Are you currently searching for information about the JLPT exam in Melbourne? Is it difficult to find comprehensive information about the JLPT exam in Melbourne? Apart from JLPT, do you also want to deepen your Japanese language and understand more about the beautiful Japanese culture?
Therefore, we are here to answer all your questions in advance. You don’t need to worry and find it difficult to find everything you need to learn Japanese, JLPT, and Japanese culture. Everything is here.
For example, regarding the JLPT, did you know that in Melbourne, the JLPT exam is only held in December? You need to understand various things related to the administration of the JLPT exam in Melbourne in 2023 because the administration may be different from previous years. This is more or less influenced by the state of the spread of Covid-19 that has hit the whole world.
In addition to the above information, we have also summarized all the important information regarding the JLPT exam, an update that you should know before taking the test in Melbourne. Alright, let’s start the discussion!
Read also:
JLPT in Australia: All You Need to Know
JLPT in Sydney: All Important Things You Need to Know
9 Most Popular Places to Learn Japanese in Melbourne, Australia
About JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)

JLPT stands for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test in English. In Japanese, JLPT is 日本語能力試験 (Nihongo Nooryoku Shiken). Besides JLPT, there are other Japanese language proficiency tests such as NAT-TEST and JFT-BASIC.
However, the JLPT is more popular among Japanese language learners since it has been conducted simultaneously around the world since 1984. Although many say the format of the three exams is almost similar, the JLPT is still the most widely used certificate for many conditions. In particular, the main objective of the JLPT is to evaluate and validate the Japanese language proficiency of non-native speakers around the world.[1]
Furthermore, there are 2 main JLPT Exam Organizers: Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES).[2] In Japan, the JLPT is administered by JEES, while overseas, the JLPT is administered by the Japan Foundation in cooperation with local institutions.
In particular, the materials tested in the JLPT are language knowledge (vocabulary and grammar), reading comprehension, and listening comprehension. The JLPT is a multi-level test, with N5 being the easiest level and N1 being the most difficult level.[3] JLPT test can also be taken by all types of ages without any age restrictions.
Additionally, many foreign speakers are eagerly pursuing this certificate for various purposes related to education, employment, graduation, and various other things.
The Benefits of the JLPT Certificate
There are various benefits of the JLPT test for different groups. These benefits are very strong reasons for foreign speakers to fight as hard as they can for the JLPT exam. Here are some of the benefits of the JLPT certificate:
- The JLPT certificate is a must for students who want to study in Japan. Those who are also pursuing a career in the academic field also need this certificate. Even for those who will be pursuing and enrolling in a college in the English language program.
- If you wish to work in Japan as a “Highly Skilled Foreign Worker”, you will receive special treatment at the immigration office. If you have a JLPT N1 or N2 certificate, you will receive points for special treatment at the airport.[3]
- Salary. The Japanese companies will value those of you who can speak Japanese more. They also will place your position in strategic roles so that your position and salary will increase linearly in the future with proof of this Japanese Language Proficiency Certificate (JLPT).
- Your chances of getting scholarships to Japan, doing exchange studies, and traveling from various free travel agencies will be wide open.
In addition, many people strive for the JLPT because they want to immerse themselves in Japanese culture. Various things related to science, technology, way of life, mindset, very healthy Japanese food, amazing anime and manga, and many other great Japanese works are always an attraction. As a result, many people are very keen to learn Japanese.
About JLPT in Melbourne

