Are you looking for the best place to study Japanese and take the JLPT exam in Stockholm? Are you confused about how to find technical information about organizing the JLPT exam in Stockholm? Is it hard to find reliable information?
Don’t worry. We are here to help you understand technical matters related to the JLPT exam in Stockholm. We will also provide you with as complete information as possible about where you can register for the JLPT exam, what you need to prepare, how to register, how to improve your JLPT exam score, and some other supporting information that is just as important.
In addition, we hope that you will find this information useful and that it will enhance your understanding of the JLPT exam. Alright, let’s start the discussion about the JLPT Stockholm exam below!
1. About JLPT

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) has been around since 1984. The first JLPT was administered in 15 countries with approximately 7,000 participants.[1] The number of JLPT participants increased significantly in 2011, reaching 610,000 people in 62 countries around the world.[1] This achievement makes the JLPT the largest Japanese language proficiency test in the world.
In addition, there are 2 main organizations that play an important role in the implementation of the JLPT: The Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES).[2] The two of them collaborate with each other to conduct the JLPT exam and continue to develop formulas for the JLPT exam questions so that they become more relevant and truly represent the needs of the participants.
Then, the main objective of organizing the JLPT is to evaluate and validate the Japanese language proficiency of foreign devotees.[3] There is no age limit for JLPT participants.
Many people are eyeing the JLPT certificate because of its various very attractive benefits such as recognition of academic credit, certification of graduation for schools, and promotions with companies to increase qualifications in the community.[4] Many also use the JLPT as a personal assessment of their level of Japanese proficiency.
The 4 Key Characteristics of JLPT
The JLPT exam has 4 main features that make it very different from other types of Japanese language tests. The JLPT is also well known for its ability to reach diverse audiences around the world. Therefore, the JLPT is the most recognized exam in many institutions and companies. The 4 main features of JLPT that you should know are as follows:
- The JLPT measures the communicative competence needed to perform certain tasks in everyday life. It requires not only the knowledge of the language but also the ability to use it.
- The JLPT allows participants to choose the level according to their abilities: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5. N1 and N2 measure the student’s understanding of various real-life situations. N4 and N5 measure basic skills. Meanwhile, N3 is a connecting level that bridges N1/N2 and N4/N5.
- The JLPT adopts the results of the Japanese Language Proficiency Examination with scaled scores to ensure a more consistent measurement result regardless of when the test is taken, making the JLPT results more fair and accurate.
- JLPT offers a “JLPT Can-do Self-Evaluation List” to truly represent and get an idea of how far a candidate is actually successful in using the Japanese he/she can master in real life.
We hope you can understand and absorb these 4 key points and use them to help you prepare for the upcoming JLPT!
2. About JLPT in Stockholm

In Japan and some other countries, the JLPT is usually held 2 times: in July and December simultaneously around the world. Especially for those of you who live in Sweden, JLPT is only held in 1 city, Stockholm. Unfortunately, JLPT will not be held at all in 2023. So, there will be no JLPT exams in July or December in the city of Stockholm.
Moreover, please refer to the following official JLPT website to check for updates on which cities and countries the JLPT exam will be held around the world.
Apart from that, you can also read various things related to the implementation of the JLPT exam in the country or city you are going to.
Moreover, you can contact local institutions to confirm the holding of the JLPT exam in the city where you live. Specifically, in the city of Stockholm, the local institution that organizes the JLPT and is trusted by The Japan Foundation is the Stockholm Association for JLPT (SAJP). Please click on the link below to visit their website.
About The Stockholm Association for JLPT (SAJP)
The Stockholm Association for Japanese Language Proficiency Test is under the authority of Stockholm University. It is one of the leading universities in northern Europe. The university is renowned for its arts and humanities; several alumni have won Nobel Prizes. The university has the largest number of students in Sweden with a total of 30.500 students, 300 programs, and 1.700 courses.
Moreover, this campus is very consistent in maintaining the quality of research that produces research results that are ready to be implemented both for the industrial side is a real impact on the social life of the world community. The university is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world for arts and humanities.
In addition, the JLPT exam is held at the Frescati Campus, Stockholm University. You can access the location with Maps, etc. If you have trouble finding it, you can contact SAJP.
3. General Info about JLPT Test in Stockholm

Please note again that in 2023 the JLPT test in Sweden, which is only held in the city of Stockholm will not be offered. Then, in this section, you will get an overview of the JLPT exam that you will take, for example, if it is held in Stockholm next year:
- You need to check and decide in which city you will take the JLPT exam. In Sweden only in Stockholm.
- Always check the official website of the JLPT and local institutions in Stockholm (SAJP) for the latest information regarding the administration of the JLPT exam.
- Carefully read all the information provided in the Test Guide. Fill in all the information carefully and don’t make any mistakes that will affect the smooth running of your JLPT exam. For example, missing a test voucher or making a mistake on the application.
- You can access sample questions for each JLPT level on the official JLPT website.
- The JLPT exam application must be completed online. Follow the instructions provided on the SAJP website.
If you have any questions, please contact SAJP for more information about the JLPT exam. Test guides and fees are usually available on the SAJP website. As a reference, you can contact SAJP to obtain a JLPT Test Guide from the previous year if you need an overview of the administration of the JLPT exam in Stockholm.
4. How to Register for the JLPT Test in Stockholm?

Since the 2023 JLPT will not be held in the city of Stockholm, we cannot provide you with detailed information on how to register for the JLPT. However, you should consider the following to prepare for the JLPT exam that may be held next year.
- Registration for the JLPT exam is online only. You can access the JLPT application link on the SAJP website.
- Read the available test guide before completing the JLPT exam application.
- Prepare your personal information properly. Fill in each item correctly.
- Complete the payment according to the specified method. Otherwise, your exam application will not be accepted.
- After successful online application and payment, you will receive a test voucher usually 1 month before the JLPT.
In addition, if you are a person with a disability, you may contact SAJP to request further accommodations. If you are having difficulty registering, you may contact SAJP.
5. How to Prepare for the JLPT Test in Stockholm?

Are you currently confused about how to prepare for your JLPT exam in Stockholm? Don’t worry, we are here to help you. To improve your understanding of Japanese and prepare for the upcoming JLPT exam, we highly recommend that you take an intensive course at a reputable Japanese language school in Stockholm.
On the other hand, if you are someone who has a very busy schedule and would like more flexible lessons tailored specifically to your individual abilities, then you are better off looking for a private Japanese tutor to help you prepare for your JLPT exam.
You can surely find professional Japanese language schools and tutors in Stockholm!
Great Way to Boost your JLPT Score!
Then, for those of you who are currently looking for ways to improve your JLPT exam score to get better or even perfect, we also have special recommendations for you.
To get a good or even perfect JLPT exam score, you need to practice. Intensive practice of JLPT questions is often the key that many successful JLPT test-takers say. To help you practice JLPT questions more intensively, we have many book recommendations that you should consider.
If you are preparing for the JLPT N5 exam, please click on the link below to read our best book recommendations! We wish you the best of luck!
This is a discussion about the JLPT exam in Stockholm. We really hope that this information will be useful and strengthen your preparation for your upcoming JLPT exam. Don’t forget to always update important information about the JLPT here.
Thank you for reading to the end. Please share your JLPT exam experience below. See you in the next article!
1 “Message from Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
2 “Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
3 “Objective“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
4 “Advantages of JLPT“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.