Are you currently planning to take the JLPT exam in Sydney, Australia? Are you one of the millions who want to get a JLPT certificate to work or study at a top Japanese university? And, is it difficult to find reliable and accurate information about the JLPT exam in Sydney?
If so, don’t worry. We are here to help you with all the important technical matters regarding the JLPT exam. Please prepare a small notebook and record the information that you think is important from now on.
We will also make the information about the JLPT exam as clear as possible. This includes highlighting the specific steps you need to take when registering for the exam. Not only that, but we are also very excited to share with you special tips on how to get high JLPT exam scores here!
In addition, if you are looking for information about JLPT in Australia or other cities in Australia, please see our reading suggestions below!
Read also:
JLPT in Perth
JLPT in Brisbane
JLPT in Melbourne
Alright, let’s start discussing the JLPT exam in Sydney now!
About JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test)

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), or 日本語能力試験 in Japanese, is an official Japanese language proficiency test designed to measure and certify the Japanese language proficiency of foreign speakers.[1] The JLPT has been in existence since 1984.
In addition, in 1984, the JLPT was administered in 15 countries with approximately 7,000 participants.[1] In 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of JLPT participants even reached about 1.36 million people.[3] This makes the JLPT the largest Japanese language proficiency test in the world.
Therefore, the JLPT can be said to be the only Japanese language certification that is most recognized in Japan and around the world. The JLPT reaches more test-takers than any other Japanese language test.
Originally, the JLPT was given only once a year. Only in December. However, since 2009, the JLPT exam has been offered twice a year. That is, in July and December.[1]
Then, in 2010, the JLPT underwent a significant revision. The new format of the JLPT focuses on communication skills to meet the needs of a more diverse JLPT participant and is designed with reference to the results of data analysis over the years.
Two major institutions administer the JLPT: The Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES).[4] The two work together to organize JLPT exams and various Japanese language and cultural exchange events. In Japan, the JLPT exam is administered by JEES. Meanwhile, overseas, the JLPT is administered by the Japan Foundation in cooperation with local institutions.
The Levels of the JLPT Exam
There are 5 levels in the JLPT exam: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5.[5] The most difficult exam level is N1 while the easiest exam is N5. Furthermore, the N4 and N5 levels measure basic understanding of Japanese. N1 and N2 measure understanding of Japanese that is used in real everyday life. Meanwhile, N3 is the connecting level between N1/N2 and N4/N5.
Furthermore, the competencies tested in the JLPT exam are reading, listening, and knowledge of languages: vocabulary and grammar. In particular, each level of the JLPT exam measures the participant’s ability at a certain level, such as:
- N1: Measures the participant’s ability to understand Japanese used in various situations. For example, understanding the structure and content of complex writing in editorials, criticism, and newspapers.
- N2: Measuring Japanese language ability in everyday situations in various situations to a certain degree. For example, participants are expected to be able to read the material in articles, magazines, and newspapers.
- JLPT N3: Measures the ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain degree. For example, being able to read and understand written material in newspapers.
- N4: Measuring basic Japanese comprehension ability. For example, participants are expected to be able to understand passages written in basic vocabulary and kanji.
- N5: Measuring basic Japanese comprehension ability. For example, participants are expected to be able to read and understand typical expressions and sentences in hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji.
In addition, please read more about the skills tested at each level of the JLPT exam by clicking on the link below:
JLPT in Sydney

The JLPT in Australia is held in 6 cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth. In Japan, JLPT is usually held 2 times a year, namely in July and December in most cities in Japan. However, this is slightly different from Australia. In 2023, JLPT will be held only once a year.
In addition, the July JLPT is held only in the city of Canberra. Meanwhile, in the remaining 5 cities, JLPT will only be held in December. In the city of Brisbane, the JLPT was originally planned to be held 2 times, namely in July and December. However, the July JLPT in the city of Brisbane was canceled.
So, especially for those of you who want to take the JLPT in Sydney, remember! The JLPT is only available in December 2023. However, you should always check the Japan Foundation, Sydney website for the latest information on the JLPT exam in Australia:
There you will find all the information about the JLPT exam and all the important technical matters for administering the JLPT exam in all cities in Australia.
Moreover, as stated earlier, JLPT exams held overseas are regulated by the Japan Foundation in cooperation with local institutions. This applies the same as the JLPT exam, which is held in the city of Sydney. In Sydney, the JLPT host institution is the School of Humanities & Languages, The University of New South Wales.
School of Humanities & Languages
The University of New South Wales
Tel: (02) 9385 2414
Email: n.fukui(at)
Furthermore, if you would like to register for the JLPT exam in Sydney, you can go directly to the Japan Foundation, Sydney website. All information regarding the JLPT exam is centralized here.
General Info about JLPT in Sydney

