Having trouble finding trusted information about the JLPT test in Mexico? Is it also difficult to find reliable information about registration procedures, how to take the JLPT test, and where can you find the latest information about JLPT in Mexico? If the above description is true, then you have come to the right article. Please take a few minutes to read this article to find out information about the JLPT test in Mexico in 2023.
In this article, we have summarized everything you need to know about the latest developments and information regarding the JLPT exam in Mexico. In addition, in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, the rules for administering the JLPT exam in Mexico have certainly changed a lot compared to last year. Don’t worry, we’ve got it all covered for you here.
And also, we really hope that after reading this article, you will become thoroughly familiar with the JLPT test in Mexico and get ready for incoming JLPT Exam in 2023!
1. About JLPT

The JLPT test is a Japanese language proficiency test that is more or less similar to the popular English language tests TOEFL or IELTS. This JLPT test is used as a standard to measure the Japanese language proficiency of non-native Japanese speakers.[1] The JLPT questions are a multiple-choice test that focuses on Japanese language proficiency, language knowledge, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension.[2]
Since its inception in 1984, the JLPT has become the standard for those seeking to become proficient in Japanese and has been administered in more than 80 countries with more than 1 million participants worldwide up to now. In this test, participants are free to choose what level of proficiency they want to take.
In particular, the JLPT test difficulty range is divided into 5 levels (N5, N4, N3, N2, N1), the easiest level is N5 and the highest or hardest level is N1.[3] Moreover, the main organizing body of the JLPT test is centered in Japan. The Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services are the main organizers of JLPT.[4] For each country, the JLPT test is conducted by Japan Foundation in cooperation with local host institutions.
Generally, JLPT tests are held twice a year in July and December.[5] But not all cities in the world hold them twice a year. So, candidates must check which destination cities hold JLPT tests according to the conditions and circumstances of the candidates later.
Moreover, the JLPT test results have no expiration period and can be followed by all ages with no age restrictions to take this JLPT test. The good news is that the JLPT test does not require expensive test fees, so it is very affordable to follow all circles. Especially, for students who need a lot of JLPT test certificates for academic and scholarship purposes.
Advantages of JLPT
There are various benefits to taking and getting this JLPT test certificate. The 3 major groups that need this certificate are foreign students, workers, and various professionals. Please read the points below to find out more about the benefits of having JLPT certification at a certain level.
1. For Students
JLPT Japanese language certificates are used for admission requirements to enter campuses in Japan. This certificate is usually the starting gate to be able to enroll in one of the Japanese universities. Although most Japanese campuses have accepted students from abroad with English language programs, having this certificate will give plus point.
Moreover, extremely necessary to get the scholarships. It is very useful to apply for scholarships from the Japanese government, foundations, company that has collaborations with a certain univeristy in Japan.
2. For Workers
For anyone who wants to work in Japan with the world’s top companies, then the JLPT level N2 certificate is the minimum limit that must be obtained. While for employees who already have a job, JLPT certificates can be an added value for promotions or salary increases. Especially if you are part of a Japanese company, then strategic positions will be wide open for you to get.
JLPT can also help you find a part-time job or other type of work in your spare time that can improve your Japanese language skills, such as translator, tour guide, English teacher, and others.
3. Certification for Some Professions
For some professions such as doctors, veterinarians, health therapists, and even nurses, they will be asked to show this JLPT N1 certificate to be able to work in Japan.
4. Exemption from Exams for High School Students
When foreign students study in Japan with a JLPT N1 certificate, they are exempted from taking national exams in some subjects.
Also, if you are a Japanese lover or you like to watch Japanese dramas, anime, or cartoons, then there will be a great way for you to learn Japanese as well by taking this JLPT test. So that, you would understand the dramas, and anime without any subtitles as well as know the extent of your Japanese language skills. Besides, you will be able to get a job as a Japanese translator in your native language, worth a try, right?
2. About JLPT in Mexico

The JLPT exam in Mexico is available in 4 cities: Mexico City, Monterrey, Mérida, and Aguascalientes. In Mexico, not all cities will hold the JLPT test twice a year. Only the city of Aguascalientes will hold the JLPT test twice a year: in July and December.
Then, for the July period, in addition to the city of Aguascalientes, the city of Mérida will also hold this JLPT test. The rest in December will be held in 2 other cities: Monterrey and Mexico City.
Like any other country, each city in Mexico has its own local institutions. The policy for administering the JLPT exam also depends on each of these institutions. You will need to check the websites of each of these local institutions for the latest information on the JLPT exam.
List of Local Host Institutions of JLPT in Mexico
Below is a list of local institutions that administer the JLPT exam in all cities in Mexico. Please check the website of each institution for the latest information. The registration period and technical implementation of other JLPT exams vary from city to city.
City | Host Institution |
1. Mexico City | Instituto Cultural Mexicano Japones, A.C. |
2. Monterrey | Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey |
3. Mérida | Instituto Asiático Peninsular A.C. |
4. Aguascalientes | Cendics Mirai A.C. |
If you have any questions about the JLPT exam, the exam registration process, or anything else, please contact the local institution listed above immediately.
3. General Info about JLPT in Mexico

