the city of Paris: July and December. Meanwhile, in 3 other cities, the JLPT exam is only available once. For example, the JLPT exam is only available in December in the cities of Lyon and Bordeaux. Meanwhile, in the city of Strasbourg, the JLPT exam is only available in July.
Next, the following is a list of the local institutions that administer the JLPT exam in each of the cities in France:
City | Host Institution |
1. Paris | Service Commun de la Formation Continue de I’INALCO |
2. Lyon | Association Lyon-Japon Nihonjinkai |
3. Bordeaux | Université Bordeaux Montaigne |
4. Strasbourg | Cellule de certifications en langues, Université de Strasbourg |
You will need to contact your local institution for more information about the JLPT exam. If you have any questions, please contact your local institution.
About Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Université Bordeaux Montaigne or the University of Bordeaux Montaigne is one of the most popular universities for foreign students. Each year, about 120 different nationalities are represented among the students enrolled at the university.[6] Currently, there are also 2,500 international students out of a total of 18,000 registered students.
In addition, the university has more than 700 partnership agreements worldwide. It is not surprising that this university was chosen to administer the JLPT exam on behalf of the Japan Foundation. If you are interested in learning more about Université Bordeaux Montaigne, please visit the following website:
3. General Info about JLPT in Bordeaux

The next JLPT exam in the city of Bordeaux will be administered by the University of Bordeaux Montaigne on December 3, 2023 from 12:45 to 17:00. However, this schedule may change due to the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Furthermore, here are the things you need to know about the Bordeaux JLPT exam:
- You must visit the University of Bordeaux Montaigne website for complete information about the JLPT exam.
- You must plan your arrival at the JLPT test site in advance to take into account possible obstacles outside the site.
- You are expected to register early to secure your seat.
- You can follow the instructions provided by the university to register and complete the registration process.
- Carefully fill out all required information according to the test guide provided.
If you encounter any problems during the enrollment process, please contact the university for immediate assistance.
Test Guide and Fee
The Test Guide will be available on the University’s website beginning July 3, 2023. You are expected to keep up to date with information about the JLPT exam on their website. If you need a Test Guide reference, you can access the Test Guide that was published for last year’s exam. Or, you can contact the university to request the previous test guide for reference.
The following is a list of fees for the JLPT exam in Bordeaux that you will need to prepare for:
JLPT Level | Fee |
1. JLPT N1 | 85 Euros |
2. JLPT N2 | 85 Euros |
3. JLPT N3 | 85 Euros |
4. JLPT N4 | 75 Euros |
5. JLPT N5 | 75 Euros |
In addition, if you have questions about exam fees and payment methods, please visit the university’s website or please contact the university.
4. How to Register for the JLPT Exam in Bordeaux?

The following is how to register for the JLPT exam, using the information provided on the University of Bordeaux Montaigne website.
- Visit the University of Bordeaux Montaigne JLPT website and read the information carefully.
- Download the registration form according to the registration opening time.
- Fill in the form with correct and clear information. Check the data you fill in the form before submitting it.
- If you have successfully registered, you will receive a test voucher 1 month before the JLPT exam.
- Complete the exam fee registration according to the specified method.
If you encounter any problems while registering for the JLPT exam, or if you have any special requests or questions regarding the JLPT exam, please contact your university or the JLPT test center listed on the website.
5. Best Way to Learn Japanese and Prepare for the JLPT in Bordeaux

Apart from really understanding how to apply for the JLPT exam, evaluating how effective and well your JLPT exam preparation is is also very important. In addition, how to find effective and truly efficient study methods to achieve high and even perfect JLPT test scores cannot be ignored.
Therefore, we would like to share with you some tips on how to study Japanese effectively and prepare for the JLPT exam as well as possible.
First, you need to study with a professional teacher at an institution that is accredited as an official Japanese language institution. Studying with experienced professional teachers will make your learning process strong and effective.
Second, you need to find a study partner who has the same goals as you. Currently, you can also learn Japanese and prepare for the JLPT together with other people in various Japanese language communities.
Third, if you want flexible lessons that are tailored to your abilities, then you need to find a competent private Japanese tutor. This tutor can help you learn Japanese at the level you want, and of course the curriculum will be adapted to your abilities.
Then, it is also very important to practice JLPT questions, kanji and vocabulary. If you are currently preparing for the JLPT N4 exam, please read our best book recommendations below!
Read Also:
Get Ready for JLPT N4: 100 Kanji List
JLPT N4 Vocabulary | The Most Complete List
Also, do you have experience with any of the three tips above? Please share your experience in preparing for the JLPT exam in the comments section below!
This is the last part of the discussion about the JLPT exam in Bordeaux, France. We really hope that this information can strengthen your understanding of the JLPT exam. We hope that all of them are useful and really helpful for you!
We are very proud to be a part of your journey to master the JLPT exam. Please continue to update the latest information about learning Japanese here. Thank you for reading this discussion to the end. We really appreciate your time. See you in the next article!
1 “Objectives“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 13 April 2023.
2 “Message from Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 13 April 2023.
3 “Introduction“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 13 April 2023.
4 “Statistics“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 13 April 2023.
5 “N1-N5: Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 14 April 2023.