Specifically in Australia, JLPT is held in 6 cities: Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide.[5] Each city has a specific local institution that organizes JLPT on behalf of The Japan Foundation.
Especially in 2023, the JLPT will be held only once in each city.[5] For those of you who plan to take the JLPT in Canberra, be prepared because the JLPT will only be held in July. Meanwhile, in 5 other cities, the JLPT exam will only be held in December.
Furthermore, specifically for those of you who are planning to take the JLPT exam in Melbourne, the JLPT exam will only be held in December. The local institution that organizes the JLPT exam in Melbourne on behalf of the Japan Foundation is RMIT University. In the next section, we will briefly summarize RMIT University.
In addition, information about the JLPT exam can be found on the RMIT University website. From there, you will be directed to the official website of the Japan Foundation, Sydney for updated information on the JLPT exam in Melbourne. The Japan Foundation, Sydney is the center for registration, information, and all information related to the JLPT in all cities in Australia, which can be found below.
About RMIT University
Located in the heart of Melbourne, the School of Global, Urban, and Social Studies (GUSS) is one of RMIT’s largest schools. Offering programs in a range of disciplines from undergraduate to Ph.D. levels. The delivery of the JLPT in the City of Melbourne is under the authority of the Japanese Language Program. The campus has students from all over the world, specializing in social work and urban planning.
Moreover, the RMIT University website has all the information you need to take the JLPT exam in Melbourne. As now, we are still in the COVID-19 situation, you will also need to check the information regarding the health protocol that is enforced on the RMIT University campus where the JLPT exam will be held. Also, If you have any questions about the JLPT in Melbourne, you can contact RMIT University by email.
Japanese Studies
School of Global, Urban, and Social Studies (RMIT University)
General Info about JLPT in Melbourne

To take the JLPT exam in Australia, you need to make sure in which city you will take the JLPT exam. Especially with the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, you need to keep up to date with the latest information regarding the administration of the JLPT exam on the website of the local institution that administers the JLPT exam (RMIT University) and the Japan Foundation, Sydney. The links are available in the previous part.
Other than that, the following are general steps that we can provide as an outline of the JLPT process that you will complete and face. In general, the following steps are the same as in other cities around the world:
- Confirm the city, local institution, and location of the JLPT exam you wish to take.
- Confirm the JLPT exam registration method on the local institution’s website and obtain the Test Guide.
- If you can’t find the latest Test Guide, you can use the old Test Guide as a reference until the new Test Guide is released.
- Read the Test Guide carefully. The steps for completing the application form are usually included. Be sure to read, research, and record important information.
- Make a payment using the method specified during registration. Usually, payments can only be made online.
In addition, if your registration and payment can be confirmed, you will receive a test voucher approximately 1 month before the JLPT exam. Then, if you do not receive a test voucher, are unsure whether your registration process is correct, or have any other questions, please contact your local institution or the Japan Foundation, Sydney.
Test Guide and Fee
If you are going to take the JLPT exam, don’t forget to read the Test Guide and make a note of the changes that may apply when you take the JLPT exam. Especially for JLPT applicants in Melbourne, you can access the Test Guide at the following Japan Foundation, Sydney website:
The Test Guide will provide you with detailed information about the exam procedure, estimated time, how to complete the application and exam forms, and various other important information.
Also, you can only apply online. You do not need to mail in your application. Follow all the instructions in the Test Guide carefully and correctly.
Regarding the JLPT exam fee, below is the exam fee for July 2023. You can use this as a reference to the December exam fee. However, you should always check the latest fee updates listed in the latest Test Guide provided.
JLPT Levels | Exam Fee | Eventbrite Fee | Total Fee |
1. JLPT N1 | $95 | $6.90 | $101.9 |
2. JLPT N2 | $95 | $6.90 | $101.9 |
3. JLPT N3 | $95 | $6.90 | $101.9 |
4. JLPT N4 | $85 | $6.31 | $91.31 |
5. JLPT N5 | $85 | $6.31 | $91.31 |
Further, if you have any questions about the above JLPT exam fees, please contact RMIT University and the Japan Foundation, Sydney.
How to Register for the JLPT Test in Melbourne?