Once you have decided to take the JLPT exam, you need to know the technical steps you need to prepare and take to ensure that your JLPT exam goes smoothly. The following are the general steps you need to take to take the JLPT exam in Sydney:
- You should always check the Japan Foundation, Sydney website for the latest information on the JLPT exam.
- Prepare for the Sydney JLPT exam, which will be held in December 2023. Announcements regarding the technical exam are usually made in early July and after applications are opened.
- Please remember that the number of seats is very limited. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. You should refer to the Test Guide for these rules. There is no additional quota and no waiting list once the quota has been filled.
- Read the Test Guide carefully and note any points you find important.
- Fill in all information correctly and clearly. Make corrections before submitting your application, as data entry errors can affect the smooth running of the exam. For example, you may not receive a test voucher and may not be able to take the test if your address is incorrect, etc.
Please also contact the Japan Foundation, Sydney, if you have any problems registering for the JLPT exam. Also, if your registration is successful, you will receive a test voucher approximately 1 month before the exam.
Test Guide and Fee
Before registering for the JLPT, please read the Test Guide carefully. The Test Guide contains all the important information about the exam dates, procedures, scoring, duration, and how to complete the answer sheet.
Therefore, you should read the Test Guide as thoroughly as possible. The following is an example of a Test Guide for the July 2023 JLPT exam. Please use it as a reference:
Moreover, please also note that in all cities in Australia, including Sydney, the JLPT exam is only available online. You cannot register directly or send it by mail.
Then, here is a list of costs for each level you will need to prepare to take the JLPT exam in Sydney:
JLPT Levels | Test Fee | Eventbrite Fee |
1. JLPT N1 | $95 | $6.90 |
2. JLPT N2 | $95 | $6.90 |
3. JLPT N3 | $95 | $6.90 |
4. JLPT N4 | $85 | $6.31 |
5. JLPT N5 | $85 | $6.31 |
In addition, the above fees include GST. Eventbrite booking fees are also non-refundable. If you have any questions regarding payment for the JLPT exam, please email The Japan Foundation, Sydney.
How to Register for the JLPT in Sydney?

If you want to register for the JLPT exam, all you need to do is follow the instructions listed on the Japan Foundation, Sydney website. There you will find important information regarding the administration of the JLPT exam in 6 cities in Australia, including Sydney. The following are the steps you should take regarding the JLPT exam in Sydney:
- Applications for the JLPT exam for all cities in Australia including Sydney can only be made online via the Japan Foundation, Sydney website.
- Carefully read the test booklet provided and follow all instructions.
- Prepare all required documents and identification when registering for the JLPT exam. Complete all required information carefully and accurately.
- After registering, you will be directed to complete the payment process. Follow all instructions and complete the payment immediately.
- After your application is complete, you will receive a test voucher approximately 1 month before the exam.
Then, if you don’t receive a test voucher, please contact The Japan Foundation, Sydney for follow-up. If you have any questions about the JLPT exam application process, you can also contact them directly.
The Important Note
Candidates with special requirements may apply for Special Testing Accommodations (STA) by following the procedure:
- After completing the JLPT registration form, you will be asked to select YES or No to the STA question on the registration form.
- As an additional document, you will need to obtain medical certificates to support your STA request.
- Send the completed STA form with supporting medical evidence by email to the Japan Foundation, Sydney by the STA application deadline.
However, there is no guarantee that your STA request will be granted due to resource availability. If the candidate fails to submit the STA request application by the deadline, the candidate may still take the JLPT test as other regular candidates with the same facilities as regular candidates. Late submission according to the schedule will result in the STA request not being accepted.
How to Prepare for the JLPT Exam in Sydney?