In order to take the JLPT exam in Mexico, there are several technical steps that you need to do and know. The following are general points or steps that you will do and should know from the registration process to later taking the JLPT exam in Mexico.
- You will need to frequently visit the websites of the local institutions that administer the JLPT exam in each city in Mexico. Even if the JLPT test date is the same or simultaneous all over the world, the JLPT registration period varies.
- You must continue to monitor when the JLPT registration application opens because the application period is very short. There is also a JLPT exam registration quota. You need to register as soon as possible to secure your seat.
- Before registering, carefully read the information listed on the local institution’s website. Download the available Test Guide. If you have difficulty accessing the Test Guide, you may request it from the local institution.
- Fill in all required information carefully. Double-check any information you enter to avoid mistakes. In particular, you must fill in the level of JLPT you want to take and your address correctly to avoid problems later.
- Follow the available payment methods according to the policies of each local institution. Don’t forget to check your payment confirmation email.
Then, after completing all instructions and payment, you will receive a confirmation email and then a test voucher to take with you to the JLPT exam at a later date. If you don’t receive an email or experience problems during the registration process, please contact your local institution for assistance.
Test Guide and Fee
The test guide for the JLPT exam will be available on each local institution’s website when the registration period opens. If you would like to read the Test Guide for the previous exam, you can contact the local institution to have it sent to you as a reference.
Reading the Test Guide before registering is very important to avoid mistakes. The Test Guide contains very comprehensive information, from explanations of the JLPT to how to fill out the application form. Everything you need to know about registering for the JLPT, taking the exam, and getting your results is in the Test Guide.
Then, here is a list of the JLPT exam fees you need to prepare for:
JLPT Level | Fee |
1. N1 | 1,500.00 Mexican Pesos |
2. N2 | 1,400.00 Mexican Pesos |
3. N3 | 1,250.00 Mexican Pesos |
4. N4 | 1,150.00 Mexican Pesos |
5. N5 | 1,100.00 Mexican Pesos |
For information on JLPT exam fees and payment methods, please visit the website of the local institution administering the JLPT exam.
4. How to Register for the JLPT Exam in Mexico?

In this section, we will share information that is also very important when registering for the JLPT exam in Mexico. Each local institution may have different policies. However, in general, the steps to register for the JLPT exam are as follows
- The JLPT exam can only be taken online. You cannot do this by coming directly to the local institutional office or by email.
- You will be asked to create a JLPT exam registration account and fill in your identity. Please fill in correctly. Check all the information you enter to avoid mistakes.
- Make payments according to the method specified. Complete payments as soon as possible to avoid late payments that may result in failure of your application process.
- Follow all instructions provided on the website and in the test guide when completing the JLPT exam application form.
- Print or write down important information such as passwords, codes provided, and other important information that you will need to remember and use to access your JLPT exam results later.
Then, if you have any problems registering for the JLPT, or if you have any questions about the JLPT, please contact the local JLPT host institution in the city where you will be taking the exam.
The Important Note
There are several points that prospective JLPT test takers need to consider. Some of them are listed below:
- There is a limit to the number of people who can take the exam. So, be sure to check the location and level you are interested in. When each level reaches capacity, anyone attempting to register after that time will automatically be placed on the waiting list.
- The waiting list for each level will be closed as soon as the group reaches maximum capacity, which may happen before the registration deadline.
- Applicants must follow safety guidelines to ensure the safety of all in the event that coronavirus transmission does not occur due to overcrowding at the testing site.
- Please note that due to the development of the covid 19 pandemic, the administration of the test may be canceled at all locations.
- Please stay tuned to the local institution page and email for any changes to the exam due to health concerns.
5. How to Prepare for the JLPT Exam in Mexico?

How are you currently preparing for the JLPT exam? Are you ready to take the JLPT exam next July? In this article, we also want to share an important point for you to strengthen your JLPT exam preparation in Mexico.
In order to learn Japanese, prepare well for the JLPT exam, and get a good JLPT exam score, you should consider taking special JLPT preparation classes organized by official Japanese language institutes in Mexico.
If you take special JLPT exam preparation classes with a professional teacher or tutor, you will be able to study more effectively, get regular evaluations, and make the right demands on yourself to master the JLPT exam.
Professional teachers or tutors will help you map out the material you have mastered and the material you have not yet mastered. Not only that, but you also get a partner who can motivate your enthusiasm in preparing for the JLPT exam. You cannot get this by studying alone.
Then, it is very important to practice kanji and vocabulary. The more kanji and vocabulary you can master, the higher your chances of achieving a high JLPT score. If you are currently preparing for the JLPT N4 exam, please read our recommended JLPT N4 kanji and vocabulary articles below!
This is the last part of the article about the JLPT exam in Mexico. We’ve covered all the important things you need to know about the JLPT exam in Mexico. We really hope that this information will be useful to you as you prepare for your upcoming JLPT exam.
Don’t forget to stay tuned for more information on learning Japanese, jobs, culture, and more. We are very proud to be a part of your journey as you fight for and conquer the JLPT exam. See you in the next article! Good luck and may you achieve a great or even perfect JLPT score!
1 “Objectives“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 27 April 2023.
2 “Four Key Characteristics“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 27 April 2023.
3 “N1-N5: Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level”. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 27 April 2023.
4 “Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 27 April 2023.
5 “Introduction“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 27 April 2023.