In this section, we would like to share with you important steps that you should know while registering for the JLPT exam in Melbourne. Make sure that you follow each of the following steps correctly based on the Test Guide provided.
- See the registration opening dates. Set an alarm and register as soon as possible to secure your seat.
- Visit the Japan Foundation, Sydney website to do the registration.
- Read all the test guides, all info as well as conditions set by the official institutional host, and then prepare all the necessary documents.
- Fill in all the required information on the application form. Check again to ensure that no personal information has been omitted or mistyped, as this will affect the personal details on the certificate that will be printed if the candidate passes the JLPT test level chosen.
- Make a payment. Please note that there is no refund after payment is made.
In addition, you may need to confirm your registration with the Japan Foundation, Sydney. After successful online registration, you will receive a test voucher approximately 1 month before the JLPT exam.
If you have any problems and don’t receive a test voucher, please contact your local institution or the Japan Foundation, Sydney immediately.The Important Note
The following are important things to remember when registering for and taking the JLPT exam in Melbourne or other cities in Australia:
- For test fee payment, there will be no refunds for any reason.
- Make sure you choose the test location and the level you want correctly. No change of test location and JLPT test level is allowed after the application form is submitted.
- Make sure to only bring items that are allowed to participate in the location test so that there is no cancellation of your test.
- All materials shared during the test are not permitted to be disseminated either to the media or anyone.
- If there are indications of cheating in any form, the host institution will strictly cancel your participation in the test.
- If you want to request something from the host institution due to special needs, you must request it through the STA (Special Testing Accommodations) form. Learn about this STA in the official guide published by the Japan Foundation, Sydney.
Also, don’t forget to write down the registration number, password, and code you used when you registered. You will need them to access your JLPT exam results when they are released. In addition, you can confirm other information in the available Test Guide.
How to Learn Japanese & Prepare for the JLPT Exam in Melbourne?

Apart from knowing about technical matters related to the implementation of the JLPT exam in Melbourne, for those of you who currently want to prepare better for the JLPT or are confused about how to get good exam results, we are here for you.
We would like to recommend you, please take special preparation courses or Japanese immersion courses at the best Japanese language schools in Melbourne. By taking Japanese language courses or special JLPT preparation with professionals, you will get proper and effective preparation.
Please read more about our recommendations for the best places to learn Japanese and prepare for the JLPT exam in Melbourne below!
One Powerful Way to Boost Your JLPT Score!
In addition, if you want to get a good or even perfect JLPT score, you need to practice JLPT questions intensively and continuously. Intensive, correct, and focused preparation is the key to success in getting a good JLPT score!
To support your specific JLPT training program, we would like to recommend JLPT study books that are bestsellers and very popular among JLPT test takers. If you are currently preparing for the JLPT N1 exam, please read our recommendations for the best JLPT N1 books below:
Looking for More Information on the JLPT Test?

- What is the Japanese language test in Melbourne?
The JLPT test is a globally recognized proficiency test for non-Japanese speakers. In Australia, it is held in July and/or December. The host for the JLPT test in Melbourne in 2023 will be the Faculty of Arts, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University. - How much does the JLPT cost?
The JLPT test fee for N5 and N4 levels in Melbourne City is $91.31, while for N3, N2, and N1 levels, it is $101.9. - What is the hardest JLPT test?
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) consists of five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5. N5 is the easiest level, while N1 is the most challenging. N4 and N5 assess the understanding of basic Japanese. - How long does the JLPT test take?
The JLPT exams have varying durations: N5 takes 105 minutes, N4 takes 125 minutes, N3 takes 140 minutes, N2 takes 155 minutes, and N1 takes 170 minutes. - Can I take the JLPT test online?
Despite the shift of most post-pandemic activities to online platforms, the JLPT test must still be taken offline. Therefore, you will need to physically go to the JLPT test center of your choice. - Is JLPT really worth it?
The JLPT test is widely recognized worldwide. Japanese companies and scholarship providers, both within and outside Japan, often require candidates to hold the highest level JLPT certificate (N2 and N1). - Can I pass JLPT by self-study?
Learning Japanese through manga, novels, or KPOP may not be enough. The JLPT test has different structural components. To learn effectively, it is important to attend a Japanese language school with expert tutors who can guide you using the right methods.
Finally, we would like to wish you the best of luck in passing the JLPT exam in Melbourne and other cities in Australia. We are very proud to be a part of your process of learning Japanese and preparing for the JLPT exam.
Please feel free to share your experience with the JLPT exam you have taken in the comments section. Thank you for reading to the end. If you have any questions about learning Japanese and the JLPT exam, please share them in the comments below! See you in the next article!
[1] “Objectives“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 23 March 2023.
[2] “Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 23 March 2023.
[3] “N1-N5: Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 23 March 2023.
[4] “Advantages of JLPT“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 23 March 2023.
[5] “List of Overseas Test Site Cities and Local Host Institutions“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 23 March 2023.