Especially for those of you who are currently preparing for the JLPT exam in Sydney, we would like to share an additional tip with you. Are you still confused and unsure about your preparation for the upcoming JLPT exam?
If so, don’t worry. We would like to recommend the best place to study Japanese and prepare for the JLPT exam with professionals who are truly qualified and certified in teaching Japanese and preparing for the JLPT exam.
Please visit the link below to find out more about the best places we highly recommend to prepare for the JLPT exam in Sydney, Australia:
One Great Way to Boost your JLPT Score
Aside from taking special classes with professionals who are very experienced in preparing for the JLPT exam, have you ever thought about how to get good and even perfect scores on the JLPT exam?
One of the most powerful ways to improve your JLPT score is to practice JLPT questions intensively and continuously. This is because at each level of the JLPT, there is a range in the number of kanji and vocabulary, as well as the problem patterns that you will be faced with. You need to get used to this and be able to answer the JLPT exam quickly and accurately.
Then, to help you practice for the JLPT exam, we have the best book recommendations for you. All of them are bestsellers and are known to be effective among JLPT candidates. If you are currently fighting for the JLPT N3 exam, please click the link below and find our recommendations for the best JLPT N3 books!
Looking for More Information about JLPT in Sydney?

- How much does the JLPT cost in Australia?
According to the information listed on the Japan Foundation Sydney, the JLPT fees are as follows: N1, N2 and N3 – $95 exam fee + $6.90 Eventbrite booking fee, and N4 and N5 – $85 exam fee + $6.31 Eventbrite booking fee. - Can I pass JLPT N5 in 2 months?
In order to pass the JLPT N5 exam, it is estimated that you will need 250-600 hours of study time. If you can manage your time in such a way within 2 months and are really diligent in learning Japanese well, then passing the JLPT N5 exam is not impossible. - Is JLPT N3 enough to get a job in Japan?
Many companies in Japan require a minimum of JLPT N2 certification to be part of their company. However, it is possible that there are still companies that only require JLPT N3, but the opportunity may not be as great as if you have a JLPT N2 certificate. - Is JLPT N3 worth anything?
Many people usually do the JLPT N2 right away because the JLPT N3 certificate is not sufficient for general job applications in Japan. - How difficult is Japanese N3?
JLPT N3 is an intermediate level between the basic levels (JLPT N4 and N5) and the advanced levels (JLPT N1 and N2). - Is Genki 1 enough for N3?
Genki I only covers basic Japanese material that is used in a limited way in everyday life. If you want to pass the JLPT N3 exam, you must also study Genki II and the following special JLPT N3 study books: 10 Most Popular Textbooks to Pass JLPT N3. - How long should I study for JLPT N3?
To master JLPT N3, it is said that you need to study at least 700 to 1700 hours. - Can you pass N3 in 3 months?
To master JLPT N3, it is said that you need to study at least 700 to 1700 hours. If you can manage your time in such a way and achieve the target study time, then passing the JLPT N3 exam is not impossible. - Can I give N4 without N5?
Yes. You don’t have to pass a particular level exam first in order to advance to the next level. For example, you don’t have to pass the JLPT N5 exam first if you have a JLPT N4 certificate. It is sufficient to present only the JLPT N4 certificate. - Do JLPT certificates expire?
According to JLPT Official website: The JLPT certificate never expires. - How many people pass N3?
According to the information listed on the official JLPT website, the number of candidates who passed the JLPT N3 exam in July 2023 was 59,479 people in total in Japan and overseas. - How many vocabulary needed for N3?
To pass the JLPT N3 exam, you must understand about 3,750 vocabulary words. - How many kanjis for N3?
To pass the JLPT N3 exam, you need to know about 650 kanji characters well. - Is N3 enough to understand anime?
JLPT N3 is an intermediate level. Anime usually uses everyday conversation that is not advanced level, so mastering JLPT N3 can be the minimum standard for you to understand JLPT N3 well. - What is the minimum points to pass JLPT N3?
The minimum total score to pass the JLPT exam is 95, with a minimum of 19 points for each session. This means that even if you achieve a total score of 95, if you score less than 19 on any of the sessions, you will not pass.
This was our discussion about the JLPT exam in Sydney, Australia. We sincerely hope that the information we have provided here can strengthen your preparation for the JLPT exam.
Furthermore, we are very proud to be a part of your JLPT struggle. Please share your comments and experiences in taking the JLPT exam below! Good luck and we wish you a perfect JLPT score! See you in the next article! Thanks for reading to the end.
1 “Message from Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
2 “Introduction“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
3 “Statistics“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
4 “Organizers“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.
5 “N1-N5: Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level“. The Official JLPT Website. Retrieved 30 March 2023.